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Cerrato Twisting In The Wind?


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Pre-Gibbs we likewise had high profile FA signings that didn't pan out, gave up lots of draft picks, remember the year where we kept signing restricted FAs. I believe Cerrato was around then though coreect me if I am wrong. And if the point is Cerrato was just a stooge for Snyder in my book it doesn't make it defensible either, I don't know any GMs who are known to be good in part because they are pansies.

And what have we done with Gibbs? High profile FA signings and trading draft picks.

Fact is, Vinny job is to get the type of players the coaches want him to get. Because, that's what his job is. Replacing him with someone else doesn't change the job description.


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Pre-Gibbs we likewise had high profile FA signings that didn't pan out, gave up lots of draft picks, remember the year where we kept signing restricted FAs. I believe Cerrato was around then though coreect me if I am wrong. And if the point is Cerrato was just a stooge for Snyder in my book it doesn't make it defensible either, I don't know any GMs who are known to be good in part because they are pansies.

pre-Gibbs we traded all of 2 draft picks (for Coles and Canidate). Since Gibbs' return we have traded 9 draft picks. This has always been Gibbs' MO as indicated by our lack of draft picks in his first tenure.

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pre-Gibbs we traded all of 2 draft picks (for Coles and Canidate). Since Gibbs' return we have traded 9 draft picks. This has always been Gibbs' MO as indicated by our lack of draft picks in his first tenure.

Cerrato traded 2 #1s and a 3rd to move up in the 2000 draft, and a number of late 2nd day picks for guys who typically never made the team. Also, we traded a 3rd for NE's 4th to give to the Jets for Morton, and gave up a 6th for Matt Bowen. In '03 I think we only had 2 or 3 picks left for the draft, one of which Spurrier insisted on wasting on no-talent Taylor Jacobs.

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I wouldn't mind Marty coming back as a GM/ coach and leaving Saunders and Williams to independently coach their respective units.

Please for the love of heaven and earth NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

What makes you think he's any good as a GM? Drafting Rod Gardner? He lucked out on Smoot, who dropped because of a bogus drug charge. The rest of his draft were all busts or disappointments. He picked up Pierce as an UDFA, but Pierce didn't really shine until Gregg Williams came along. He gave monster contracts to worthless sycophantic scrubs like Kevin Lockett, while cutting all-pro Larry Centers because he didn't take off his hat inside. He passed on signing Trent Dilfer to take Tony Banks instead.

And as a coach - even with all the incredible talent Butler provided him with in SD, he still couldn't win a playoff game. The guy hasn't won a playoff game since the mid 90s. NO F*%$%king THANK YOU!! Just say NO to Schotferbrains.

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pre-Gibbs we traded all of 2 draft picks (for Coles and Canidate). Since Gibbs' return we have traded 9 draft picks. This has always been Gibbs' MO as indicated by our lack of draft picks in his first tenure.

It amazes me the lack of factual information that gets posted here. Gibbs one never had a 'lack of draft picks'. They consistently traded their number one pick but they had plenty of picks every year.

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It amazes me the lack of factual information that gets posted here. Gibbs one never had a 'lack of draft picks'. They consistently traded their number one pick but they had plenty of picks every year.

In his first tenure he kept and used 3 first round picks in 12 seasons.

Darrell Green 1983

Bobby Wilson 1991

Desmond Howard 1992

That is fact.

Yes we kept a lot of lower picks, but the point I was trying to make is Gibbs has always been willing to trade a 1st round pick for a player, or a player for player,etc.

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Please for the love of heaven and earth NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

What makes you think he's any good as a GM? Drafting Rod Gardner? He lucked out on Smoot, who dropped because of a bogus drug charge. The rest of his draft were all busts or disappointments. He picked up Pierce as an UDFA, but Pierce didn't really shine until Gregg Williams came along. He gave monster contracts to worthless sycophantic scrubs like Kevin Lockett, while cutting all-pro Larry Centers because he didn't take off his hat inside. He passed on signing Trent Dilfer to take Tony Banks instead.

And as a coach - even with all the incredible talent Butler provided him with in SD, he still couldn't win a playoff game. The guy hasn't won a playoff game since the mid 90s. NO F*%$%king THANK YOU!! Just say NO to Schotferbrains.

Amen brother. You replied with all of the vitriol that this foolish idea merited. Don't forget, we didn't just draft Rod Gardener, we passed on a 10 year pro-bowl type starter in Steve Hutchinson. It was one of those drafts where the average fan who watched the Skins and thought, "I could have done better than that" was absolutely right.

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It amazes me the lack of factual information that gets posted here. Gibbs one never had a 'lack of draft picks'. They consistently traded their number one pick but they had plenty of picks every year.

Well, they had plenty of picks because there were 12 rounds back then. You could trade a few picks and still have a pretty solid draft.

Course, a lot of high picks didn't even play a down for the Skins back then as well. (Tory Nixon comes to mind.)


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During Gibbs' first tenure Bobby Beathard was calling the shots on draft day. Beathard liked trading the next year's #1 for the current year's #2, which he often used to gamble on players who were considered premium talent but dropped because they'd been injured their senior year. At times it worked wonders, and other times (ie Matt Mendenhall) it flopped. One shouldn't give Gibbs too much credit nor too much blame as far as draft picks go until the end of his tenure when Casserly took over and let Gibbs make the final call (ie Desmond Howard). Beathard followed much the same strategy when he went to San Diego. The one time he deviated from it...when he traded up to the #2 spot in the first to draft a QB...you know the one. :puke:

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Well, for the Vinny fans on the board, why is it that there isn't that I recall a single NFL web site, periodical that praises him, (if you can find one, great, let me know) and a ton criticize him. Yeah I can see a writer or two, etc maybe being upset at him over something and thus having it out for him, but you'd figure it wouldn't happen with everybody.

And no I don't think its the anti-Redskins media conspiracy that some on the board believe to be going on -- becuase think about it even with the team's ups and downs, Gibbs for example and Gregg Williams still sometimes get kudos.

I am not suggesting that football writers are always right, far from it, but it just strikes me interesting that we can find many anti-Cerrato articles/comments. And I really don't recall reading anything like -- Cerrato the poor guy gets a bum rap but he's really a misunderstood genius. The best I can find on Cerrato is don't blame him for all that goes wrong with the Skins. But I don't see anything like Cerrato is the one guy who knows what he's doing there, if only the Skins would listen to him, more, etc.

Maybe that is reality and we all got it wrong. But since I am not a fly on the wall, I just go with their W-L record under him, transactions, and its hard to ignore the articles that pretty much depict him as someone who was kicked out of SF, Cleveland because he wasn't very good, the Redskins bailed him out, he hasn't being doing good there either but sticks around becuase he's Snyder play buddy and yes man.

Edit: One correction but I'll double check, I am not sure if he ultimately worked for the Browns I recall an article that implied he was in at somepoint but they decided ultimately to let him go and didn't hire him. I am looking for that article. Another point though if Cerrato is all that, why didn't any team jump at him when Marty let him go?

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Well, for the Vinny fans on the board, why is it that there isn't that I recall a single NFL web site, periodical that praises him, (if you can find one, great, let me know) and a ton criticize him. Yeah I can see a writer or two, etc maybe being upset at him over something and thus having it out for him, but you'd figure it wouldn't happen with everybody.

Well, I don't often see executives of losing teams getting compliments. As long as we are a losing team, the FO is going to get critisized.

Course, tho, it is comical that the media still thinks that Snyder is running the whole show, when it has been said many times that Gibbs makes all the football decisions. So, I take what the media says with a grain of salt.

Anyways, I think most blame (and praise) for Vinny is somewhat overblown. Fact is, not many decisions that have been made by this team can be traced back to Vinny. Considering that the chain of command in this organization pretty much signs off on everything, blame can be spread around. It is just that Vinny makes for an easy target.

Another point though if Cerrato is all that, why didn't any team jump at him when Marty let him go?

To be honest, there aren't a whole lot of Player Personnel positions that open up, and most of the time when they open up, they usually give someone a promotion, either internally, or from another organization. Unless you happen to be a top name (and Vinny isn't that), it would be hard to find another job.

You can probably count on one hand guys who were once GMs and Player Personnel guys who actually changed jobs in the past 20 years. If you are good, teams tend to keep them around.

Really, would Casserly have found another job if it weren't for the fact that the Texans were created?


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