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Cerrato Twisting In The Wind?


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Coming out of SF, Cerrato was not respected. He then joins the skins (in a universally panned move) and proceeds to acquire Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders Irving Fryar and Mark Carrier. We all know how well that worked out.

Marty comes in and cans him (an 8-8 season with our fiscal house in order and our full complement of draft picks), only have him reappear with Spurrier.

Marty would of turned our team around. (opinion) But I can guarantee that he would of done a lot better than Spurrier. We should of kept him. He ended his tenure with us winning like 7 or 6 out of our last 8 games and gets canned?!!! Can't quite rememeber exactly right now, very drunk. WTF. He was turning our sorry franchise around, and it just burns me when I hear persons on this message board bad mouth Marty. Does anyone actually believe that San Diego will be the same without him? I don't. How does a 14-2 coach get fired? So what he lost to the Pats in the playoffs, their wide recievers couldn't catch a cold that game, that's not his fault. I am still hoping after Gibbs (he's the man, all the pundits underestimating him and our Skins this year will eat their words) that Marty will be his successor. Hail to the mother****ing Redskins! :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :point2sky

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:laugh: I just wanted to see if people have changed their view of hating Cerrato, at least temporarily, and it appears that most have.

I was looking forward to seeing him go prior to the draft, but like most others I just can't seem to find the hate that I had right now. Maybe things will work out...I certiainly hope so.

I guess I wasn't terribly clear about what I meant by my comment. I was referring to the fact that our excitement about Landry had perhaps diverted our attention for a short time from how lousy Cerrato is. And of course, someone had to go reminding us about that. ;)

For the record, I want him gone, I want his wife gone, I want his kid gone, I want his house sold out from under him. I want to be able to go there in the middle of the night and pee on his raquetball equipment :)

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It seems to that the level of impact attributed to Vinny here means that even if he selects and reccommends poor choices for our needs, no one else, specifically Gibbs, GW, Buges, Al, etc., has the football acumen or authority to see that and make alternate choices and reccomendations and then follow them these last three years.

That's true.

It is also kinda dumb to wait until after FA and the draft if he is considered the problem. By this point 90% of all the decisions on the big things for next year have been made. So why now and not 5 months ago when the horrible season ended?

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This isn't my article and I didn't post this but I read the beginning of the thread where the poster of this article and someone else got into a heated debate about it. Not taking sides there, but wanted to make a general point on the subject.

My feeling is if someone posts an article or rumor from a web site, why should he get hit for posting it? I always think its funny especially when people post things like JLC's blog or heck even a Washington Post article some will give it 1 star.

Is that 1 star meant to say they disagree with the content of tha article? Or is meant to say that they don't like the fact that someone took the time to post it on the site?

I would gather it would have to be the later because how can you rate/fault someone for the content of an article that they didn't write? Thereby, the only explanation that makes sense to me is that person is upset that someone posted the article.

That has happened to me at times too. I post a Washington Times article about the Skins and get 1 star for it. No sour grapes on my end mostly I get good ratings, but I find it weird when people hit the poster of the article.

My thought is if people agree or disagree with the article, cool, but why should they be upset it was posted in the first place? Isn't it nice for people to post things that they find because even if it doesn't do anything for one person it might be interesting for another.

If I am posting something it doesn't always mean I agree with the content or endorsing it -- it usually means that hey I think SOME people on the baord might think its interesting, that's all.

Just my opinion.

Edit: If its an old article though or something posted before, that's a different story, it would fit the been there done that drill

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old, old article. We drafted well, so it may give him another year.

Drafted well? We had one pick of consequence. He wasn't able to trade it away to get more picks.

Landry was a no brainer at #6. Best defensive pick in the draft. But it doesn't matter. The fact that he wasn't able to maneuver that #6 into more picks was a failure on his part. Plain and simple.

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Do you think that if we call concentrated hard enough on this subject together he might just disappear one day in a puff of smoke.

Or maybe we could get a FireCerrato.com website going or something, a la firemillen.com or firecoughlin.com from years past.

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I am not a Vinny fan and no question he was running the show through some bad seasons and his bad moves contributed.

However, I can't let Gibbs off the hook. I love Gibbs the coach. But every indication at least by every article that comes up about the subject that he is the prime guy calling the personnel shots.

I have read a zillion times how Gibbs prefers veterans and likes the draft but thinks its a crap shoot and is willing to trade picks.

I recall reading the article about the Duckett deal where Byner didn't think the move was necessary but Gibbs did.

I don't recall reading an article about Cerrato being high on Brunnel as his guy, but do recall reading the one about Gibbs loving him and traveling down to Jacksonville to get it done.

I don't recall reading any articles about Cerrato letting Pierce go but do recall the article where Gibbs talked about the salary structure for LBs on the team and giving Pierce what the Giants wanted would take him beyond if I recall Marcus' contract and they were uncomfortable with that.

And for those that don't think much of Cerrato and count me as one of them (though he seems like a nice guy) who is the guy quoted in the paper more than once GUSHING about Vinny, Joe Gibbs.

So yeah I don't think much of Vinny's abilities and I love Gibbs and I hate to say it but Gibbs to me at the very least is partly to blame for some of our bad moves.

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Yawn. Not this subject again. At least a new thread wasn't created.

Drafted well? We had one pick of consequence. He wasn't able to trade it away to get more picks.

Landry was a no brainer at #6. Best defensive pick in the draft. But it doesn't matter. The fact that he wasn't able to maneuver that #6 into more picks was a failure on his part. Plain and simple.

Sorry, but if there is no one willing to deal for it, how is one going to make a deal? It takes two to make such deals, and let's face it, the #6 pick wasn't that valuable. Fact is, no one in the top 10 was able to deal their picks.

Also, let's not denigrate the rest of the draft. Fact is, we have some real nice potential in the lower rounds. Course, we won't find out about those guys for a few years, but I like the potential. Would it have been nice to drop down a few spots and pick up an extra pick or two? Sure. But I don't think it was a failure not to do that. I hardly think picking up Landry is going to be a failure for this organization.

I am not a Vinny fan and no question he was running the show through some bad seasons and his bad moves contributed.

Actually, that's a real big question. Vinny certainly didn't have any hand in probably what was the biggest reason for those bad seasons: the hiring and firing of coaches. That's all on Snyder.

Fact is, when you have as much turnover as we've had, it is hard for your personnel moves to come out smelling like roses, especially when each new coach scraps what the previous coach was trying to build.


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Actually, that's a real big question. Vinny certainly didn't have any hand in probably what was the biggest reason for those bad seasons: the hiring and firing of coaches. That's all on Snyder.

Fact is, when you have as much turnover as we've had, it is hard for your personnel moves to come out smelling like roses, especially when each new coach scraps what the previous coach was trying to build.


Pre-Gibbs we likewise had high profile FA signings that didn't pan out, gave up lots of draft picks, remember the year where we kept signing restricted FAs. I believe Cerrato was around then though coreect me if I am wrong. And if the point is Cerrato was just a stooge for Snyder in my book it doesn't make it defensible either, I don't know any GMs who are known to be good in part because they are pansies.

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