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Gibbs: McIntosh may need surgery,(Merged).


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Damn. This has been a season for the books. Way, way too many injuries. Testing the depth of the team severely.

Yeah, I know. TOughest part is that theres no one to blame, because you cant see it coming. However, you can just keep building depth. But even if they make the playoffs, this is still one of the roughest years ever.

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to be honest, Rocky has not been outstanding. No chance at the pro bowl. No mention when it comes to best linebackers in the league. He has a long way to go even after he gets healthy. This team could use a great linebacker who can sack the QB 8-10 times and make 100 tackles.

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This is the first I've heard of this about him. Wow, if it's true it's just another bad pick by us where we overpaid in doling out more draft picks. I'd like someone to confirm this as true first though...

Well, I don't know about structural issues but it was pretty common knowledge he was viewed as injury prone or 'predisposed' before then.

You'd have to do a search and wade through a bunch of threads from that year (if you can find it) but there was a lot of talk leading up to the draft about his knee. Then you throw in him being scoped 3 times in 12 months while with the Skins...

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I've never seen a team with SO MANY inurys!!! And you know what that just shows how great a coach Gibbs is because we are still in every single game and it always goes down to the wire. Imagine if we stayed full healthy like Dallas have, a lot of those close games most likely woulda went our way. Its real hard when you lose your whole right side of the line and you already got a pretty new QB, then the WR are all banged up Sellers out a couple games then on Defense Griffin been in and out, Rogers was a big injury, and of course the great Sean Taylor rip. And now McIntosh with a season ender, and we r still plugging away. I can't wait to see this team fully healthy next year that's when we will make sum serious noise. Shoot we making noise now and we are a crippled team but this team is still playing hard for there coach!

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to be honest, Rocky has not been outstanding. No chance at the pro bowl. No mention when it comes to best linebackers in the league. He has a long way to go even after he gets healthy. This team could use a great linebacker who can sack the QB 8-10 times and make 100 tackles.

Agreed I think Blades will perform at a higher level

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Well, I don't know about structural issues but it was pretty common knowledge he was viewed as injury prone or 'predisposed' before then.

You'd have to do a search and wade through a bunch of threads from that year (if you can find it) but there was a lot of talk leading up to the draft about his knee. Then you throw in him being scoped 3 times in 12 months while with the Skins...

Thanks for the follow up on that. Damn, I didn't know he had suspect knees. At least from what I've heard he's got a heckuva work ethic, he's going need that in rehab.

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This is the first I've heard of this about him. Wow, if it's true it's just another bad pick by us where we overpaid in doling out more draft picks. I'd like someone to confirm this as true first though...

Not sure if it was a structual issue, but there was a concern his knee could become degenerative.

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If they are saying it's both his ACL AND MCL, I'm not buying it either. You can only walk off the field under your own power on a torn ACL. If it's an MCL, you can't walk at all. He might have just sprained his MCL.


1) an MCL tear would not require surgery.

2) You can walk on an MCL tear. Research has shown that, despite the significant valgus stress involved, the vastus medialis could provide enough strength to allow simple single plane movement. With Rocky's muscle strength, it is not improbable. Hence Ladell in St. Louis, Grade 3 MCL strain and he walked off. Played 4 weeks later. If both the ACL/MCL are torn, then yes multiplanar stresses involved would most likely inhibit walking.

3) Typically, Musculotendinous injuries result in the most inhibition of movement. Why, simple, the muscle is no longer attached to its lever(bone). No muscle attachment no movement. (achilles tendon, bicep tendon, quad tendon, etc.) Ligament injuries often times have smaller effects on movement. Albeit a small category for comparison.

I believe he suffered either an ACL tear or a meniscus tear. I didn't see any significant valgus of his knee or any major instabilities in his gait. His combine reports are of concern though. If he started his NFL career with an osteochondral defect, this injury could doom him to Mike Barrow/Lavar Arrington status. We will have to see. Redskins injury reports are like Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Yeah it says beer, but is it really beer?

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