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"9/11 Conspiracies" on The History Channel


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I really don't want to enter this because it is the same BS all over again

But I just have to post this when someone starts talking about building 7

I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why the BBC reported the building 7 collapse 20 minutes before it happened

I mean you can see the building in the background still standing as she is reporting

the fact that she is reporting it with the background there is testimant not to a conspiracy, but the chaos and ineptitude that day (and the stupidity of BBC)
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dude you're pulling stuff out of your ass and clumsilly putting it together to make an 'argument'. none of that correlates at ALL. i love how you're faced with real hard factual arguments and you try and tie corporations, the iraq war, and 9-11 directly together. and just becuase you say something is inconclusive doesnt mean it can't be considered. i say your patheic **** is incoclusive, lets throw it out.
Hey, Ron Paul is among the tens of millions, who want a new investigation.
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