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Well that sucked!


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My planned get away failed miserably.

Dec 31 2k6 I moved out of my place and in with a Christian roommate who seemed to be after the things I wanted.

But instead I got some crazy "knee jerk" redneck type of Christian roommate, and it has been one nightmare after another.

I stressed from the beginning, I'm looking for a place where Christian men get together to become stronger, doing things like reading the word, confessing sins, helping each other with weaknesses, working out, eating right, and making the world a better place to live in, etc.

He agreed, and he worked out for a week and ate healthy........never........and smoked cigerettes then filled the house full of crazy people who did the same. :mad:

We didn't read the bible, we argued over the bible, which is another thing I stressed we should never do.

One roommate came straight from the looney bin......literally.

We are talking about a shock theropy, 15 year lithium taking crazy man!

He chain smokes nonstop and will not shutup......ever! He just talks and talks and talks, and talks, till you some how get away from him.

Another roommate came from jail and preached about how he wanted to workout and lose wieght.

That lasted for about 3 days, and then he sat on the couch stuffing his fat face with chips, sodas, nachos, all while watching 4 movies a day on my 2k$ system!

I put a stop to that in a hurry, I pulled my system and put it in my room.

The leader, Mr. Kneejerk Redneck Christian, would put up bible verses on this board to insult me or whoever, and egg on bible debates.

He said I had an ego problem because I wanted to work out and eat right.

I could go on and on about this nutcase.

Now I just keep to myself, the house as fallen apart, almost everyone is leaving.

I'm moving on the first.

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Jeez... sorry about that. I've thought of having that kind've roomate, but I think in some ways it's a bit tough to meet someone new and then trust them with everything in the way you want it.

My wise-crack answer is that that's precisely the reason I got married. I'd suggest starting with people you already know... or if that doesn't work meet new people, get to know them and then suggest the whole romomate thing.

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Geez....that sucked dude......

I was kinda excited to here you story once you returned too......

Since you left I've been getting into the teachings of Irvin Baxtor

He has this VIDEO SERIES on his version of revelation and it is unique to any other theory I've heard.....

I suggest you listen/watch the lesson of the 4 horseman THEN watch the 7 trumpets.

it'll trip you out because it goes against the tradition of teaching BUT he points out the whole time the tradition is unfounded. If he is right ( I hope ) it makes for a more interesting endtime when it happens.

:)God Bless

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I stressed from the beginning, I'm looking for a place where Christian men get together to become stronger, doing things like reading the word, confessing sins, helping each other with weaknesses, working out, eating right, and making the world a better place to live in, etc.

YMCA, it's fun to be at the YMCA. :rolleyes:

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My planned get away failed miserably.

Dec 31 2k6 I moved out of my place and in with a Christian roommate who seemed to be after the things I wanted.

But instead I got some crazy "knee jerk" redneck type of Christian roommate, and it has been one nightmare after another.

I stressed from the beginning, I'm looking for a place where Christian men get together to become stronger, doing things like reading the word, confessing sins, helping each other with weaknesses, working out, eating right, and making the world a better place to live in, etc.

He agreed, and he worked out for a week and ate healthy........never........and smoked cigerettes then filled the house full of crazy people who did the same. :mad:

We didn't read the bible, we argued over the bible, which is another thing I stressed we should never do.

One roommate came straight from the looney bin......literally.

We are talking about a shock theropy, 15 year lithium taking crazy man!

He chain smokes nonstop and will not shutup......ever! He just talks and talks and talks, and talks, till you some how get away from him.

Another roommate came from jail and preached about how he wanted to workout and lose wieght.

That lasted for about 3 days, and then he sat on the couch stuffing his fat face with chips, sodas, nachos, all while watching 4 movies a day on my 2k$ system!

I put a stop to that in a hurry, I pulled my system and put it in my room.

The leader, Mr. Kneejerk Redneck Christian, would put up bible verses on this board to insult me or whoever, and egg on bible debates.

He said I had an ego problem because I wanted to work out and eat right.

I could go on and on about this nutcase.

Now I just keep to myself, the house as fallen apart, almost everyone is leaving.

I'm moving on the first.

Sounds like the pilot for a new Fox sitcom.

Really, though, sorry you've gone through this experience. Sounds like you're getting out as soon as possible.

When you seek out roomies, can't you specifically say "no smokers"?

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My planned get away failed miserably.

Dec 31 2k6 I moved out of my place and in with a Christian roommate who seemed to be after the things I wanted.

But instead I got some crazy "knee jerk" redneck type of Christian roommate, and it has been one nightmare after another.

I stressed from the beginning, I'm looking for a place where Christian men get together to become stronger, doing things like reading the word, confessing sins, helping each other with weaknesses, working out, eating right, and making the world a better place to live in, etc.

He agreed, and he worked out for a week and ate healthy........never........and smoked cigerettes then filled the house full of crazy people who did the same. :mad:

We didn't read the bible, we argued over the bible, which is another thing I stressed we should never do.

One roommate came straight from the looney bin......literally.

We are talking about a shock theropy, 15 year lithium taking crazy man!

He chain smokes nonstop and will not shutup......ever! He just talks and talks and talks, and talks, till you some how get away from him.

Another roommate came from jail and preached about how he wanted to workout and lose wieght.

That lasted for about 3 days, and then he sat on the couch stuffing his fat face with chips, sodas, nachos, all while watching 4 movies a day on my 2k$ system!

I put a stop to that in a hurry, I pulled my system and put it in my room.

The leader, Mr. Kneejerk Redneck Christian, would put up bible verses on this board to insult me or whoever, and egg on bible debates.

He said I had an ego problem because I wanted to work out and eat right.

I could go on and on about this nutcase.

Now I just keep to myself, the house as fallen apart, almost everyone is leaving.

I'm moving on the first.

This story sounds like a great idea for a sitcom. lol

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That's an unfortunate story.

When having roommates, I think you need to be on different schedules but have a mutual respect for the home.

Doesn't matter how different you are, but it matters that your home is kept the way you want, and agree on these things prior to moving in together. House rules are #1.

If I were to have a roommate nowadays.

#1 No smoking in the house.

#2 Wash your own dishes within 24 hours.

#3 Common areas are kept clutter-free and clean at all times; not saying you cant sit on the couch have beer and chips watching the game, but clean up after yourself.

#4 No parties or groups coming by to drink or hang out without giving a heads up.

#5 Quiet after midnight.

#6 Keep your religious beliefs to yourself. Its none of my business, and it really doesn't affect who I am at all.

#7 Wash your ass. Stinky people are a no-no.

And that would be just for starters.

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I kept reading thinking that this would become your mission and at the end of the story you would have saved them. A house full of sinners and you to show them the light (by taking away the lighters)

If you really need some kind of retreat or contemplative commune. They do exist. If what you really want to do is study and meditate you need to get outside the real world. The real world will unfortunately always get messy really quickly.

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My planned get away failed miserably.

Dec 31 2k6 I moved out of my place and in with a Christian roommate who seemed to be after the things I wanted.

But instead I got some crazy "knee jerk" redneck type of Christian roommate, and it has been one nightmare after another.

I stressed from the beginning, I'm looking for a place where Christian men get together to become stronger, doing things like reading the word, confessing sins, helping each other with weaknesses, working out, eating right, and making the world a better place to live in, etc.

He agreed, and he worked out for a week and ate healthy........never........and smoked cigerettes then filled the house full of crazy people who did the same. :mad:

We didn't read the bible, we argued over the bible, which is another thing I stressed we should never do.

One roommate came straight from the looney bin......literally.

We are talking about a shock theropy, 15 year lithium taking crazy man!

He chain smokes nonstop and will not shutup......ever! He just talks and talks and talks, and talks, till you some how get away from him.

Another roommate came from jail and preached about how he wanted to workout and lose wieght.

That lasted for about 3 days, and then he sat on the couch stuffing his fat face with chips, sodas, nachos, all while watching 4 movies a day on my 2k$ system!

I put a stop to that in a hurry, I pulled my system and put it in my room.

The leader, Mr. Kneejerk Redneck Christian, would put up bible verses on this board to insult me or whoever, and egg on bible debates.

He said I had an ego problem because I wanted to work out and eat right.

I could go on and on about this nutcase.

Now I just keep to myself, the house as fallen apart, almost everyone is leaving.

I'm moving on the first.

LMAO...I remember your thread...and I also remember most of us telling you were bonkers to go through with it. Count yourself lucky you came across hamrless loons. Put this down as "people will take advantage of you" and "people are generally morons and ideals are best left for movies otherwise Communism would've worked". :laugh:

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Nowhere near surprising to me.

You should have wielded your katana at one of them. Then you should have quoted Ezekiel 25:17:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

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You might be looking for too much. A friend of mine goes to a funky church that has no building. They meet in a coffee house (which they own). They have little groups on everything from eating right to enviromentalism. You choose which to join and they do all sorts of things from camping trips to movie nights.

You don't need to pull away from life to do those things you mentioned. You just have to find the right place for yourself.

Anyway, sorry to hear your plans didn't work out as you intended.

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Nowhere near surprising to me.

You should have wielded your katana at one of them. Then you should have quoted Ezekiel 25:17:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

YES!!!! kick ASS!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Next time, try and do the exact opposite. Dont mention religion, confessing sins, working out or any of that. I bet you find some normal people that live and let live and end up NOT arguing with you about religion and probably workout and eat right just because thats what a lot of people do.

Your original plan screamed "I AM LOOKING FOR A CULT" and thats what you got.

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Next time, try and do the exact opposite. Dont mention religion, confessing sins, working out or any of that. I bet you find some normal people that live and let live and end up NOT arguing with you about religion and probably workout and eat right just because thats what a lot of people do.

Your original plan screamed "I AM LOOKING FOR A CULT" and thats what you got.

What is this working out and eating right that you speak of??

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