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Now what? What're you doing today?


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i heard on the way to work on XXX , started to cry, wanted to turn around and go home . Now i'm just sitting here at work totally numb in front of my computer reading other peoples thoughts and prayers . this is not where i want to be right now .

R.I.P #21 :(

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I'm supposed to go to a geography class and turn in/possibly present on a project we have had for a few months now. I don't think I can do it. I don't know if any of them will understand because none of them seem like the passionate type, its probably like hearing about the death of some guy they dont know who did something they didnt care about- not very astounding. I don't know. If I stay home I don't know what I will achieve other than not going out and doing something. Damn.

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i heard on the way to work on XXX , started to cry, wanted to turn around and go home . Now i'm just sitting here at work totally numb in front of my computer reading other peoples thoughts and prayers . this is not where i want to be right now .

R.I.P #21 :(

I'm with ya there...

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I'm supposed to go to a geography class and turn in/possibly present on a project we have had for a few months now. I don't think I can do it. I don't know if any of them will understand because none of them seem like the passionate type, its probably like hearing about the death of some guy they dont know who did something they didnt care about- not very astounding. I don't know. If I stay home I don't know what I will achieve other than not going out and doing something. Damn.

I'm in pretty much the same boat as you. I have classes from 9:30 til 6 today, and I NEED to go because there are only 2 weeks left in the semester and I have a huge project to do in pretty much every class. But I won't be able to function today, so I don't know what I am going to do yet. I would like to stay home and watch coverage and hang out with you ESer's all day without any potentially harming academic ramifications, but something tells me that if I miss my classes today, I will regret it later. So I really don't know what I will do.

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i heard on the way to work on XXX , started to cry, wanted to turn around and go home . Now i'm just sitting here at work totally numb in front of my computer reading other peoples thoughts and prayers . this is not where i want to be right now .

R.I.P #21 :(

Same story here...

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Right now I am living on the board and listening to Mike and Mike as they cover the story while wearing his #21 burgundy authentic. My sunday jersey of my favorite player.

I have to go to work later, I am going to wear my jersey to work and try to get through the day.

Thoughts and prayers to the Taylor family.


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I am at work on a teleconference since 0700, then I am going to work for another 8 hours, then go pick up my friend from Dulles. Then take a nap and then workout.

I feel badly for Sean Taylor- it is a total waste and it was totally preventable if he had simply moved up to Woodbridge or Ashburn. It is tragic. As a fan of the Miami Hurricanes for 24 years now it hurts, and as a fan of the Skins for 12 years it hurts.

But it is not the same as September 11, 2001 which some people are claiming is a similar event. On that date we had not just one awful gun crime, which we have 19,000 EVERY YEAR but we were attacked and had 3,000 civilians murdered. And the country was at war. And yet the NFL still went on.

for those who have said the entire season should be stopped- if they kept playing after 9/11 it would be horrific to stop now for one player- no matter how much we loved him playing for our team.

Life goes on- and every day we lose brave and heroic men in Iraq, Afghanistan and all over the world in our military. Do you not grieve for them as much as you do for a football player?

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I am at work. Couldn't call in b/c I'm covering someone else who already had today off. I will pop onto the board as much as possible today! I wore my Skins T-shirt under my uni like many of us promised to do last nite. I wore my yellow skins bracelet and wrote "RIP #21" in black marker on it and I have my Skins earrings on! I'm gonna miss this young man! He was true joy to watch play and I had loved the way he had evolved into a great player and a mature man!

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