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Who Believes?


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I believe!!!!

And there is some truth to what he's saying. There is a reason we are the wealthiest franchise in the world. Its because we have the most loyal fans in the world. Win or lose. Meaning there are more Optimistic fans like the original poster and myself than those who scrutinize and curse the everyone from the FO to the DL. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but call me Optimistic Onnie007. We are going to have a grrreat year!!!! 10-6 and into the playoffs baby! :logo: :point2sky :cheers:

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can we say once and for all -


people always get on others saying 'well youre not a true fan if you think we suck'

some are just not as blind as others. we were a bad team last year. we appear to be better this year, especially on the defensive side of the ball. but we still arent getting turnovers. our first team offense isnt scoring. there is a chance that things might not go our way this year. does the team's future look better now than it has in a while? absolutely. but to say that someone is not a fan because they dont have a lot of hope for this year is absolutely laughable.


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can we say once and for all -


people always get on others saying 'well youre not a true fan if you think we suck'

some are just not as blind as others. we were a bad team last year. we appear to be better this year, especially on the defensive side of the ball. but we still arent getting turnovers. our first team offense isnt scoring. there is a chance that things might not go our way this year. does the team's future look better now than it has in a while? absolutely. but to say that someone is not a fan because they dont have a lot of hope for this year is absolutely laughable.


not getting turnovers? maybe not a bunch but i seem to remember PP knocking the chit out of boller that we recovered for a TD last week. the D IS causing three and outs. CR looks like a totally different player. the rookie Landry is like a demon on the field. Rocky IS what we hoped he would be, so is Fletcher. our D is what it was in 2004 and 2005, fast, strong and now they are pissed...about last year. combine that with the lack of REAL offense one really sees in the preseason. due to rotating players, keeping plays under wraps yadda lets wait to see how good we really are.

we have every right and reason in the world to have hopes and dreams, yes even the SB, as any other team at this point. who knows what will happen? it cant be much worse than last season AND we ARE looking better AND our QB is finally in the same system 2 years running for the first time ever AND our stud RB will be ready AND Samuels will be ready AND our D wants to murder someone.

so yeah, last year sucked ass BUT right now im stoked and i believe that we are about to shock everyone and put the smack to fools. its not being "blind" my friend its seeing the glass as half full, and rising.

oh yeah, and i got the second part of my b-day present today. Art Monk authentic throwback. it is crucial.

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I just finished watching the 75th Anniversary DVD that was handed out at the preseason game the last couple of weeks and I am soooooo pumped up for this season.

However, watching how the defense has played this preaseason only confirmed my belief that this season is going to be one for the memories. I'm not saying we are going to be SB champions, but we are certainly going to be one of the contenders in the playoffs this season.

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No more questions that any other team. Even the Patriots and Colts have questions

Actually our whole team is in question. QB, running game, #2 and #3 WR, ROG, d-line, LBs, CBs, SS. we have talent, but the questions for a 2006 5-11 team are abundant. I'm optimistic, but let's not kid ourselves. We have to do it on the field before we count it.

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:cheers: :applause:

I think EVERYTHING hinges on week 1 vs Miami. Say what you want, but losing the game to Minnesota is what started the slide to 5-11.

That said, I don't think Trent Green will finish the game. Our "D" is healthy and hungry. God help the NFC East QB and WR's... :(

Actually it was losing Pierson on the initial kickoff that sent us into a downward spiral for the rest of the season. Our depth was already bad at this point and losing Pierson forced us to play Swiss Cheese Archuletta in pass defense. Basically we were playing 10 players on D and that is if you want to count Wright, Rumpf and Holdman.

Fast forward to 2007....

Now we replace Wright with Smoot, Rumpf with Macklin, Holdman with McIntosh, Marshall with Fletcher, and Archuletta with Landry. If that doesn't bring speed, sacks and turnovers to a defense than nothing can.

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I always beleive. I was at the week 17 game last year cheering as hard if not even more than I did opening day. I think the majority of the people who come here are real diehards who never abandon the team and still have hope for the team even if they disagree with something. Unfortunately the small number of pessimists around here are extremely vocal and sometimes it makes me wonder why I come here. I first joined after the 2005 season because I am always surrounded by fans of other teams and I wanted a place to feel at home and discuss my team without all the negativity.:helmet:

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i believe every year.

I do as well, but isn't optimism starting to wear thin? At the very least, we'll do better than last year, record - wise. Our defense lost us a few games last season, and based on our limited observations thus far, it seems back on track to 2004 / 2005 form.

I really don't know what to expect, but expect improvement. That's all I can be assured of now. Last year really curtailed my optimism, so in my right mind I can't forsee true dominance from our team.

I predict 10-6 and a playoff berth. Well I suppose that's pretty optimistic. :cheers:

::knocks on wood::


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i start every season (actually before) believing that our team is a contender for the playoffs at least - but i'm not blind to our weak spots either - i simply choose to believe that the Skins as a group have the ability and talent to put together an aggressive game plan and execute it with precision and 110% determination - the only time i feel disappointed with the team is if they appear to be playing without heart - we have a great coaching staff and loads of talented players - there's no reason not to be optimistic about this season -----

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because I am always surrounded by fans of other teams and I wanted a place to feel at home and discuss my team without all the negativity.:helmet:
me too:cheers: i live outside of seattle so im surrounded by hawks....boy they didnt like me to well in the 05 season :laugh: skins play the hawks in seattle in the 08 season...cant wait! my first live skins game!
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me too:cheers: i live outside of seattle so im surrounded by hawks....boy they didnt like me to well in the 05 season :laugh: skins play the hawks in seattle in the 08 season...cant wait! my first live skins game!

way to represent....

im out in kentucky. i go to a sports bar here for gameday and im constantly surrounded by bengals and steelers fan. steelers fans are alright, plus their team prestige is one of the few that rival ours.... but bengals fans are just ridiculous, what make me even more mad is that they all seem like they jumped on the bandwagon once carson and chad came to town

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Remember at the end in the movie,"The Waterboy", where that one Cajun was sitting back, smiling and squeezing his honkers as BobbyB was throwing the TD pass? Well, sit back, rest, grab a couple, squeeze and SMILE...this is going to be one GLORIOUS SEASON...one for the Redskins record books!!!!

The injuries have settled, the team is way way below the radar, the fans at FedEx are just a waitin' to bust out and make FedEx as loud and as hostile as an Airport Runway, and the team has a chip on their shoulder the size of a Redwood...as do the coaches.

No W-L prediction from me, because it's not gonna matter...because come January 2008, not one NFC team stands a chance to succeed at FedEx, against the Redskins, Against Joe Gibbs & Staff, against the 92,000+ faithful, and against DESTINY re-lived.

This will be one season we'll always remember, a season the NFL will remember, and one that, for whenever that day comes where I take my last breath, I'll be able to say I witnessed the best the Redskins could be!!!

HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How's That?????

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