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Guys...If you could read "womens thoughts",would you take advantage of the gift?


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Most of you may or may not remember a movie that was out a few years ago called "What women want" starring Mel Gibson...

Gibson's character electricuted himself and he somehow aquired the gift of reading womens thoughts throughout the movie...

So my question to you all is?If you could do the same(read women's thoughts)Would you use that gift to your advantage...

Single men=1)It would make it real simple for you to ask women out since you would know for sure which one's were interested in you!

2)It would also make it more clear if you were with the right girl by reading thoughts she would be afraid to tell you and of course the real reason she likes you!

Married men=3)How would like to know what your wife TRULY wanted for Christmas or your aniversary and what not?4)How would like to know if your wife is having an affair with someone else...That could save you 10 years of pain?

Gay Men=Sorry bout' your luck! :laugh:

Anyways...If this gift was more optional than the way Gibson got it during the movie,would you want to be able to read women's thought's or are you satisfied with the way things are and would not want this kind of responsibility in anyway? Is this a flame not worth playing with?

Your thoughts?

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Are you absolutely nuts? Who wouldn't use this?

Think of all the headaches and drama you could avoid! One should be so lucky.

EDIT: Then again you could turn out to be significantly less intelligent, forget how to drive, lose channel surfing skills and go through random hormonal bursts.

Use with caution, I say.

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I'd use it strictly for perverted reasons. Nothing more, nothing less.

EDIT: I should explain. Women are annoying enough when they talk. I can't imagine how annoying their thoughts would be. So, like I do now, I would just block out everything that didn't have anything to do with my perverted thoughts and goals. I'm just keeping it real.

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I'd use it strictly for perverted reasons. Nothing more, nothing less.

EDIT: I should explain. Women are annoying enough when they talk. I can't imagine how annoying their thoughts would be. So, like I do now, I would just block out everything that didn't have anything to do with my perverted thoughts and goals. I'm just keeping it real.

lol, atleast your honest. me, i dont know if i'd use it or not. Would i be able to have a trial period to see if i liked it or not??? if not then no, i'm only 16, i'll learn:silly: , hopefully

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lol, atleast your honest. me, i dont know if i'd use it or not. Would i be able to have a trial period to see if i liked it or not??? if not then no, i'm only 16, i'll learn:silly: , hopefully

Yes, for a price of 9.95 + shipping and handling you can try out the Womens ESP for one full week. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

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I'd use it strictly for perverted reasons. Nothing more, nothing less.

EDIT: I should explain. Women are annoying enough when they talk. I can't imagine how annoying their thoughts would be. So, like I do now, I would just block out everything that didn't have anything to do with my perverted thoughts and goals. I'm just keeping it real.

:laugh: I know we disagree on some other matters but I love when you make these posts. I'm not sure that's a good thing but I enjoy them. :cheers:

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Are you absolutely nuts? Who wouldn't use this?

Think of all the headaches and drama you could avoid! One should be so lucky.

EDIT: Then again you could turn out to be significantly less intelligent, forget how to drive, lose channel surfing skills and go through random hormonal bursts.

Use with caution, I say.


Someone spoke the truth

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From a married perspective, no thanks. I'm sure their are times when my wife thinks I'm a complete idiot, but she'd never say so. I certainly don't need to know she's thinking it. If people heard our crazy inner thoughts, it would make life much more difficult.

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First, the day I know what women are thinking will be a very very scary day.

Second, eye to eye contact(not eye to boob), confidence and a sence of humour will get you where you need to go.

Third, how do you continue to start threads after Earning NNT's?

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Are you absolutely nuts? Who wouldn't use this?

Think of all the headaches and drama you could avoid! One should be so lucky.

EDIT: Then again you could turn out to be significantly less intelligent, forget how to drive, lose channel surfing skills and go through random hormonal bursts.

Use with caution, I say.

Lock the thread.

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Question: How would you not be able to use it and take advantage of it? Isn't this like asking "If you could see in color, would you take advantage of that ability" or "If you were tall, would you take advantage of that"?

sorry, didn't mean to take us off track philosophically.

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