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"9/11 Conspiracies" on The History Channel


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That's the funny thing about the Space Shuttle hoax. There's no debunking it. It's fact.

...Which exposes you as yet another puppet of The Man, trying to build 9/11 into an ostensible government conspiracy in order to hide America's "space" flight hoax from the world.

Nice smokescreen you got there Spy Hunter, but we Space Shuttle Truthists are savvy enough not to buy it. We know the truth about your fake conspiracy and the real reason you spend so much time trying to advance it. The Future is in space, and you and your Economic Hit Man bosses are ready to distract us from the layers of "space" lies by diverting the normals to terrestrial "coverups." You should be ashamed of yourself.

Typical government shill... :doh: Do you honestly think we aren't onto your plan?

Yes, I understand.

I could waste time trying to prove what I already know, or I could just make snide comments and let people come to their own conclusions in time.

I choose the latter...

Good luck with Your shuttle hoax theory.

I don't buy into that one, but I am one who questions if we ever went to the moon. Wacko i know..

Any chance anyone in this thread still believe the magic bullett theory for Kennedy?

I thought so.

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The loons from "Loose Change" were interviewed throughout the show. At the end, they talk about "revising" or "editing" some things because a couple of their theories had been proven wrong.

Was the stoic James B. Meigs and his illustrious credentials interviewed by any chance?


This guy is just full of "facts".

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From the link: Examines the various conspiracy theories espoused on the Internet, in articles and in public forums that attempt to explain the 9/11 attacks. It includes theories that the World Trade Center was brought down by a controlled demolition; that a missile, not a commercial airliner, hit the Pentagon; and that members of the U.S. government orchestrated the attacks in hopes of creating a war in the Middle East. Each conspiracy argument is countered by a variety of experts in the fields of engineering, intelligence and the military.

This was the obviously biased description before hundreds of calls pointing out their biased show...


Shot at 2007-08-20

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You. I know it was a hit piece, so does everybody else, but they're still not going to listen. It'll be a gloat fest, why bother, there's nothing you can say right now.

I just want them to all be on this showing their ignorant view when it is thouroughly debunked.

From what I am hearing, it is their weakest attempt yet.

I also think the fact that I posted their biased write up prior to their editing it shows that my initial belief of this being a hit piece was not without reason.

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You. I know it was a hit piece, so does everybody else, but they're still not going to listen. It'll be a gloat fest, why bother, there's nothing you can say right now.

Of course it's a hit piece. ITS CALLED THE TRUTH.

I swear to GOD you concpiricy theorists have to be the dumbest people on the planet. :doh:

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You know they are right..

The Gov't was just waiting for 2 airplanes to hit the building since 1993 so they could blow it up with exploses planted earlier in sync.. Could you imagine the embarrassment if only one plane had hit one building.. They also faked the hit on the pentagon after installing break away lightposts, and they really wanted to try out the exploding white house but figured that was over the top so they asked the pilot to crash the plane into the ground. yeah.....right......

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Anyone see that South Park that had the 9/11 conspiracy theorists as a gov't conspiracy, because gov't didn't want people to believe that the gov't was incompetent? :laugh: Funny, but true. If you people believe that government, which can barely do anything else competently, could pull off the worst terrorist attack on US soil I've got some beachfront property in Nebraska to sell you.

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What makes this thing on the History Channel a "hit piece" but Loose Change some legit stuff? Why isn't Loose Change a "hit piece"?

IMO, it is. Me personally, I think both sides are off and the truth isn't exactly what we've been told, but they're both hit pieces. There is no way a couple of kids with 2 grand and a lap top could figure out an advanced plot they think they did and there is no way a bunch of guys in a cave, half way around the world, made Norad stand down. There is a bunch of BS in loose change, I won't arguee that, but this show, which I didn't see, but got a recap of, was just an attack as well, so the 39%(I think it's lower now) who still believe the "offical" story 100% can laugh at the "loons". Again, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

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Anyone see that South Park that had the 9/11 conspiracy theorists as a gov't conspiracy, because gov't didn't want people to believe that the gov't was incompetent? :laugh: Funny, but true. If you people believe that government, which can barely do anything else competently, could pull off the worst terrorist attack on US soil I've got some beachfront property in Nebraska to sell you.
So having a plan that states the need for a 9/11 type attack, then having everybody in place in the admin before it happens, then the attack, then the war, sold on lies, making said admin loads of money(along with some others of great wealth and influence), in which we are clearly not leaving, but planning our next one happens and you want to call them incompetent. Okay.
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