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anyone catch Portis on the Thompson show today?

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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talked a lot about our offense and he said he doesnt know how these other teams have WR wide open all the time. he watched the pats game and doesnt understand how moss is wide open a lot, and how sammy morris was untouched for most of his runs. said he doesnt know what they are doing differently than the skins but hopes we can find a way to do that because 17 points wont win you any games in this league. sounded like hes kinda unhappy with how the offense is currently being run and hopes they can utilize all the weapons we have. said his knee feels much better today.

I don't get it either portis...why aren't we getting open?

anyone else catch this interview?

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I've noticed this with alot of the elite WRs around the league. Everytime I see Carolina highlights I wonder how does Steve Smith get so wide open from time to time and we can never get Moss matched up one on one (let alone open). Nobody in their right mind would tell you that Carolina has other weapons that must be respected so a defense can't roll coverage on Smith (we've heard the rolling coverage to Moss story for years now...can't beat a cover-2 etc...)

The more I think about it I am beginning to realize that the Carolina coaches are PUTTING Smith in postions to get one on one coverage (afterall he is not that much more physically gifted then Moss). Whatever Carolina does to get Smith in positions to be open we need to emulate and apply to Moss.

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Because we're still running an outdated offense that is easy to defend. One receiver, two receiver sets and max-protect all the time -- I'm just not sure you can score a lot of points that way in today's NFL.

And it certainly isn't Saunders offense.

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I'm just saying, don't believe the hype about everything you read about at Redskin Park. Sometimes you have to take those articles, carefully read what players say and then judge for yourself on Sundays.

Again, I'm not being negative but something smells really fishy at Redskin Park and I'm getting vibes about players not telling it all. Also, what tipped me off and was the tip of the Iceberg was the Betts statement and Portis somewhat defending and saying you must produce regardless. Then, I read the Lavar Arrington Article and also see what's happenning on the playing field.

People, the old saying goes the mirror doesn't lie. And alot of people at Redskin Park need to take a look in the mirror. And that's from Coaches, FO and also the players.

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he said the same thing about how chad johnson is always open. doesnt understand why we cant get santana moss wide open.

Santana does get wide open...but JC has missed him at least twice w/overthrows...of course 2 times doesn't constitute all the time...but hey...I thought I'd toss it out there anyway..:D .

Maybe JC doesn't have his "field eyes" yet . Maybe he's not seeing everything he's supposed to yet.

Hey...I'm trying;)

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We are a run first team. Complete opposite of NE's thesis.

We will run at you, even though you planned to stop us at exactly that, but run all over you anyway. That is the Redskins thesis. This means 2 WR sets a lot, and unfortunately because of OL injuries, now Cooley has to block a lot.

OL injuries in our thesis is BAD.. VERY BAD. Much worse than people here think.

New Englands thesis is we have a QB that is extremely accurate and we are going to put so many WR's out there that you can't cover them all. Then we'll throw some runs in because you are so afraid of stopping the WR's, you leave running lanes open. This is also the Colts thesis.

In case nobody has noticed.. NE and the Colts thesis has won superbowls for the last 12 years.

You have to go back to Joe Gibbs era that a run first thesis team has been a strong contender.

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Conflicting reports.

Last week, I can't remember where the interview was, but the Skins player was talking about running play action in the second half vs the Giants and in watching film, the play was wide open....only the pass pro broke down.

So which is it? The plays are there and we're not hitting them or no one can get open??

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Has it been said that Joe Gibbs took over any playcalling other then the final two plays? If not, your post makes no sense especially when Gibbs has a pretty good offensive history as well.

From what I just read, I don't see what's wrong with what he said? What's the point of having Portis on as a weekly guest if he's not going to be honest?

I'm not saying that what is said was wrong. I'm saying that if things are so bad as what everyone and the media is saying, than why dont the players go up to coach Gibbs and tell him ( hey coach maybe we should do this or that) or ( I think that we would be more sucsessful if we did this or that).

If I see away I can make things better or more productive at my job, than I would go to my supervisor in a proffesional manner and exspress my thoughts.

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I heard a little bit of it. Man I'm tired of all this talk from this team. They need to shut the f*** up and play ball. Why dont he go ask his coach why?

If everthing is so bad at redskins park, then why dont nobody on the team stand up and say something to Joe gibbs?

If the playcalling, lack of killer instinc, ect ,ect is so bad..........Than why dont some on that team stand the f*** up in the team meeting and say something.

It doesn't exactly work that way. Players don't always even know their role till right before the game.. that isn't gonna pump anyone up

You expect someone to lash out at Joe and be allowed to keep playing?

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Santana does get wide open...but JC has missed him at least twice w/overthrows...of course 2 times doesn't constitute all the time...but hey...I thought I'd toss it out there anyway..:D .

Maybe JC doesn't have his "field eyes" yet . Maybe he's not seeing everything he's supposed to yet.

Hey...I'm trying;)

Moss has also drop alot of passes when JC has hit him right in the numbers;)
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Moss is no Steve Smith either, Moss is extremely athletic, quick, fast ... but very short and about 180lbs. he is not as physically strong as Smith, and he is our #1 WR. I love him, but doubling him up pretty much shuts down the passing game. ARE is even shorter than Moss.

It is the next incarnation of the smurfs, except for different reasons. I'm thinking that is where all the hate towards BLylod is coming to ... instead of reacting to bad play and poor evaluations of his play by the coaches, he sulks and sits in the corner and excludes himself from trying to make something of his stint here. Why should he? he has $7 million reasons not to get hurt. he got his salary up front, and there is no taking it back regardless of whether we cut him or not.

But then again, I've been called a dumbass and rightfully so before, maybe this is the same type of situation? i am on medication, so I need to be cut some slack here. Either way, we just need a WIN.

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It doesn't exactly work that way. Players don't always even know their role till right before the game.. that isn't gonna pump anyone up

You expect someone to lash out at Joe and be allowed to keep playing?

they dont not have to lash out. they can do it in private and in a respectful manner.
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I don'y buy the BS that the Pats players are superhuman ... its the coaching and offensive philosphy ... if you watched Brady the other night you saw clearly how they do it.

1. Plays from the Shotgun ... sees the whole field all the time.

2. Throws the ball quickly after a relatively brief snap ... plays uptempo game.

3. Moves around but stays in pocket ... buys time to clear his receivers.

4. Uses pass to set up the run.

5. Plays to win and go down the field ... not to lose.

6. Doesn't telegraph play by formation, down and distance ... not predictable.

7. At goal line ... uses pass to score after setting up with run.

The difference between the Skins and the Pats is like night and day even to a novice like me. Duh!

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That being said, it seems like we never pass down the middle of the field. All of our passes seem to be to the sidelines and out routes, which are easier to cover tightly since there is less space for the WR to roam around.

I think this plays a big part in our problem. We absolutely never attack the middle of the field, and I don't know why. Watch Dallas's offense, that's ALL they do. Quick slants, deep ins, crossing routes to Owens and Witten...all day.

We have Campbell throwing out patterns only for some reason, with the occasional deep go. Where has Cooley over the middle been?

I'm not sure what the coaches reasoning is for not testing the middle of field at least a little. Don't trust Campbell's decision-making? Don't think we have the personel to execute? What is it?

Campbell's first pass of the season to Cooley up the middle gets picked off...so stop calling those plays completely? Kinda like Lloyd not making a catch on the one pass thrown to him, so stop throwing to him all together? Portis fumbled, so take him out for the final drive of the game?

I'm seeing a pattern forming here from our coaches and I don't like it.

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the Pats WRs are always open because they run 4 WR plus the TE split out wide, and automatically mismatches are created. we don't even have 4 WRs, and Gibbs would never call such a play in a billion years.


Santana Moss

Antwaan Randle El

Brandon Lloyd

James Thrash

Reche Caldwell

Keenan McCardell

Care to recount? Or were you just verbalizing your negative exaggerations to piss people off? :logo:

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Name one WR on this team that has the talent that Randy Moss has? How Portis can compare any of our receivers to him is just beyond me. I love Santana as much as the next Skin fan, but hes just not in the same league. Something that might help our receivers get open is a in sync coaching staff coming up with better first and second down plays. Run...Run...Pass...Kick is a pretty easy pattern for even the worst defense in the NFL to predict.

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Santana Moss

Antwaan Randle El

Brandon Lloyd

James Thrash

Reche Caldwell

Keenan McCardell

Care to recount? Or were you just verbalizing your negative exaggerations to piss people off? :logo:

haha.. Randel El has not done **** in his career. u can call moss the 1 yr wonder right now.. Lloyd are you serious? Trash, ok. Caldwell and McCarrdell are too old to be a #1

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haha.. Randel El has not done **** in his career. u can call moss the 1 yr wonder right now.. Lloyd are you serious? Trash, ok. Caldwell and McCarrdell are too old to be a #1

Caldwell isn't good enough to be a #1, but 28 isn't that old bro

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I think this year it comes down to Campbell being inaccurate and young and the OL injuries. If they would have spent some of that money on OL depth instead of extra guys like Lloyd we might be alright now but this offense doesn't seem to get off the ground with the timid playcalling due to a couple injuries. Basically lack of mid round draft picks and some bad FA signings limit what they can do now, then they get scared too=bad offense.

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haha.. Randel El has not done **** in his career. u can call moss the 1 yr wonder right now.. Lloyd are you serious? Trash, ok. Caldwell and McCarrdell are too old to be a #1

So are we supposed to have four #1-level receivers, or four decent receivers, or four receivers period? :doh:

I think most teams would love to have depth at WR like we do. And honestly, Moss is a quality #1. ARE is a decent 2 or 3, and the rest are just solid depth.

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