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anyone catch Portis on the Thompson show today?

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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Since you are so smart....name the #3 and #4 leading WRs in catches for the Skins this season????


Just because Gibbs/Saunders/whoever ES users feel like blaming after a loss is not using our receivers properly does not mean we do not have a solid receiving corps. Even Moss would look terrible if all Belichick did was have Brady telegraph passes to him. :2cents:

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talked a lot about our offense and he said he doesnt know how these other teams have WR wide open all the time. he watched the pats game and doesnt understand how moss is wide open a lot, and how sammy morris was untouched for most of his runs. said he doesnt know what they are doing differently than the skins but hopes we can find a way to do that because 17 points wont win you any games in this league. sounded like hes kinda unhappy with how the offense is currently being run and hopes they can utilize all the weapons we have. said his knee feels much better today.

anyone else catch this interview?

I understand Protis' statements and I agree with him 100 percent. The offensive "guru" Saunders has failed miserably and his innovative offense is "dull and non existent" Clinton observes how teams are able to move the ball "fluidly" and he's disgusted with his teams approach and their effectiveness.

The makeover of the OL will affect us throughout the season ! :(

Now I know, you have a bad taste in your mouth about us lions fans because of Captor. I just want to let you know that there is only one idiot like that and he is banned on 90% of Lions boards. The rest of them he either knows the owner, or takes so much heat that he dosen't post there.

I personally think that this game could go either way. If our offense shows up like it did in the 4th quarter it may be a long day for your seconday. If we play like we did in the first 3 quarters well then I bet most of you can guess the result.

Heres to a good clean game, and thanks for letting me post here (finally). sorry about Captor... He dosen't come around our board anymore, we ran that alter ego off along time ago (one of many I might add)

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To be fair, moss has been missed while wide open on more than one occasion. though i do get what cp is hinting at here.

by more than one, you mean 2 right?

We need a bigger possesion reciever (who is somewhat productive), or at least one that is as big as the CBs that are covering them. Otherwise the cover -2/3 will keep on killing us.

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I think this year it comes down to Campbell being inaccurate and young and the OL injuries. If they would have spent some of that money on OL depth instead of extra guys like Lloyd we might be alright now but this offense doesn't seem to get off the ground with the timid playcalling due to a couple injuries. Basically lack of mid round draft picks and some bad FA signings limit what they can do now, then they get scared too=bad offense.

I think if the redskins concentrated on drafting instead of going out and trying to put a square peg in a round hole we would be in a better situation than we are now to many changes of philosyphy every other year seems to wreck havok on the skins and their depth.

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I'm not going to lie, Moss has disappointed me this season. It makes me wonder if he is a true #1 WR. He's dropped some passes this year and has failed to truly produce. Granted he's made some key catches, but for the most part he's been quiet.

Last year he missed significant time because of injuries, and it seems like he will again this year.

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You guys are reading way to much into what CP was saying. He could of very easily used S. Holmes (all GB receivers) Crayton Welker (all NE receivers not just moss) I could continue the list is fairly long but teams spread defenses out and are not using 1 or 2 WR sets for getting these guys open. He used examples from the game he said he had just watched. Get it? Our WR's will have trouble getting open if we do not mix in 3 4 and 5 WR sets. It's still football 11 v 11. Of all people Gibbs coming from a Coryell system knows this or at least he use to.

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Anyone catch any Cleveland Browns highlights lately? My goodness, they get some WRs wide open, and I am not even kidding.

We do hit some passes but more often than not, the ball has to be right in there for em and there are hardly ever a whole lot if any YAC.

To answer that question as to who our #3 and #4 WR leaders are this year, it is Caldwell, McCardell, Thrash, and Lloyd - a 4 way tie - how wierd is that, huh? LOL

I believe that we need to spread it out more and in today's NFL success is determined by passing first and running second. Gibbs better adjust, we do have the players to do this.

I heard Gibbs on the radio this morning and he said he didn't see the game last night because they were working watching film or something like that, and all I could think of was that I wish he would have been watching that game to see what a real offense looks like - and a pretty good damn defense to boot.

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I'm not saying that what is said was wrong. I'm saying that if things are so bad as what everyone and the media is saying, than why dont the players go up to coach Gibbs and tell him ( hey coach maybe we should do this or that) or ( I think that we would be more sucsessful if we did this or that).

If I see away I can make things better or more productive at my job, than I would go to my supervisor in a proffesional manner and exspress my thoughts.

As far as Portis goes, Gibbs has said time and again that he's very open with the coaches on his opinions and suggestions. As far as other guys go, I don't know, but they're not nearly as vocal with the media.

I've noticed this with alot of the elite WRs around the league. Everytime I see Carolina highlights I wonder how does Steve Smith get so wide open from time to time and we can never get Moss matched up one on one (let alone open). Nobody in their right mind would tell you that Carolina has other weapons that must be respected so a defense can't roll coverage on Smith (we've heard the rolling coverage to Moss story for years now...can't beat a cover-2 etc...)

The more I think about it I am beginning to realize that the Carolina coaches are PUTTING Smith in postions to get one on one coverage (afterall he is not that much more physically gifted then Moss). Whatever Carolina does to get Smith in positions to be open we need to emulate and apply to Moss.

I know all too well (fantasy football) that Smith has been struggling the past two weeks. I've heard he's had some pass interference calls against him, but as far as stats go, they're almost nonexistent as of late.

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We are a run first team. Complete opposite of NE's thesis.

We will run at you, even though you planned to stop us at exactly that, but run all over you anyway. That is the Redskins thesis. This means 2 WR sets a lot, and unfortunately because of OL injuries, now Cooley has to block a lot.

OL injuries in our thesis is BAD.. VERY BAD. Much worse than people here think.

New Englands thesis is we have a QB that is extremely accurate and we are going to put so many WR's out there that you can't cover them all. Then we'll throw some runs in because you are so afraid of stopping the WR's, you leave running lanes open. This is also the Colts thesis.

In case nobody has noticed.. NE and the Colts thesis has won superbowls for the last 12 years.

You have to go back to Joe Gibbs era that a run first thesis team has been a strong contender.

I kind of agree and wish we had a more wide-open offense, but the word thesis needs to go and the Steelers of 2005 were absolutely a run first team, so technically you are wrong.

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If Gibbs were calling plays it would be the success of 2005...this is Saunders who we are finding out is different than Gibbs

I disagree. First of all, our offense was hardly explosive in 2005 -- we had a nice stretch of games then teams around the leagues figured out our antiquated scheme and the offense went in the crapper for the most part.

Second of all, Gibbs brought Saunders here but seems to regret it. I say that because we are so not running the same scheme Saunders did in KC. Instead we're running... well, Gibbs scheme. Max protect, one and two receiver sets, that's old school and conservative to a fault IMO. What worked during Gibbs first time around hasn't proved to be successful (at least consistently) the second time around.

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i think cause the pats spread the offense out a lot. we bunch things up a lot. i dont understand why either. i believe we have the proper talent to run more 3, 4, and 5 WR sets. but what do i know. i do know 1 thing though i wouldnt have a guy who is a proven WR and who has a 6 year 30 million $ contract sitting the bench. i have been saying this for a while. why dont we use more spread offenses.

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I don'y buy the BS that the Pats players are superhuman ... its the coaching and offensive philosphy ... if you watched Brady the other night you saw clearly how they do it.

1. Plays from the Shotgun ... sees the whole field all the time.

2. Throws the ball quickly after a relatively brief snap ... plays uptempo game.

3. Moves around but stays in pocket ... buys time to clear his receivers.

4. Uses pass to set up the run.

5. Plays to win and go down the field ... not to lose.

6. Doesn't telegraph play by formation, down and distance ... not predictable.

7. At goal line ... uses pass to score after setting up with run.

The difference between the Skins and the Pats is like night and day even to a novice like me. Duh!

Basically, :cheers:

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