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Skins fans feelings towards the Ravens.


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I for one am a ravens supporter simply b/c my girl is a huge ravens fan (born/raised in bmore) and i've gone to a few games with her at M&T, while shes obviously gone to a few skins games with me. Nonetheless, my girl knows a ****load of info on football, is fun as hell to watch games with, and is cute as hell. So of course I have no problem seeing them win, b/c she'll be in a good mood. Otherwise if they play the skins, my feelings turn to hate for the ravens, otherwise they are cool in my book.

PLUS... Ed reed is one of my favorite players in the league no wearing B&G.

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I for one am a ravens supporter simply b/c my girl is a huge ravens fan (born/raised in bmore) and i've gone to a few games with her at M&T, while shes obviously gone to a few skins games with me. Nonetheless, my girl knows a ****load of info on football, is fun as hell to watch games with, and is cute as hell. So of course I have no problem seeing them win, b/c she'll be in a good mood. Otherwise if they play the skins, my feelings turn to hate for the ravens, otherwise they are cool in my book.

PLUS... Ed reed is one of my favorite players in the league no wearing B&G.


Ravens supporters and fans who claim to be Redskins fans are nothing more.

There is one and only one team.

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Ravens supporters and fans who claim to be Redskins fans are nothing more.

There is one and only one team.

stop being a *****. im not buying their gear, im simply not hating on them. If the ravens are on at 4 and the skins are on at 1 i'll watch that game. My girl pays for direct tv and nfl ticket. Don't tell me i'm a sellout or that I'm not a true redskins fan. To you I say F U for instigating that i'm not a fan of the redskins.

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Personally, most of the Ravens fans I encounter here are of the bandwagon variety.

That's because Baltimore's REAL team is in Indianapolis. These guys are the REAL Cleveland Browns.

How do I feel about them? Complete indifference. It seems the two franchises are trying to foist some kind of "rivalry" with an annual exibition game -- that always seems to be at FedEx, not M&T. The Redskins fans I speak with are forming a dislike of the Ravens because their fans are so annoying. For that reason, the games may someday arise to the level of Philadelphia. Or, could if the games meant anything; which will happen when we cycle to playing the AFC North.

What I notice is that Baltimore is the cultural center of Maryland. Except for the counties around the District, most Marylanders don't think about the cultural & economic influence Washington DC has on the State. Those that do think about it, have a consistently negative opinion of Washington. Whether it's the city or the politicans, I can't say.

I like Baltimore, especially the Inner Harbor area, and feel no such resentment towards them - except when then they trash my team.

"Ravens" is one of those dumb names someone picks when they know nothing about Baltimore except what they see in bad Vincent Price movies. Modell could have named the team Baltimore Clippers, Baltimore Banners (as in Star-Spangled), Old Bay Seasoning, Chesapeake Crabbers; anything that evokes something about Baltimore. Ravens? Even Baltimore Poe-boys make more sense than a scavenger bird. Ravens aren't even a predatory bird (Eagles, Falcolns, Seahawks, ravens). And what's up with the Vikings jerseys?

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If anyone has a "second favorite team" then they are not a fan of this team.


I have a second favorite team, and they are in the AFC, i've been going to Skins games since i was 5, and have only missed maybe 3 home game the entire time.

Just because people have a second favorite team does NOT mean they are not really Skins fans. And to keep it on topic, i hate the color purple and most ravens fans.

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i actually like the ravens a lot, theyre def my 2nd favorite team. They're local, have had a great fun to watch defense for a long long time, and have had a core group of guys for 5 or 6 years now. Don;t get me wrong, my bro is a Ravens fan, and when they beat us a couple years back, i was fully prepared to drown him, but i really don't see a rivalry. Frankly i think its made up

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I respect all points of view on this message board but I have a hard time believing that any true, diehard fan would have a second team. Most people ive encountered that ever bring up a second team are the ones that don't take the losses the hardest.

Personally, I take my teams losses harder than most. When the skins lose I am pissed til at least Wednesday. When Terps bball and football loses I am very pissed as well. To me, having a second team takes away a little bit from your first team. I could be wrong, as there are many different "diehard" fans that probably handle wins and losses different from me.

That being said, a lot of my hatred for the Ravens stems from the **** Ive gotten from the countless Bandwagon fans Ive encountered here in College Park. If I had been older and had been in a place where I had encountered more knowledgeable, hardcore Ravens fans, my feelings might be different.

Until I meet enough legit Ravens fans though, my feeling will always be they are a bunch of bandwagon deserters that only like to strike when the iron is hot.

This was my reason for creating this thread. As I mentioned in the first post in this thread, some skins fans are indifferent, some hate the ravens, and some root for the Ravens as a second team.

That being said, my only problem with the last of those three things is.... how concerned could you possibly be about the Redskins if you are already rooting for another team the same day?

HTTR, the only team that matters.

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As a Skins fan (original question of this thread) I couldn't care less about the Turdbirds. They are not the Redskins. They simply don't matter.

As for a "second team", I don't get it. Unless, and until, the Redskins are eliminated from the postseason, there is no other team. When that happens, I usually find someone I can pull for. But never, under any circumstances, would it be for the Crackboys, or Turdbirds. If that Super Bowl ever took place, I'd be forced to root for...............

..........a giant meteor striking and destroying the earth.

Now, as a Football fan, I don't understand how anyone with an ounce of conscience could ever cheer for a team that was STOLEN from a dedicated fan base because of the greed of their owner. Not to mention that the city that purchased the stolen merchandise (with public money) cried for years about losing their old team, even though they didn't really try to do anything to keep them until the trucks pulled out of the gate. Hell, they couldn't even sell out a playoff game. They deserved to lose their team.

Cleveland did not.

I can't get passed that. And don't want to either. I honestly don't see how anyone can.

My hope is that I live long enough to see Baltimore lose this team as well.

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As a Skins fan (original question of this thread) I couldn't care less about the Turdbirds. They are not the Redskins. They simply don't matter.

As for a "second team", I don't get it. Unless, and until, the Redskins are eliminated from the postseason, there is no other team. When that happens, I usually find someone I can pull for. But never, under any circumstances, would it be for the Crackboys, or Turdbirds. If that Super Bowl ever took place, I'd be forced to root for...............

..........a giant meteor striking and destroying the earth.

Well said.

F the Ravens. I dont criticize the old-timers for rooting for their team since it was taken from them, regardless of how it happened. I DO blame anyone who USED to root for the Skins in the baltimore area, and now that they have a team (and a good one at the time) they jump ship.

Any former Skins fan who now likes the Ravens because a team just shows up on your city's doorstep is pure garbage.

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I cannot stand the Ravens. I go to college at Towson University, just outside of Baltimore, and everone there is a Raven fan, well sort of. In 2005 when they were garbage, no one on campus was wearing a jersey and then last year everyone was wearing jersey and they did the stupid purple rain thing and made the whole campus purple and I almost threw up. I love how they all hate the Redskins but who did they root for before the Ravens? I know they weren't Steeler or Brown fans. I just feel like all of them are fairweather fans and whenever they play well they root for them and when they play bad they just don't care. I HATE THE RAVENS!!!

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If anyone has a "second favorite team" then they are not a fan of this team.

I don't care about the Ravens either way...left Maryland just when they came over, in 1996 so I feel the same way about them as I do about the Browns. Couldn't care less.

Want to take issue with people saying things like the above, though. If you still live in the area, that's one thing. But I've lived in Atlanta for 11 years, so I pull for the Falcons because they're the "home" team.

Now between the two it's not even close. I don't read the Falcons message board, don't follow them nearly as obsessively, and I went to the GA Dome wearing my B&G the last time the 'Skins were in town, and yelled like mad for my team. In all other circumstances when it doesn't hurt the Skins, I like to see the Falcons do well.

All my friends who grew up elsewhere are the same way...Bengals fans, Titans fans, Seahawks fans, Jaguars fans...everyone pulls for the Falcons as their second favorite.

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Yeah- that would amost make sense if I was illiterate like you. ....................

I would normally let it go, as I make typos however ..... when you use the word illiterate to describe someone you should not make spelling errors (amost instead of almost) and you should use proper grammar .... "if i was" should have been "if i were" ..... :silly::D

to get back on track .... I dont have a second team I root for unless you count rooting on any given Sunday for another team to beat one of our division rivals.

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Despite the fact that we only play them once every four years, the Ravens are the closest team geographically to us (with M&T bank stadium only a 40 minute drive from Fed Ex.) Here in College Park there are large contingents of both Skins and Ravens fans, so naturally there is a lot of bumping heads between these two groups.

Personally, most of the Ravens fans I encounter here are of the bandwagon variety. They get all excited anytime the Ravens do well but as soon as the Ravens are doing poorly, they are nowhere to be found. I will always respect any die-hard, knowledgeable fan of any team, but it seems like those are few and far between for that team that wears purple. Being at UMD for a few years has intensified my dislike for the Ravens as the war for bragging rights has raged on. Now I will always root for them to lose unless a Ravens victory would somehow benefit the Redskins.

I was wondering how people on this board felt about the Ravens and their fans? With a team so close by, Im sure everyone has had some overlap with Ravens fans. This is especially true for us Skins fans who live in Maryland. Do you like them as a second team? Are you indifferent to them becasue they play in a different conference and don't really affect us? Do you hate them? Ive heard many different perspectives from Redskins fans when it comes to them. I think it'll be interesting to see how the extremeskins community views our neighbor to the north.

The Cleveland Browns? I HATE what Modell did to that city in robbing them of their team. If any city would have understood what that's like it should have been Baltimore, but they went up and did the same thing. For that reason, I hate the team. The SB trophy they have should be sitting in Cleveland as fas as Im concerned. As for their "fans" the ones I have had to deal with tend to be pretty ignorant and idiotic.

So, they are up there with NFC East clubs as far as the "hate" factor goes.

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My mom, dad, and aunt are all Ravens fans. The worst part is that I have to live with 2/3 of them in a Ravens themed house. There's purple crap everywhere.

The funny part is, my pop-pop (mom and aunt's dad) was a die-hard Redskins fan. As is my uncle (mom and aunt's brother). My mom said she always purposely rooted against the Redskins to make my pop-pop mad. We used to live in District Heights, but when we moved to Baltimore, I guess she felt that she needed to pledge her alligance to a "hometown" team.

When I first started watching football, at about 15, I watched quite a few Ravens games with my mom. I never really liked them. I didn't cheer or get excited or call out players names (like I do now). I went to a few Ravens games with her too, but I just sat... not cheering... nothing. Then, one day I watched the Redskins and fell in love. I guess you could say it runs in my blood. You'd never guess I was the same person as I was before- watching the Ravens.

As far as the team goes, I don't really mind them. I'm a fan of Ed Reed and Bart Scott. I hate Ray Lewis, because I swear you'd think he was the only player on the team around this place. But the team itself, they don't bother me. The worst part is the FANS. As the thread starter said, they are of the bandwagon variety. I can't tell you how much purple I saw the week of their playoff game at school. Then, when they lost, I didn't a speck. Still don't.

I hear a lot of crap about being a Redskins fan around here. The deadskins, ********s, whatever. I have fun shutting them down though. I had someone say to me the other day "Whats a Redskin anyway? An old man?" (Idiot :doh: ) I replied with, "Oh, and I guess being a dirty bird is better?"

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Maybe you hail from the city that boast it can read but doesn't and like the Ravens too...ya shmuck.

I don't know about anyone else, but this seems like a pretty illiterate, incoherent sentence. Especially coming from someone who bothered to call someone else illiterate.

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**** the rat birds they think just because they won a superbowl a couple years ago that they are the ****ing ****.... Good luck with McNair that dude is about done in the NFL and they dont have a good future Qb like we do with Campbell, and how much longer is Ray Ray gonna be playing he hasnt played a full season in a couple years.. like I said **** THEM....

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