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Fight in stands during Buffalo game


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I will preface my statement with this:

1 .I was at the game, but I did not see the fight.

2. Not all cops are good ones.

But before you start the police bashing, I will tell you what is going through the cops mind from experience:

...I am outnumbered 9000 to 1. I am responsible for the safety of not only myself, but for everyone in this stadium. I do not know you, nor do I know what your intentions are. You have demonstrated that you are attempting to harm someone, if not me. I must stop you as quickly as I can. You can walk away, I may not. I realize that many people in this stadium despise me as evidence by comments on Extreme Skins and other mediums. And most importantly, I WILL GO HOME SAFEly TO SEE MY WIFE AND KIDS.

Just a thought, and sorry if it is off-topic or rude.

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Well Put. No doubt typical of that generation. When I went to games growing up it was rare, VERY RARE, to see that stuff in RFK. This guys rant dont even warrant a response. Nothing but a punk.

Whoa man. Come on, don't even try to stereotype my generation as a whole just because of the actions of a couple of punks in the stands. Come on man that's just uncalled for. I was at the Virginia Tech @ UVA game Thanksgiving weekend and, being a Tech fan at UVA I was bound to get some crap thrown my way, I was with all Tech fans too. Who was the one to break up all of the fights? The youngest guy in the crowd; The 20 year old. Oh and keep in mind that most of the people yelling stuff at us were 30+ year olds. I even caught some crap from some near 50 year olds. I agree with you these fights are out of line, especially given the day when they took place, but the actions of a few no-good punks doesn't warrant a stereotyping of my entire generation.

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I've never seen nor heard of fight at a Billy Graham crusade and they're usually packed. Should I start expecting fights there too?

The hidden attitude here, is that the many people must think it's acceptable to get drunk and have fights. If it weren't acceptable, the punishment would better fit the act.

What really amazes me is that someone could conceivably pay more than $100 to go to a game, get blitzed and have his or her tail kicked. Perhaps I just don't see the fun in that.

Conversation the Monday following a game at FedEx:

"Hey Bob [fictitious], how was the game?"

"Uhhh, don't really remember much. Gotta go to the dentisth this afthernoon and get some teeth replacedth. And my lawyer told me next time the bail will probably be higher. Wooooo! Go Skins!"

OK another LMOA !!! Great point !

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Whoa man. Come on, don't even try to stereotype my generation as a whole just because of the actions of a couple of punks in the stands. Come on man that's just uncalled for. I was at the Virginia Tech @ UVA game Thanksgiving weekend and, being a Tech fan at UVA I was bound to get some crap thrown my way, I was with all Tech fans too. Who was the one to break up all of the fights? The youngest guy in the crowd; The 20 year old. Oh and keep in mind that most of the people yelling stuff at us were 30+ year olds. I even caught some crap from some near 50 year olds. I agree with you these fights are out of line, especially given the day when they took place, but the actions of a few no-good punks doesn't warrant a stereotyping of my entire generation.

Come on now. Are you gullible enough to think we're talking about the generation as a whole? Nobody in their right mind is going to blame the generation as a whole, but your generation has a lot to be desired.

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I was down in the aisle around row 6 between 132 and 133 just after the game when someone said there was a fight about 12 rows up or so. I ran up the stairs just in time to see this guy wearing a white shirt punch this girl wearing a Redskin jersey right in the face!!! It was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. I grabbed him and threw him down. Then I got knocked down. Just after that the cops came and started wailing on the guy in the white shirt. I don't care what you do at a game but, no one in my section gets away with hitting a girl in the face.

I agree with the no fighting thing and all but I hope in this case you were able to kick his *****

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I saw it all from Section 139. I can't tell you how sick I am about the fighting that takes place at these games. This makes us no better than Eagles fans. There's no excuse for throwing punches over something as trivial as a football game. This is what gets people killed and it's absolutely ridiculous. I just don't understand people today.

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I will preface my statement with this:

1 .I was at the game, but I did not see the fight.

2. Not all cops are good ones.

But before you start the police bashing, I will tell you what is going through the cops mind from experience:

...I am outnumbered 9000 to 1. I am responsible for the safety of not only myself, but for everyone in this stadium. I do not know you, nor do I know what your intentions are. You have demonstrated that you are attempting to harm someone, if not me. I must stop you as quickly as I can. You can walk away, I may not. I realize that many people in this stadium despise me as evidence by comments on Extreme Skins and other mediums. And most importantly, I WILL GO HOME SAFEly TO SEE MY WIFE AND KIDS.

Just a thought, and sorry if it is off-topic or rude.

Very true. I worked as a corrections officer and worked security for pro boxing in a ball room atmosphere. It was expected when they're a lot of people crammed into small areas and something breaks out, you do what you have to do to end it as quicky as possible. If someone gets a little banged up in the process so be it. There almost needs to be a messege sent "Don;t you get involved." or a lot more people are put into harms way. Quick and decisive is the way they have to respond.

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Whoa man. Come on, don't even try to stereotype my generation as a whole just because of the actions of a couple of punks in the stands. Come on man that's just uncalled for. I was at the Virginia Tech @ UVA game Thanksgiving weekend and, being a Tech fan at UVA I was bound to get some crap thrown my way, I was with all Tech fans too. Who was the one to break up all of the fights? The youngest guy in the crowd; The 20 year old. Oh and keep in mind that most of the people yelling stuff at us were 30+ year olds. I even caught some crap from some near 50 year olds. I agree with you these fights are out of line, especially given the day when they took place, but the actions of a few no-good punks doesn't warrant a stereotyping of my entire generation.

I just got done reading all of these comments in this thread and I was hoping someone would write something like this, if not I was going to. I go to the games to enjoy watching our team, drink, eat, have fun with the guys, all that good stuff. I don't get in fights with opposing fans, or skins fans. I will however say something to someone if they are being an ass, no matter what their age is.

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Was this the riot in the endzone seats I saw from the club level? I had never seen a fight in the stadium before but this one looked nuts. It seemed that there were a dozen people involved.

If it was section 310, it was an older guy with his wife, and the two nimrods spilled wine all over his jacket. He got up and grab the guys neck. I was like wow, the club level is getting to be bad :doh:. Not sure why people get so worked up at the game. It's senseless.

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I just got done reading all of these comments in this thread and I was hoping someone would write something like this, if not I was going to. I go to the games to enjoy watching our team, drink, eat, have fun with the guys, all that good stuff. I don't get in fights with opposing fans, or skins fans. I will however say something to someone if they are being an ass, no matter what their age is.

Proof that it's not the entire 18-30-year-old demographic. Thank you for being a voice of reason. However, it disturbs me that, judging from some of the comments made in this thread, people are totally okay with fights in the stands, calling it "part of the game" and "stuff happens." If you have to get drunk to have a good time or fight someone to show your manhood, you have severe problems.

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Ive seen fights at RFK too....I hate it when people say "this never happened at RFK"...thats straight up garbage. Ive had season tix since 1992 and saw plenty of fights there.

Now, the fact Fedex holds almost twice as many people means there will be more alchohol, more idiots thus MORE FIGHTS.

I dont know if the competitive nature of the NFL's fanbase has grown...probably it has....since the early 1990's but to say this stuff didnt happen at RFK is a load of fecal matter.

My #1 rule in life (amongst others)...is NEVER get into a fight over a sporting event. Its a GAME!!!!!!

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There have always been fights at games. What I think is different is the number of people who go looking for fights.

In the past, I think, fighting was a byproduct of drinking which was a byproduct of the game, which was the focus. Now the drinking is the focus, and I think fighting is slowly move its way from the "byproduct" list to the "focus" list.

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I have been to road games in Baltimore and New Orleans. You think fights would break out in New Orleans with all the drinking but they were very nice, gave me the proper amount of crap but when they started to leave in the beginning of the 4th Q with Redskins blowing them out 45-10, I said "Where are you going" their reply, "We are Saints' fans we are used to this". No fights or excessive cursing.

Baltimore was also a very pleasant game day experience. No fights or cursing where I was.

Redskins have to address it and if they do build another stadium, I hope they do it smartly with regards to security, traffic and parking, if that is possible.

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I'm not renewing my Skins tickets next year. Poor product on the field and a horrendous game day experience at Fed Ex. I'll enjoy the games in front of my 50" hi def tv.

Me either. Less lines, cheaper beer, better food, less fights. Probably more cussing though.

Plus I can always tailgate on my driveway. :)

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I was at the game sunday, and I almost saw 3 fights..All in the parking lot..2 guys were shoving eachother, but 1 of them just blew him off and walked away, while the other guy was still calling him over there..The other 1, these 2 guys were face to face for about 10 seconds dareing the other 1 to hit them first, then a cop came and pushed both guys telling them to break it up..The 3rd was when a bills fan was walking, and a guy said "**** the bills" the bills fan said "**** you" so the other guy responded "**** you" but the bills fan just blew him off and walked away..Its senseless to fight at a game, but sadly it happens..And I do blame it on the beer..You cant tell me that if you're sober, you go around picking fights..I dont..I dont think i've ever seen a fight at a game where the people involved in the fight were sober.

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First I will say, not every fight can be blamed on both people. Case in point, I was at the eagles game in section 216. I was banging on the steel plates making noise, screaming, being pationate the entire game. When people asked I sit, I did sit. I asked if I could do it on defense, when it was big downs, they said sure. I was polite.

But then, right when the Eagles scored to go ahead 26-25, and Eagles fan from 10 rows up came down and pushed me. I of couse pushed him back and then about 10 skins fans came and pushed him back and eventually he went back to his seat. Sometimes, fights are out of your control. I do not condone them or appreciate them. However, If someone pushes or hits you, its not as easy as you think to just say, ok keep hitting me and puishing me. I will just sit here.

Again, I do not condone them or anything, but who are to judge these things when we don't know the whole story. Its the people looking for fights that need to look themselves in the mirror and know how classless that is. Oh, BTW, this Eagle fan was around 40 years old.

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First I will say, not every fight can be blamed on both people. Case in point, I was at the eagles game in section 216.

I agree. There is usually an instigator. And everyone has the right to defend themselves.

I just find it sad that it's come to this. Over a damn game...

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Who's crying and complaining? We just can't believe that these punks can't even act civilized on a day that we were paying tribute to a fallen Redskin.

But, again I notice those who condone this type of behavior are around your age.

You say people can't comprehend that there are going to be incidents when you have a large crowd. Okay, tell me why this has to be the case? Give me one reasonable and logical answer other than using alcohol as an excuse.

It might be an acceptable behavior to some, but when you put women, children and senior citizens in harm's way that's a problem.

Oh yeah I forgot I'm 21 so immediately I condone fighting and my opinion doesnt matter. You want a logical answer? You want to bring my age up? Here's a logical answer for you. We live in the 20th century, the world isn't the same way when you were 21. Technology is improving, people are interacting with much more things in the world than you did when you were 21. Get over the fact that because were 21, our opinions don't matter to society anymore because people like you think you are somehow superior to us youngins. I have news for you, stop living in the 80's and that should be a logical reason enough. PS: If you didn't be sarcastic with my age, you wouldn't of gotten a sarcastic response.

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