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Skins fans feelings towards the Ravens.


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As a Skins fan (original question of this thread) I couldn't care less about the Turdbirds. They are not the Redskins. They simply don't matter.

As for a "second team", I don't get it. Unless, and until, the Redskins are eliminated from the postseason, there is no other team. When that happens, I usually find someone I can pull for. But never, under any circumstances, would it be for the Crackboys, or Turdbirds. If that Super Bowl ever took place, I'd be forced to root for...............

..........a giant meteor striking and destroying the earth.

Now, as a Football fan, I don't understand how anyone with an ounce of conscience could ever cheer for a team that was STOLEN from a dedicated fan base because of the greed of their owner. Not to mention that the city that purchased the stolen merchandise (with public money) cried for years about losing their old team, even though they didn't really try to do anything to keep them until the trucks pulled out of the gate. Hell, they couldn't even sell out a playoff game. They deserved to lose their team.

Cleveland did not.

I can't get passed that. And don't want to either. I honestly don't see how anyone can.

My hope is that I live long enough to see Baltimore lose this team as well.

you are absolutely correct. they deserved to lose their team. i remember as a small kid being in b-more with my dad and asking why there were signs everywhere reading "go Skins" and the like.

as to the rivalry, there isnt one. its manufactured on the ravens side of the beltway. its as if once they got the browns franchise the b-more fans were like....."bwaa, now we have a team we can hate on the closest other team"

everyone i know is a Skins fan and we are all completely indifferent to the ravens. meanwhile i went to an O's game in my Skins hat and fools tried to start crap. i gave them the "are you joking" routine and they slunk away.

regarding the ravens name, are they really named such because poe lived briefly in b-more a couple times, did a bunch of drugs/drinking and died there? i mean, i know that he is the basis of the name but couldnt they come up with something more fitting? maybe the baltimore esskay wieners.

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I'm a fan of MD/DC area teams - Georgetown, Terps, GW, Os, Nats, Wizards, etc. Of course, the Skins trump all.

That said, the Ravens are my AFC team. I have a ton of respect for their FO and team.

I've never understood the supposed "rivalry" - seems manufactured to me.

The hell is an AFC team???

Do you have an NFC West team? How about an NFC central Team?

Mets fans hate yankees

Sox fans hate cubs

the list goes on and on.....you can go to baltimore

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if the skins are doing badly and the ravens are doing well...why not cheer for the hometown team

Uhhh because you are a "redskins fan" not a ravens fan....well maybe not.

Considering how bad the skins have been as of late, i assume you have been rooting for the home town team more than the redskins.

Funny how the skins were your hometown team like 10 years ago, all of a sudden you jump ship

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Want to take issue with people saying things like the above, though. If you still live in the area, that's one thing. But I've lived in Atlanta for 11 years, so I pull for the Falcons because they're the "home" team.

Now between the two it's not even close. I don't read the Falcons message board, don't follow them nearly as obsessively, and I went to the GA Dome wearing my B&G the last time the 'Skins were in town, and yelled like mad for my team. In all other circumstances when it doesn't hurt the Skins, I like to see the Falcons do well.

Uh no.

The falcons are direct competitors with the redskins year in and year out. Root for them over division oppenents...fine

Root for them over other random NFC teams....only if it benefits the skins.

The falcons doing well almost always hurts the skins. You should root for them to every game to an AFC team. You should root from them to lose to every poo poo NFC team so that they cannot take a wild card spot.

Every time ATL beats and AFC team it hurts the skins, every time they beat a poo poo NFC team it hurts the skins

If they are your home team and you like them, fine, root for them, dont be a fairweather fan for the skins or vice versa.

I am currently stuck in packertown, do i get warm feelings in my stomache when Favre throws touchdowns....HELL NO

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Yeah dude... they got a team again. And since our 17 year drought they managed to win a Super Bowl. Of course they have a superb while ours is corner street vaginal with something to live up to. I haven't heard anything about their actual play on the field if we could marry our offense with their defense we might have a ring to sport for every day of the week.

Are you rationalizing rooting for the Ravens?

Are you saying the redskins losing has made you less of a fan?

Did you just flaunt a Bmore superbowl in our faces?

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I'm a Redskins first and foremost, but hey, if the Skins are out of the playoffs, you bet I'll back the local favorites. If they were NFC foe, probably not, but since they are AFC,

How is it possible to have a "local favorite" --which you indicate as bmore

When the redskins were your origonal local team.

Furthermore it is not possible to have more than 1 favorite period.

By the definition of the word, a favorite is the one you hold in the highest regard. There is no second. It is an oxy moron.

F the Ravens...say it with me....F the Ravens.

They are stealing some fans, which is fine by me, just dont come back on the bandwagon when the skins start rolling.

Bmore is such a selfish town. They got the ravens with no fight from DC...How long did DC have to fight Bmore to get the Nats???

F BMORE, and F the Ravens

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Ravens supporters and fans who claim to be Redskins fans are nothing more.

There is one and only one team.

Ding Ding DING.

No "second favorites" No taking pride in other teams.

The redskins are like my family, i root for my blood, not someone elses

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I have a second favorite team, and they are in the AFC, i've been going to Skins games since i was 5, and have only missed maybe 3 home game the entire time.

Just because people have a second favorite team does NOT mean they are not really Skins fans. And to keep it on topic, i hate the color purple and most ravens fans.

While i am glad you hate the ravens......

There is no such thing as a second favorite. Go look up the word favorite.

Favorite trumphs all else, so a second favorite is a natural oxy-moron.

Now here is the difference: when the skins suck, i have tons of internal pain. I feel like horse dung all week. Yet you, with a "second favorite" can prob still feel happyness during an nfl sunday if that other team wins.

I would seem then you have never really expeirenced the true pain that people who only have 1 team feel.

But you have beeing going to games since you were 5, so that is cool.

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It is.... that was a confusing time in my life.....back when it was goofy face wine night at the stadium.....


Yeah we are allowed a AFC team fool.

Do you think 17 years of having SH** rubbed in your eyes while watching the SKINS is fun??

F*** that. I like for my friends and neighbors to have a team to cheer for. They obviously arent Skins fans. I will know first hand who jumps on the Skins bandwagon when we win the SB.

Something they have done in the past decade if anyone has been in a coma.

Wow. If you can't stand the heat, then get the hell out of the kitchen.

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To me, a person who claims to like the Redskins and the Ravens, but calls himself a Redskins fan, is a person who says that he's a Jew for Jesus.

It doesn't effing exist.

Either you are or you aren't.

hahahhahaha that was classic. 2 thumbs up:applause: :applause:
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Yeah dude... they got a team again. And since our 17 year drought they managed to win a Super Bowl. Of course they have a superb while ours is corner street vaginal with something to live up to. I haven't heard anything about their actual play on the field if we could marry our offense with their defense we might have a ring to sport for every day of the week.

What the hell did you just say?

Is this a protest against the No Child Left Behind Act?

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Uh no.

The falcons are direct competitors with the redskins year in and year out. Root for them over division oppenents...fine

Root for them over other random NFC teams....only if it benefits the skins.

The falcons doing well almost always hurts the skins. You should root for them to every game to an AFC team. You should root from them to lose to every poo poo NFC team so that they cannot take a wild card spot.

Every time ATL beats and AFC team it hurts the skins, every time they beat a poo poo NFC team it hurts the skins

If they are your home team and you like them, fine, root for them, dont be a fairweather fan for the skins or vice versa.

I am currently stuck in packertown, do i get warm feelings in my stomache when Favre throws touchdowns....HELL NO

You don't know me. Don't you EVER f'ing call me a fairweather Skins fan, a******. I live and die with this team.

Now, with that out of the way, the fact is the Falcons doing well rarely hurts the Skins. Unlike you, apparently, I never start the season with the mindset that the 'Skins need other average teams to do bad so they can take the wildcard. I start with the mindset that they should do well and win the division, in which case it doesn't matter what anyone else does (except as it pertains to homefield advantage or the bye week). The only way the 'Skins and Falcons are in competition with each other is if neither wins the division and both are in the wild card hunt. In that case you bet your *** I'm rooting for the Falcons to lose every time. Otherwise, I'm pulling for the Falcons to win their games. I'm no fairweather fan because if Atl suddenly becomes the Colts, I won't care. They will never be better than a distant 2nd. And the 'SKins can have a decade of 5-11 seasons, and I'll still be watching every game in the colors, screaming at the tv when they do something stupid, and relishing the victories when they come.

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You don't know me. Don't you EVER f'ing call me a fairweather Skins fan, a******. I live and die with this team.

Now, with that out of the way, the fact is the Falcons doing well rarely hurts the Skins. Unlike you, apparently, I never start the season with the mindset that the 'Skins need other average teams to do bad so they can take the wildcard. I start with the mindset that they should do well and win the division, in which case it doesn't matter what anyone else does (except as it pertains to homefield advantage or the bye week). The only way the 'Skins and Falcons are in competition with each other is if neither wins the division and both are in the wild card hunt. In that case you bet your *** I'm rooting for the Falcons to lose every time. Otherwise, I'm pulling for the Falcons to win their division.

Good to know you are not a fairweather fan.

Now with that out of the way, unlike you, i realize that making the playoffs is goal 1. Winning the division goal is goal 2. Making the super bowl is goal 3, and willing the superbowl is goal 4.

Everytime the falcons play an AFC team it helps the skins to for the AFC team to win, plain and simple. That is a fact.

How many years have both the skins and falcons won the division in the same year?? Not too many, so you can toss that arguement aside.

All NFC teams are in battle for 2 playoff spots with the other 4 going to division winners. If you want to root for the falcons after the skins clinch a division title fine....But remember then we are competing for home field.

The thought that NFC teams are not in direct competition with each other is a joke.

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The Falcons and Skins usually end up competing in the wildcard race. Falcons victories ultimately hurt the Skins as they are another NFC team that could steal our spot. Rooting for the Falcons when they play an AFC team (no effect on Redskins playoff possibilities) or rooting for them when they play a crappy NFC team (with no shot of making the playoffs anyway) means that you are not taking the Skins best interest into account.

I am in no way saying you are not a diehard fan. All I am saying is the Falcons almost always come up in our playoff scenarios so that particular team doing well is not usually a good thing for the Redskins.

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I'm not a big Ravens fan, mainly because most Ravens fans hold the Redskins in contempt. So, I'm definitely up for a regional rivalry

Okay, we can point to a few bad things about the Ravens, but overall it seems like the Ravens are trending upwards. True, Modell was a bit of a carpet-bagger, but he no longer owns the team. Yes, there were folks on the Ravens' roster who rival the Bengals for the team with most players with just 6 degrees of separation from the incarcerated community, but some of those folks have moved on.

In general, the Ravens are solid team and their owner has never whined about competing for fans in Washington's vicinity -- something Peter Angelos has done ad nauseum. I guess my main beef is with the Ravens is the Ravens' fans -- they really don't like anything about Redskins and are always carping how they'd like to see us go 1-15, etc. That turns me off, and so I won't ever be a fan of the Ravens.

With all that said, I must go on record that I'm a BIG admirer of the Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome and his ability to draft, retain, or trade for really decent talent. Most of the player moves the Ravens make are solid -- they're just hampered by their own win-loss success (i.e., low draft choices), and having to play in a very tough division in a very tough conference.

So ... as with the Orioles, I can't ever cheer for the Ravens. However, that doesn't mean I can't acknowledge how the Ravens are a solid team and have a well-run organization (something that does distinguishes them from Peter Angelos' group.) Heck, even their uniforms aren't too bad.

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You don't know me. Don't you EVER f'ing call me a fairweather Skins fan, a******. I live and die with this team.

Now, with that out of the way, the fact is the Falcons doing well rarely hurts the Skins. Unlike you, apparently, I never start the season with the mindset that the 'Skins need other average teams to do bad so they can take the wildcard. I start with the mindset that they should do well and win the division, in which case it doesn't matter what anyone else does (except as it pertains to homefield advantage or the bye week). The only way the 'Skins and Falcons are in competition with each other is if neither wins the division and both are in the wild card hunt. In that case you bet your *** I'm rooting for the Falcons to lose every time. Otherwise, I'm pulling for the Falcons to win their games. I'm no fairweather fan because if Atl suddenly becomes the Colts, I won't care. They will never be better than a distant 2nd. And the 'SKins can have a decade of 5-11 seasons, and I'll still be watching every game in the colors, screaming at the tv when they do something stupid, and relishing the victories when they come.

I don't doubt that you're a fan, but your logic is off.

If the Redskins win their first 10 games, and we'll say it takes 10 to get into the playoffs, and then lose their last 6, then they're 10-6.

If the Falcons win their first 11 games and lose their last 5, then they're 11-5 and would get in the playoffs in front of the Redskins.

So when, exactly, do you stop cheering for the Falcons and start cheering against them so that we have a better seed?

A win for the Falcons in week three and a win in week 17 are both wins that would count against us.

That's why I don't like your argument.

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The Falcons and Skins usually end up competing in the wildcard race. Falcons victories ultimately hurt the Skins as they are another NFC team that could steal our spot. Rooting for the Falcons when they play an AFC team (no effect on Redskins playoff possibilities) or rooting for them when they play a crappy NFC team (with no shot of making the playoffs anyway) means that you are not taking the Skins best interest into account.

I am in no way saying you are not a diehard fan. All I am saying is the Falcons almost always come up in our playoff scenarios so that particular team doing well is not usually a good thing for the Redskins.

:applause: :applause:
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How many years have both the skins and falcons won the division in the same year?? Not too many, so you can toss that arguement aside.

How many years have the Skins not made the playoffs because the Falcons took their spot? Not many, so I guess we can toss your argument aside as well.

The Falcons and Skins usually end up competing in the wildcard race. Falcons victories ultimately hurt the Skins as they are another NFC team that could steal our spot. Rooting for the Falcons when they play an AFC team (no effect on Redskins playoff possibilities) or rooting for them when they play a crappy NFC team (with no shot of making the playoffs anyway) means that you are not taking the Skins best interest into account.

I am in no way saying you are not a diehard fan. All I am saying is the Falcons almost always come up in our playoff scenarios so that particular team doing well is not usually a good thing for the Redskins.

Well, unfortunately neither has been competitive in the wildcard race too much lately. I will absolutely give you the AFC argument. BUt the latter ("crappy NFC team") argument doesn't work. Early in the season, you don't know what anyone's going to do. A Falcons win could just as easily help the Skins as hurt them. So last year, for example, maybe you would have thought it was a good idea to root for the Saints over the Falcons because the Saints were a crappy NFC team with no shot of making the playoffs and the Falcons were a wildcard contender.

Once the playoff races start coming into focus, it becomes a different story and the Skins best interest is the only thing I take into account. But in the first few weeks, and when it doesn't hurt the Skins, I'll pull for the Falcons to do well.

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Are you rationalizing rooting for the Ravens?

Are you saying the redskins losing has made you less of a fan?

Did you just flaunt a Bmore superbowl in our faces?

1. Yes

2. No, never. All the years of losing and still a skins fans earns my stripes.

3. Flaunt no, defend my position against buck toothed idiots attacking me, of course.

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One thing, I do know is that I am a Skins fan through and through. I live in Florida, and there aren't any Ravens fans here, so I cannot hate the fans like I do Eagles fans, but I know the kind of negative impact they have had on our team!

One thing that really bothers me about the team is that they have stolen some of the Skins fan base over the last several years (Although, we might be glad to get rid of those crappy so called fans). Especially with our team being as bad as it is. Even my cousin, who is a Redskins fan, bought season tickets to the Ravens. Not because he liked them, but because he could actually get tickets. He kept them for one season and said it was the most boring park he had ever been to. He will not go back unless the Skins played there.

With all this said, I would love for us to have to play the Ravens once a year for beltway supremacy! I think teams that are very close in proximity should play each other, such as Giant/Jets, SF/Oakland, and etc. I think it would be great for the fans in those areas and great for the teams and NFL! However, I can see why they would have scheduling problems. But, if this happened, I could definitely hate the Ravens even more!

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1. Yes

2. No, never. All the years of losing and still a skins fans earns my stripes.

3. Flaunt no, defend my position against buck toothed idiots attacking me, of course.

People are attacking you because you are a fan of another team as well and you openly admit it. I get attacked on this board just for critizing the team that i love.

You admit to having an affiar with another team, the people who critize you are not buck toothed idiots, they are the sane ones

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