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Fight in stands during Buffalo game


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I hate how people are condoning fighting. I agree, it is among young people. I feel ashamed being my age. Plus, we automatically get profiled for being and looking young just cause some "kids" (and most of us in this age are really kids) like to fight and can't ignore people/control emotions.

Fights should not be something to be expected. Shoot, I attend UT, and was at the UT @ Florida game earlier this season. Florida fans have a reputation for being unruly (as do UT fans). However, none of that came my way. My friend and I walked around for around two hours between all the Florida tailgates and plenty of their fans. Some heckling, but they didn't bother us. I've heard some friends were bothered, but they asked for it. Nothing physical though.

When Georgia came to UT, I remember they were scattered among masses of UT fans, and they were not harmed. Old or young. Point is, keep to yourself, be friendly, and you most likely will not face any problems.

There is absolutely no excuse to look for a fight or expect one. I do find it funny that one poster is saying they always get into fights. There's gotta be more to that story.

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First I will say, not every fight can be blamed on both people. Case in point, I was at the eagles game in section 216. I was banging on the steel plates making noise, screaming, being pationate the entire game. When people asked I sit, I did sit. I asked if I could do it on defense, when it was big downs, they said sure. I was polite.

But then, right when the Eagles scored to go ahead 26-25, and Eagles fan from 10 rows up came down and pushed me. I of couse pushed him back and then about 10 skins fans came and pushed him back and eventually he went back to his seat. Sometimes, fights are out of your control. I do not condone them or appreciate them. However, If someone pushes or hits you, its not as easy as you think to just say, ok keep hitting me and puishing me. I will just sit here.

Again, I do not condone them or anything, but who are to judge these things when we don't know the whole story. Its the people looking for fights that need to look themselves in the mirror and know how classless that is. Oh, BTW, this Eagle fan was around 40 years old.

I know it's easier said than done, but if someone is trying to fight with you, the best thing to do is just walk away. Get security, point him out and get his sorry, no-account self out of the stadium. It's not worth it and, too, often they see the second punch instead of the first.

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I know it's easier said than done, but if someone is trying to fight with you, the best thing to do is just walk away. Get security, point him out and get his sorry, no-account self out of the stadium. It's not worth it and, too, often they see the second punch instead of the first.

I agree. If you know walking away will stop it, most cases we do it. But there are times when people will keep coming.

I guess my point is, not every fight has two guilty partners.

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And I do blame it on the beer..You cant tell me that if you're sober, you go around picking fights..I dont..I dont think i've ever seen a fight at a game where the people involved in the fight were sober.

That is true to a point. I mean, i am a really friendly drunk and even less likely to get mad when drunk. A lot of friends of mine are. If anything, some just get more emotionally sad is all.

It is still subjective by person as to how alcohol affects them.

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Oh yeah I forgot I'm 21 so immediately I condone fighting and my opinion doesnt matter. You want a logical answer? You want to bring my age up? Here's a logical answer for you. We live in the 20th century, the world isn't the same way when you were 21. Technology is improving, people are interacting with much more things in the world than you did when you were 21. Get over the fact that because were 21, our opinions don't matter to society anymore because people like you think you are somehow superior to us youngins. I have news for you, stop living in the 80's and that should be a logical reason enough. PS: If you didn't be sarcastic with my age, you wouldn't of gotten a sarcastic response.

Umm, unless you've been in a coma for years we are in the 21st century.

To paraphrase a movie quote:

Mr.Kubstix, what you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic posts I have ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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That is true to a point. I mean, i am a really friendly drunk and even less likely to get mad when drunk. A lot of friends of mine are. If anything, some just get more emotionally sad is all.

It is still subjective by person as to how alcohol affects them.

I am the same way when I'm drunk. I feel much more relaxed and enjoy myself more. I also don't get to the point where I lost my self control nor do I get to the point where I don't remember the game. However, I've seen quite a few fights this season at the games minus the lions game. Funny part is, only about 1-2 of them were kids. Point at my age all you want, stereotype my age all you want, but don't deny the facts. Every fight i've seen at the games involved an age group between 30-45 who the culprits were so drunk they were slurring there speech trying to make their case and made absolutley no sense. Out in the parking lot, I saw 2 older african americans crawling in the parking lot in front of traffic screaming. Only incident I've seen with someone my age was get carted off in the ambulance for alcohol poisioning.

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Umm, unless you've been in a coma for years we ar in the 21st century.

To paraphrase a movie quote:

Mr.Kubstix, what you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic posts I have ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

No actually what I have posted makes complete sense. It just doesn't make sense to you because somehow you think because your 40 years old your immediately superior to me.

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Umm, unless you've been in a coma for years we are in the 21st century.

To paraphrase a movie quote:

Mr.Kubstix, what you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic posts I have ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Billy Madison ROCKS!

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Yeah, no ****. But they always start it, it's not his fault, even though he always manages to find a fight. Interesting that the same opposing fans don't ever seem to find me. Or is there something else at work here?

Well I know some guy named Bud Wiser that has been seen around these fights quite an instigator this fellow filling those who choose to hang out with him too long full of false courage, ignorance and boorish behavior.

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No actually what I have posted makes complete sense. It just doesn't make sense to you because somehow you think because your 40 years old your immediately superior to me.

Okay, quote me once, just once where I stated or even hinted that I am "superior" to you or your generation. I'll wait.

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Fight in the cigar bar? Man, this stadium is getting rough. Even the Club Level they are resorting to fisticuffs. Unbelievable.

Yeah i saw that one, this guy lit up his cigar and accidentaly burned a whole in this woman's mink coat. Her husband tried to put out the fire with his martini, but did not want to accidentaly spill anything on her coach bag. So he grabbed the guy's bottled water that first lit up the cigar and then all hell broke loose. There was chanel sunglasses and kangaroo tv's flying everywhere!! Just imagine, if they had actually watched the game outside instead of staying inside the whole time, none of that would have happened.

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Okay, quote me once, just once where I stated or even hinted that I am "superior" to you or your generation. I'll wait.

I think you two should just meet at the stadium on Thursday night in the parking lot and beat the **** out each :D

I agree on the younger generation comments so far. I'm not going to say it's all of them but the majority I have seen have no respect at all. I blame the 40-50 year old parents. Losers.

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No actually what I have posted makes complete sense. It just doesn't make sense to you because somehow you think because your 40 years old your immediately superior to me.

Being 40 does not make him superior just like me being 30 does not make me superior HOWEVER with age comes knowledge and life experience and from your comments its clear you have a lot of growing up to do which is the point many of these posters are trying to make.

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Mr.Kubstix, what you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic posts I have ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I thought the exact same thing when I read that post. Funny how he says the word "logical" in there a few times.

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i was leaving the game sunday and a bills fan was jumping up and down with his fingers in the air screaming "F*** YOU ALL". i said "can you win with some class, especially a day like today?" and the guy lunged at me, causing a melee.

i'm ashamed if any kids saw that but i wasn't expecting a physical response. I guess if you play with fire you're gonna get burned sometimes...just sorry to anybody who saw it. pretty embarassing. i would never want to make going to a game an unenjoyable experience for any skins fan.

Do you know the girl he punched? Was she with you? I hope she's ok.

I went off on the dude when I saw that.

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Perhaps we should take something from the example set by all those football players who attended Sean's funeral. They play on different teams, have different interests, and yet they all came together for one purpose. I think I look at football and football games differently now. Yes, we are all fans of our own favorite team, but we must not lose sight of the big football picture. It is a game we all enjoy watching, but it is a game. Players remain players, part of the NFL family as we have just seen. Fans remain fans. Guess I'll get off my soapbox now.

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Bit off topic maybe but...Its funny how its always the cops that make it worse or take too long to show up....I guess it would have better if they didnt show up and someone got seriously hurt or killed...If you think you can do a better job, go apply...

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I had to "protect" two Bills fans that were with me at the game on Sunday twice. Once in the stadium and again in the parking lot.

Right after Gibbs called the second timeout some idiot Skins fan came down and kicked my buddy(A Bills fan) in the side of his knee. I immediately push the guy into the aisle and tell him to go back to his seat. I missed the Lindell field goal becuase of one of our idiot fans.

Then out in the parking lot another Bills friend goes to use the jon, and a Skins fans takes off running and kicks the jon almost knocking it over. My buddy gets out says, WTF and 6 Skins fans surround him. I run over in my Sean Taylor jersey and tell the guys to just keep walking, why would you want to fight on a day like this. Eventually they left.

The problem is folks, when you have 90,000+ at any event you're going to have your fair share of a**holes. I just thought we as Skins fans had more class than what we showed on Sunday. From the misc. fights throughout the day to the idiots yelling we love you sean and the bills suck during the moment of silence it was just an all around bad day to be a fan of the burgundy and gold.

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Perhaps we should take something from the example set by all those football players who attended Sean's funeral. They play on different teams, have different interests, and yet they all came together for one purpose. I think I look at football and football games differently now. Yes, we are all fans of our own favorite team, but we must not lose sight of the big football picture. It is a game we all enjoy watching, but it is a game. Players remain players, part of the NFL family as we have just seen. Fans remain fans. Guess I'll get off my soapbox now.

And this is the truly ironic thing about this situation...the players on the field show more comraderie than the fans that are supposedly supporting them.

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The problem is folks, when you have 90,000+ at any event you're going to have your fair share of a**holes. I just thought we as Skins fans had more class than what we showed on Sunday. From the misc. fights throughout the day to the idiots yelling we love you sean and the bills suck during the moment of silence it was just an all around bad day to be a fan of the burgundy and gold.

It's been a bad couple of years to be a fan of the burgundy and gold.

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... Get over the fact that because were 21, our opinions don't matter to society anymore because people like you think you are somehow superior to us youngins...

Like it or not, you and your fellow generation is the future of our country. The previous poster shouldn't have generalized all 18-30 year olds mean bad news at games. Likewise, you probably hurt your own credibility by the way you spewed back. Most ES'ers are intelligent enough to sidestep stereotypical comments and mass generalizations [he says with a hopeful smile].

I know it's easier said than done, but if someone is trying to fight with you, the best thing to do is just walk away. Get security, point him out and get his sorry, no-account self out of the stadium. It's not worth it and, too, often they see the second punch instead of the first.

Wilbon!?! Is that you? J/K. I agree with this and your previous post.

...then all hell broke loose. There was chanel sunglasses and kangaroo tv's flying everywhere!! ...

Quote of the day nomination!

Being 40 does not make him superior just like me being 30 does not make me superior HOWEVER with age comes knowledge and life experience and from your comments its clear you have a lot of growing up to do which is the point many of these posters are trying to make.

One suspects age brings increased knowledge and maturity, but we've probably all seen cases where the fruit shrivels on the vine. Otherwise, quoted for truth.

Me for instance, I am superior to no one. [dang!]:(

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I was talking with an older gentleman about it this morning. He has been a season ticket holder for 30+ years and said that after he went home he was going to write a letter to both the skins and the post about it. He said that at one point' date=' either the officer or one of the combatants pulled a gun. I couldn't believe that. He said one guy was the main cause and was insiting everybody else. Eventually, he got BEAT DOWN by the cops after he hit one, but that was after he had already taken out about ten other guys. Worst of all, he said the fights were between SKINS FANS!!!. Un-****ing-believable.[/quote']

Yep....I remember MY first beer.......:laugh:

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