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Infertile couples should not be allowed to marry


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I was thinking and came up with idea about marraige and what it is meant for and who should be allowed to partake in such a ceremony.

Out here in SF, all the gays want to marry (or at least think they should be able to). Well, to keep this from happening, some conservative lawmakers think an amendment should be passed sanctifying, preservering, and in fact protetcting the holy institution of marriage from gays.

How to do this? Some are suggesting that, in addition to blood tests already required in most states, fertility tests be required before the state will recognize the marriage. The idea being that, the purpose of matrimony is, above and beyond all other purposes, to procreate and have children (says so in the bible, Old and new). So presto, since gay couples can't have genetic children through the "sex act" (which is the union that God has derived to bless the marriage), they are for practical purposes considered infertle, and therefore God does not bless any infertile marraige, in particular gays.

"But what about infertile couples?", say the gays. By that logic, they say, an infertile man or woman would also be prohibited from marrying.

Well, as unfortunate as it may be, inferitle people need to realize that God has a different plan for them, and His plan is not to have children, for whatever reason. The reason could be so they can carry out a better purpose....or it could be punishment for something they have done, or both. I'm sure if you dig deep enough into the private lives of most infertile people, you will find something bad they did that probably is the reason they are the way they are, so they shouldn't get too much sympathy anyways, but I don't want to generalize too much here.

So, let me sumup. In the eyes of God, any form of sex an infertile person has is just as hedonistic and blasphamous in the eyes of God as homosexual sex. The reason is that no sexual union can ever result in procreation...a new life. Sex is meant to be pleasurable so peopel will want to "be fruitful and multiple", as it says in Genesis. But the bible also says sex for pleasure alone is fornication, a sin of the worst kind.

So bottom line, sex is only allowed in marriage, its purpose being to bind in unison two people's love, which God willing will result in a new life in Gods' image. Sex outside of marriage, contraceptive sex, homo sex, or infertile couple sex is fornication and against natural law.

Therefore, infertiles, like gays, should not marry.


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I'm sure if you dig deep enough into the private lives of most infertile people, you will find something bad they did that probably is the reason they are the way they are, so they shouldn't get too much sympathy anyways, but I don't want to generalize too much here.

Translation: I don't want you to think I'm generalizing, but it helps my case tremendously if I do. Thus, I've added this disclaimer in place of any actual evidence.

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I was thinking and came up with idea about marraige and what it is meant for and who should be allowed to partake in such a ceremony.

Out here in SF, all the gays want to marry (or at least think they should be able to). Well, to keep this from happening, some conservative lawmakers think an amendment should be passed sanctifying, preservering, and in fact protetcting the holy institution of marriage from gays.

How to do this? Some are suggesting that, in addition to blood tests already required in most states, fertility tests be required before the state will recognize the marriage. The idea being that, the purpose of matrimony is, above and beyond all other purposes, to procreate and have children (says so in the bible, Old and new). So presto, since gay couples can't have genetic children through the "sex act" (which is the union that God has derived to bless the marriage), they are for practical purposes considered infertle, and therefore God does not bless any infertile marraige, in particular gays.

"But what about infertile couples?", say the gays. By that logic, they say, an infertile man or woman would also be prohibited from marrying.

Well, as unfortunate as it may be, inferitle people need to realize that God has a different plan for them, and His plan is not to have children, for whatever reason. The reason could be so they can carry out a better purpose....or it could be punishment for something they have done, or both. I'm sure if you dig deep enough into the private lives of most infertile people, you will find something bad they did that probably is the reason they are the way they are, so they shouldn't get too much sympathy anyways, but I don't want to generalize too much here.

So, let me sumup. In the eyes of God, any form of sex an infertile person has is just as hedonistic and blasphamous in the eyes of God as homosexual sex. The reason is that no sexual union can ever result in procreation...a new life. Sex is meant to be pleasurable so peopel will want to "be fruitful and multiple", as it says in Genesis. But the bible also says sex for pleasure alone is fornication, a sin of the worst kind.

So bottom line, sex is only allowed in marriage, its purpose being to bind in unison two people's love, which God willing will result in a new life in Gods' image. Sex outside of marriage, contraceptive sex, homo sex, or infertile couple sex is fornication and against natural law.

Therefore, infertiles, like gays, should not marry.


You've said some really stupid, inflamatory and ignorant statements in the past, but I think you've topped yourself on this one. This is the most ASSANINE thing I've ever read in here in the 2 years I've been posting. You certainly live up to your name. Congratulations for being the worst human being on the face of the earth for those comments. :applause:

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I've got a question (or two) on a related point....

What about people like me, who are fertile but who have absolutely no interest in having children of their own? This would apply to my roommates as well. They KNOW they're fertile (she had a miscarriage a number of years ago) but have no interest in actually having a child of their own. Would you allow such a couple to marry, if your Holy Book indicates that the ONLY reason for marriage is procreation?

Additionally, what would you do about marriages like the one my cousin Craig is in.... where they've been trying to have a baby for a number of years unsuccessfully. They've been to the doctors and been told they're both fertile, just very unlucky. Would you have their marriage annulled because they haven't had children? If so, how long does a couple get to start pumping out kids before their marriage gets decertified?

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People past the normal birthing age, (lets put it at a random number of 42!) shouldn't be allowed to be married either.


BTW - thanks to the OP for making this thread. There is a lot of posters who never thought they would be shooting down one of the main arguments against gay marriage.

Congrats guys.


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People past the normal birthing age, (lets put it at a random number of 42!) shouldn't be allowed to be married either.

And if you're over 42 and can't have any MORE children...does that set you free?:silly:

And how do you be fruitful and multiple at the same time?:doh: Is a degree required?:laugh:

BTW..I prefer Krispy Kremes:D

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I'm a survivior of a cancer that has made me infertile. Prostate was removed as well as 13 abdominal lymphnodes to save my life. I'm going to have to go the IVF route to have children, specimen was saved and frozen during surgery. Does this mean I shouldnt be allowed to marry after all I went through to get to this point...? :rolleyes: You are an idiot. Does this also mean I shouldnt be able to have sex with the person who sat by my bedside every day through chemo/radiation/surgery? Give me a break. This might be the dumbest rationalization I have ever seen. I'm going to enjoy getting married. I'll send you a post card from this infertiles wedding...:laugh:

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maybe "infertiles" as you call them and gays should not be married in YOUR CHURCH, but marriage is not defined by yours or anyone elses religion. It is now essentially a LEGAL union between two people.

this thread is so stupid I cant even be bothered to post a rebuttal to all the assine views expressed in the opening thread.

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Time to look at a few of Dumbsheet's previous posts, to figure out whether he's joking around here or merely a colossal idiot.

Not to generalize, but I find that people who post utterly stupid things tend to be huge morons who probably deserve to die. When you think about it, God is probably punishing them for fornicating with animals in the recent past or something. Otherwise he wouldn't make them so stupid. So bottom line, they probably deserve a slow, painful death by hot poker.

Again, I don't want to generalize too much here.

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