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Does Curtis Martin deserve to be in the Hall of Fame???


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Ladies and Gentlemen,

I was watching 3rd and 10, and during the show there was a debate on whether Curtis Martin should be in the Hall of Fame. I am curious about people's view on this, mainly because Curtis Martin reminds me of Art Monk. Great numbers, but not flashy, and not outspoken. Here are his credentials:

4th in rushing yards with 14,101

13th in rushing tds with 90 (8 of the 12 above him are in the hall, 3 others are current players, LT, Alexander, and Faulk, and the other one is Bettis, who will be a first ballot hall of famer.)

20th in total touchdowns with 100 (18 above him are either in the hall or current players.)

10 straight season with over 1,000 yards rushing, 2nd all-time

Here are the arguments against him.....

2nd in career carries

4.0 ypc for his career

Never won a championship

Considered by many as "very good," but never won an MVP

Personally, I think its a no-brainer. I am a numbers guy, and his numbers don't lie. Sure he had lots of carries, but having longevity shouldn't be held against someone. The only thing against him is never winning an MVP. Almost every other rusher that's in the hall, atleast recently inducted (last 20 years) won an MVP at one time or another. Anyway, I thought this would be a good discussion and help everyone get to training camp in two days.

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First ballot, especially if Bettis is a first-ballot guy, as you predict.

2nd all time carries should be considered a boon to his case, not a negative.

I think Bettis will be a first ballot hall of famer for the exact reasons that might keep Martin out of the Hall. He is marketable. Bettis is now on television, has a good nickname, and won a super bowl. People feared Bettis on 3rd and 1, I doubt anyone ever "feared" Martin. Bettis is #5 in career rushing, and had 91 rushing touchdowns, one more than Martin. While their stats are extremely similar, Bettis had the "flair" that Martin lacks.

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I think Bettis will be a first ballot hall of famer for the exact reasons that might keep Martin out of the Hall. He is marketable. Bettis is now on television, has a good nickname, and won a super bowl. People feared Bettis on 3rd and 1, I doubt anyone ever "feared" Martin. Bettis is #5 in career rushing, and had 91 rushing touchdowns, one more than Martin. While their stats are extremely similar, Bettis had the "flair" that Martin lacks.

That's why Martin is so comparable to Monk.

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Personally I don't think bettis is 1st ballot. He'll probably be 1st ballot, but if I had a vote, it would depend on who's eligible that year and I'd have to take a long hard look at his stats. He never put up LT numbers year in and out, but he did have some nice numbers in his early years with the Rams. He tailed off too much as he got older.

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1st ballot guy for me. Amazing talent - stats - so durable for his position - and an unassuming, humble ambassador of the game.

And the comparisons between him and 81 are spot-on. Two ppl who are most deserving, but often get overlooked by the masses simply bc they weren't constantly saying "Hey, look at me!"

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Wow I was going to say he might not make it if he played anywhere but in NY and NE, but since he played there he'll get in on the first ballot. Meanwhile Art Monk waits......and waits...... They better not do the same thing to Darrell Green.

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I don't think so Riggo. Martin is going to get in and it will probably be in his first year.

I guess we'll see.

Right, but he was never flashy, he doesn't ahve the dreaded "signature play." He didn;t self-aggrandize. Lead the league in rushing like twice. All he did was consistantly and quietly put up good numbers, for a long time.

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Curits Martin is the Art Monk of running backs...


Any Redskin fan who says Martin doesn't belong should also say Monk doesn't.

I was never that impressed by Martin. I never labeled him as even top five in the league during his career, but if you finish in the top five in any important stat, there should at the very least be a discussion.

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Right, but he was never flashy, he doesn't ahve the dreaded "signature play." He didn;t self-aggrandize. Lead the league in rushing like twice. All he did was consistantly and quietly put up good numbers, for a long time.

Yeah but you forgot about the trump card - he played in New York most of his career.

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Curits Martin is the Art Monk of running backs...

You can't really compare Martin and Monk. Curtis Martin never held any major records while Monk held the single season, and all-time receptions record at one time. I think Martin was a good steady player, but I don't think he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.

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