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Who Believes?


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I don't think that an 11-5 record is unfathomable. I do believe that we should be 3-0 going into the bye week.

I think like in '05, the second game of the season, a Monday night divisional away game could be the spring board for the rest of the season. If we manage a win in hostile Philadelphia, then good things could come the rest of the way.

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all we need is production from the offense because our D is gonna kill somebody.

:cheers: :applause:

I think EVERYTHING hinges on week 1 vs Miami. Say what you want, but losing the game to Minnesota is what started the slide to 5-11.

That said, I don't think Trent Green will finish the game. Our "D" is healthy and hungry. God help the NFC East QB and WR's... :(

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:cheers: :applause:

I think EVERYTHING hinges on week 1 vs Miami. Say what you want, but losing the game to Minnesota is what started the slide to 5-11.

That said, I don't think Trent Green will finish the game. Our "D" is healthy and hungry. God help the NFC East QB and WR's... :(

i think God will let the chips, or bodies fall where they may on this one. in which case we are in good shape. our D is looking very fast, swarming and has something to prove. the best thing is that GW hasnt even opened it all the way up yet.

my advice to the opposition - make sure your medical staffs credentials are current and keep your golf carts handy.

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The experts who have picked poor records for the Skins the last 15 years have been right way more often than wrong. The truth hurts.

I don't feel this team has the defensive pass rushers necessary to cause havoc and create sacks and turnovers. That, and a young QB, fuel my belief that this team will struggle again this year. But be clear, despite what you think, I will be in front of the tv set or at the game rooting the team on. It's a ridiculous notion that you have to believe a team is going to be a winner to root for them.

Get off your high horse.

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Guest Rafterman
I'm sorry, but I had to stop after reading the second paragraph. No offense, but I just can't read another quote from a self appointed judge on what a Redskins fan should and shouldn't do.

BTW, you are going to see a lot scrutinizing here. Our team went 5-11 last season. That kind of deserves a little concern and scrutinization by fans. But it doesn't make us any less of a fan.


As the Associated Press said, "HOF HC with a group of ordinary players."

It all hinges on getting the offense moving.

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I believe - always have 26 years of fandom and counting... Never any doubt that we will win each and every game we go into, don't care whos the opponent or whatever, it's blood and sweat, it's burdgundy and gold baby!! Can't be any other way, no matter what the odds - YOU MUST BELIEVE!!! Thank you for posting this, it's time we fans pick this team up and ROAR at the stadium home or away... Into the mouth of the lions den my man - cause here we come READY OR NOT!!!


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I have high expectation every year. Is JC the second coming of Doug Williams? Can Leron Landry cover like Ken Houston? Will JG carry us to another SB and ride off into the sunset as part owner of the Skins? Will Snyder invest in NASCAR once JG retires from football? Stay tuned...

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The experts who have picked poor records for the Skins the last 15 years have been right way more often than wrong. The truth hurts.

I don't feel this team has the defensive pass rushers necessary to cause havoc and create sacks and turnovers. That, and a young QB, fuel my belief that this team will struggle again this year. But be clear, despite what you think, I will be in front of the tv set or at the game rooting the team on. It's a ridiculous notion that you have to believe a team is going to be a winner to root for them.

Get off your high horse.

Exactly. I believe this team can be competitive,but I've believed that the past 12 years too. I've been a fan all my life and I don't need a lecture on how to cheer on your team from you. I'll keep coming here and when we win I'll celebrate and when we lose , I'll take it in stride like I always have, but I'll always be critical of lousy effort, critical mistakes, etc. If you don't like it , don't read it!:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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