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Fight in stands during Buffalo game


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I was with a 9 year old at the game. It was almost impossible to explain to him why people get so worked up. After all, it's only a game, right? Right?

Sadly, I cannot in good conscience bring him back.

I absolutely agree with you. I was with my 9-year old and 11-year old at last Sunday's game. I couldn't help but tell several belligerent fans to watch their mouths. When does it become okay to act that way around children? I guess a professional football is becoming a place NOT to take young kids. I don't think I will be taking mine anymore unless they create a alcohol/smoking/curse free section at Fed Ex. Yes, I am dreaming! I don't mind a beer or two but come on! Some fans need to learn to contain themselves- especially in the presence of children!

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I absolutely agree with you. I was with my 9-year old and 11-year old at last Sunday's game. I couldn't help but tell several belligerent fans to watch their mouths. When does it become okay to act that way around children? I guess a professional football is becoming a place NOT to take young kids. I don't think I will be taking mine anymore unless they create a alcohol/smoking/curse free section at Fed Ex. Yes, I am dreaming! I don't mind a beer or two but come on! Some fans need to learn to contain themselves- especially in the presence of children!

This kind of thing pisses me off. The sad part is you'll have people telling you to stop bringing your kids to the game and to that I say **** 'em.

I attended games as a kid, my kids attend games and my kids, kids should be able to attend games w/out all of the BS that goes on and I'm so tired of the people saying it's bound to happen with a large group of people. Those making excuses are probably the culprits to begin with.

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When I first moved to the Philly suburbs 10 years and a friend took me to the VET for an Eagles game against 49ers, I was shocked. These cavemen were not only fighting with 49er fans they were fighting with each other. I told Carmen we don't do this BS at home, what is going on? he says to me this is phucking philly. Well if home is now phucking philly I have season tix I want to sell, we are no better then phucking philly actually worse because we KNOW BETTER.

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This kind of thing pisses me off. The sad part is you'll have people telling you to stop bringing your kids to the game and to that I say **** 'em.

I attended games as a kid, my kids attend games and my kids, kids should be able to attend games w/out all of the BS that goes on and I'm so tired of the people saying it's bound to happen with a large group of people. Those making excuses are probably the culprits to begin with.

:applause: :applause:

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Oh yeah I forgot I'm 21 so immediately I condone fighting and my opinion doesnt matter. You want a logical answer? You want to bring my age up? Here's a logical answer for you. We live in the 20th century, the world isn't the same way when you were 21. Technology is improving, people are interacting with much more things in the world than you did when you were 21. Get over the fact that because were 21, our opinions don't matter to society anymore because people like you think you are somehow superior to us youngins. I have news for you, stop living in the 80's and that should be a logical reason enough. PS: If you didn't be sarcastic with my age, you wouldn't of gotten a sarcastic response.

When you turn 40 you'll understand where we're coming from. ;)

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I hate how people are condoning fighting. I agree, it is among young people. I feel ashamed being my age. Plus, we automatically get profiled for being and looking young just cause some "kids" (and most of us in this age are really kids) like to fight and can't ignore people/control emotions.

Fights should not be something to be expected. Shoot, I attend UT, and was at the UT @ Florida game earlier this season. Florida fans have a reputation for being unruly (as do UT fans). However, none of that came my way. My friend and I walked around for around two hours between all the Florida tailgates and plenty of their fans. Some heckling, but they didn't bother us. I've heard some friends were bothered, but they asked for it. Nothing physical though.

When Georgia came to UT, I remember they were scattered among masses of UT fans, and they were not harmed. Old or young. Point is, keep to yourself, be friendly, and you most likely will not face any problems.

There is absolutely no excuse to look for a fight or expect one. I do find it funny that one poster is saying they always get into fights. There's gotta be more to that story.

My best friend was a KA at UT. The most tense atmosphere I've ever experienced was at a UT-UF game. Gators fans are like that. I can't say that about UT fans. I've been to Tenn-Bama -- great atmosphere. UT-Georgia -- good atmosphere. UT-Florida -- seeing two fifty year olds duke it out because one of them was flying his teams flag AT A TAILGATE was nuts.

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That's why I really felt the need to tell them to watch their mouths. If society just accepts this kinds of behavior, it's never going to change. I try to do my part. It's important for my kids to know that this behavior is wrong.

:applause: I think that's great to tell them that. I know I have on occasion cursed during games. Not real bad but I've had a word or 2 slip. I do know that if I see kids around me, I try very hard to watch what I say.

I'm sorry that others aren't doing the same :( .

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There have always been fights at games. What I think is different is the number of people who go looking for fights.

In the past' date=' I think, fighting was a byproduct of drinking which was a byproduct of the game, which was the focus. Now the drinking is the focus, and I think fighting is slowly move its way from the "byproduct" list to the "focus" list.[/quote']

Yes, yes, yes. This is precisely the progression I have witnessed over the past several years. The game is no longer the focus, getting as drunk as possible is the new focus. I don't mean all fans, just the ilk of this inclination.

In the face of numerous attempts by opposing fans to incite me or my guest, I've always diffused the situation with laughter. Just laugh at them. It completely neutralizes the harrasser and he moves on to someone else. They aren't going to stop unless enough people just laugh them off, which I've also seen work.

The worst incident I unwittingly found myself suddenly engaged in was pulling out of the lot after a night game. While inching along, two drunk dudes pop out from behind a large suv and I hit my brakes. One goes ballistic and slams his hand on my hood and starts screaming at us and moves around to hitting the driver's side window, both Skins fans. (libs, don't read the next part) I looked at my wife and said "Here we go..." I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him and said "Back the #### up." Being an adept lip-reader, he complied and moved on to another target behind me.

One other thing of note on how regular folks can get drawn into a bad situation. In the late '70s by dad took our family to a Colts/Bengals game at Memorial Stadium. The two drunks behind us knew we were rooting, passively, for the Bengals. They were razzing us pretty good the whole game and then after the Colts scored to ice it, one started hitting my dad on his shoulders while screaming at him. My dad stood up, grabbed the guy and said, "If you touch me again, I'll kill you." They left shortly after. I'd never, EVER, seen my dad do anything close to that and it has stayed with me vividly to this day. As a family we were shocked and relieved at the same time.

I'm not sure I'd take a young person to FedEx these days, unless I was prepared to destroy some of their youthful innocence. Which, I am not.


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I was at the skins giants game a year ago. I cheered when we scored. And some drunk giants fans started cursing at me. Me being me i cursed back. One of them got up and walked over to me and got in my face about it. ( Keep in mind i was 15 or 16 at the time with my younger brother who was 13-14). I stood up and got in his face. Another skins fan got up and steped imbetween us.

What i did was wrong i could have let it go but the point i was makeing is that a middle age guy tryed to fight me at a football GAME. It was nuts.

PS. I totaly had the guy lol.

Edit [ Im taking my GF to the skins giants game in a few weeks, i hope everything goes ok this time.]

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...Anyway, the point of my post is, although it seems that there was some nonsense that went on at the game afterwards, (and I heard at least 1 story on the Bills board of a Bills fan that got "attacked" by a Redskins fan and other Bills fans had to intercede on his behalf--take it with a grain of salt, I think), almost every Redskins fan we encountered that day was respectful to us. And while I certainly can't speak for MY entire team's fanbase, everyone in our section was silent during the moment of silence, waving the towels, and even getting choked up, no matter what jersey color they happened to be wearing. It was a powerful moment, one that I think #21 would have been proud of.

I think, generally, if you give respect, you are going to get it. If you go in looking for a confrontation, you're going to get it. And if you are an opposing team's fan in a home stadium, you have to expect you will get a few comments, and just let it roll off your back (incidentally the Eagles fan in our section was a great sport considering what was yelled at him!). For the most part, I was impressed with your fanbase on what must have been an extremely emotional day for you all. I will be rooting for you guys this year...you are my adopted NFC team. Good luck and may you honor Sean's memory, like Ray Lewis said last night, not only in the outcome of the game but by how you play it. Thanks for listening.

Hey man, thanks so much for the post. I'm glad you came away with some respect for our fan base after Sunday's game...even though there were several displays of gross ignorance. In my unbiased opinion (I've only been a 'Skins fan for 26 years ;)) we've got some of the best, most educated fans in the league!!! Welcome to our fan base (even though we're your #2 team) and I hope that any future games you come to at FedEx, you are treated with the upmost respect.

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Is there anyway to suspend or revoke season tickets of the seats that the perpetrators were sitting in? Maybe it will make people think twice before you want to put your tickets on eBay.

While I agree your intentions are well founded, in my experience it's been the corporate ticket attendees who are among the most unruly and drunk. I sit in Sec 132 and it is heavily corporate. They have nothing to lose and no idea of decorum. Up and down, back and forth, drinks after drinks and smoke breaks ad nauseum.

Now, I think it would be a great idea if they were to find out what company's tickets the unruly folks were using and then revoked THOSE tickets, but we all know that just isn't going to happen under Napoleon's watch.

Quite the contrary. The folks who used to sit in front of me had their tickets moved back eight rows this season. Why? Corporate availability. They have been sitting there since the place opened. Napoleon says, "Up you go!" They had no choice.

Corporate seats are the problem. If everyone in that stadium had a season-long financial stake in their seats, I believe things would be less volatile.

Maybe that is a bit of a Pollyanna-esque point of view, which I am certainly not prone to, but I have to look back on my experiences at RFK. Yes, there were fights and bad behavior - but not the degree of now - and I fully accept the difference in societies. It was just a much different time and experience.

I just wish some of the mouthier youngins on this board were able to attend a game at RFK as an adult. They would understand what us older "out-of-touch" curmudgeons are comparing things to. They were terrific times.


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