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Two and ahalf men: what makes it so funny?


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I think this is one of the worst sitcoms to come out lately. Partly because it is getting so much hype and has now been on primetime for awhile. The humor is usually sexual, which gets old to me, and is not original whatsoever. Charlie Sheen is terrible. I think his best acting was Hot Shots, which was great.

I am a personal fan of King of Queens and don't think this show even comes close to it.

So, those of you who like it, tell my why.:cheers:

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Its horrendous. Shows like this last forever and Arrested Development gets axed in less than 50 episodes.

Seriously. I actually just bought the Arrested Development DVD set. First I've ever bought but the people responsible for this amazing show deserve my hard earned cash.

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To me, Two and a Half Men is just the same warmed-over unfunny McDonald's Value Meal tripe that networks have been airing forever. Never too edgy, never too deep, never require thought, always tell you when to laugh just in case the show isn't funny enough make it obvious. The only thing that changes -- incrementally -- is what the prime-time censors allow the characters to say and do. Fire up the old jalopy, it's time to bounce back down that same old beaten path to laugh-track land.

Arrested Development, by comparison, is like a supersonic fighter of comedy. Fast, agile, innovative, terrifying, and truly edgy. I'm convinced that there are some things they got away with just because the Fox censors didn't catch them the first time around.

But this is all just my opinion. That's why there is a wide variety of entertainment available. Some for the Golden Corral crowd, and some for the rest of us. ;)

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Because sometimes simplicity in it's form is just damn funny. Why do you want to think on a sitcom? You want to think, watch CSI Miami or Law and Order SVU. You guys think too much. Let your brain rot with the rest of us. Shows don't have to be PhD level thinking to be successful. Think about Seinfeld. The funniest show about basically NOTHING!

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Simplicity is great. But not when it's predictable and bland. That's the difference.

Seinfeld wasn't actually about nothing. It was about all the stuff in life that nobody else had managed to write about, because it didn't seem interesting at all. The Seinfeld folks wrote about it and made it funny, with intertwining plot lines and interesting characters and surprising observations and memorable conversations. Seinfeld certainly wasn't a "simple" show at all.

And I'm not so sure CSI should be the standard for a thinking man's show. :doh:

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Simplicity is great. But not when it's predictable and bland. That's the difference.

Seinfeld wasn't actually about nothing. It was about all the stuff in life that nobody else had managed to write about, because it didn't seem interesting at all. The Seinfeld folks wrote about it and made it funny, with intertwining plot lines and interesting characters and surprising observations and memorable conversations. Seinfeld certainly wasn't a "simple" show at all.

And I'm not so sure CSI should be the standard for a thinking man's show. :doh:

I don't watch 2 and 1/2 man or King of Queens, but I also didn't like Arrested Development. The humour in Seinfeld was different. They took unobivious things and made them funny, but once they made the joke it was obviously funny. The Simpsons did the samething (at least at first). Arrested Development seemed to have surface jokes, but they were obvious/stupid (a lot like 2 and 1/2 men). People said there was a deeper level, but it was never obvious to me, and IF I watch tv, it is because I am too tired to think about things so I really don't want to have sit there and ask, 'Is there a joke buried in there somewhere?'

I also don't generally watch shows like Lost either because they require too much thought and effort to keep up w/. I like a show where I can catch one every once in a while or even part of show and just sit and relax and be entertained. Seinfeld was great at that. The Simpons were great at that (they're still at least pretty good). I've seen the George Lopez show a couple of times, and it seems pretty good. IMO, from what I've seen, they could afford to make his character a little smarter. The newest show that I actually like is Chuck on NBC. It is on at 8:00. My daughter normally stays up until just after 8:00, and we never turn on the tv until she's gone to bed so I almost always miss at least the first very bit, but I still am able to follow the story and be entertained.

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One reason I do not like Two and ahalf men is because I can't relate to Charlie Sheen's character; I believe he is so far removed from what the average guys is. This is why I like Doug Heffernan on King of Queens: he is an every man. I could not imagine sitting next to Charlie Sheen's character at a football game, but I could Doug Heffernan.

As for Seinfeld, nothing will beat it. Amazing show.

"Does anyone know a Marine Biologist!"

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Arrested Development seemed to have surface jokes, but they were obvious/stupid (a lot like 2 and 1/2 men). People said there was a deeper level, but it was never obvious to me, and IF I watch tv, it is because I am too tired to think about things so I really don't want to have sit there and ask, 'Is there a joke buried in there somewhere?'

If you have to ask 'Is there a joke buried in there somewhere?' than AD isn't the show for you.

AD has the most laugh per minute in any show I have ever seen. Granted I hardly watch TV but what I have seen seems catered to the easily amused.

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One reason I do not like Two and ahalf men is because I can't relate to Charlie Sheen's character; I believe he is so far removed from what the average guys is. This is why I like Doug Heffernan on King of Queens: he is an every man. I could not imagine sitting next to Charlie Sheen's character at a football game, but I could Doug Heffernan.

so you relate to fat borderline retards? interesting. :laugh:

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Its horrendous. Shows like this last forever and Arrested Development gets axed in less than 50 episodes.

Charlie Sheen has become AWFUL. "Wall Street" and "Platoon" and even "Hot Shots" were so amazing and now he phones in performances on a badbadbad sitcom with Jon Cryer. Oof.

AD was the freshest, sharpest thing in funny tv. A true testament to the collective IQ of this television-viewing nation that it was canceled and "Two and a Half" is still running strong.

P.S.- Two and Half Men is painful to watch. Honestly.

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My wife and I watch 2-1/2 men when we're going to bed sometimes. It's alright, I think Sheen's brother on the show is funnier, and the kid is awful. I hate that little fatbag.

As far as I'm concerned, the best sitcoms we have are cartoons. I'll take Simpsons/Family Guy over most of these other shows any time.

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