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The Joker revealed

The Evil Genius

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Promo pic of Heath Ledger as the Joker.

Is it me...or does he look like Jared Leto?

There appears to be some debate about weather this is a finished product or not, this is a link to a pic from him on set last week in Chicago http://www.superherohype.com/news/topnews.php?id=5530

The latest pic you posted is either from an early make-up test or a fake (look at his right hand it may have 6 fingers).

Anyhow the Batman community is scrutinizing this latest pic very hard.


Link: http://www.superherohype.com/news/topnews.php?id=5558

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There appears to be some debate about weather this is a finished product or not, this is a link to a pic from him on set last week in Chicago http://www.superherohype.com/news/topnews.php?id=5530

The latest pic you posted is either from an early make-up test or a fake (look at his right hand it may have 6 fingers).

Anyhow the Batman community is scrutinizing this latest pic very hard.

It does look like he has 6 fingers good eye with that. I seriously doubt this is what the joker is going to look like. No one will be as good as Jack was he was the perfect joker.

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It does look like he has 6 fingers good eye with that. I seriously doubt this is what the joker is going to look like. No one will be as good as Jack was he was the perfect joker.

Nicholson was not the "true comic book Joker" he was Burtons campy cartoony Joker, witch fit Burtons movies well and Nicholsons personality played to the role well.

Nolan that is directing this series is taking the Joker from the original source material (comic books/graphic novels) and making him come to life in a realistic way.

When all is said and done Nolan/Warner Brothers have not ruled out the possibility of an "R" rated Batman film. Witch if they held to the true sadistic ruthless maniacal comic book Joker they may well have to do, either way they will have to cut it right at the edge to make "PG-13" again.

Joker in the comics/graphic novels has killed a whole kindergarden class, raped and maimed Barbra Godron in front of her father trying to drive him mad, as well as expiramenting on the homeless and generally being one sick twisted individual...........all for the sake of doing it.

We will see a very (from Ledger) "Clockwork Orange" kinda Joker, this is very close to the source material.

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Nicholson not sadistic enough? Burns a womans face, tries to gas an entire town, burns someone alive, posions household products, but thats not sadistic enough because he didn't blow up Jason Todd and rape Gordon's daughter?? Nicholson rocked the house with his portrayal, stop hatin.

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Terrible...looks like some Trannie's mug shot.

Die-hard Batman Fan should be pissed.

I was upset, until I read Shallow's explanation below:

Nicholson was not the "true comic book Joker" he was Burtons campy cartoony Joker, witch fit Burtons movies well and Nicholsons personality played to the role well.

Nolan that is directing this series is taking the Joker from the original source material (comic books/graphic novels) and making him come to life in a realistic way.

When all is said and done Nolan/Warner Brothers have not ruled out the possibility of an "R" rated Batman film. Witch if they held to the true sadistic ruthless maniacal comic book Joker they may well have to do, either way they will have to cut it right at the edge to make "PG-13" again.

Joker in the comics/graphic novels has killed a whole kindergarden class, raped and maimed Barbra Godron in front of her father trying to drive him mad, as well as expiramenting on the homeless and generally being one sick twisted individual...........all for the sake of doing it.

We will see a very (from Ledger) "Clockwork Orange" kinda Joker, this is very close to the source material.

My first reaction is, "Yuck!" But, then again, I thought Michael "Mr. Mom" Keaton as Batman would be a joke until I actually saw the movie and was blown away. Right now, I can't make any decisions until I see the characters in action and how they interact with one another. But, in all fairness, it's going to be hard to beat Nicholson's Joker.

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We will see a very (from Ledger) "Clockwork Orange" kinda Joker, this is very close to the source material.
That is the Joker that we're all waiting for in this film, but remember The Joker is a character that's over 50yrs old. There have been many versions and interpretations.

I loved the first Batman, thought it was great and Jack was awesome in it. It was a bit Campy, but most people watching that movie also grew up watching The Batman TV series.

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Nicholson not sadistic enough? Burns a womans face, tries to gas an entire town, burns someone alive, posions household products, but thats not sadistic enough because he didn't blow up Jason Todd and rape Gordon's daughter?? Nicholson rocked the house with his portrayal, stop hatin.
No. No he did not. It's one thing to like an actor's portrayal of a character in a movie most of the time, but in this scenario, when people gush over Jack Nicholson as the Joker it literally makes most hardcore Batman fans cringe in agony. Read any Batman graphic novel- The Killing Joke, Long Halloween, Hush, A Death In the Family, etc., and you'll QUICKLY come to realize that Jack Nicholson's/Tim Burton's incredibly campy and cartoonish Joker is pretty much an insult to the true nature of the character.

I realize that when the original Batman film came out, most people who saw the movie also recalled the Batman TV show featuring Adam West (which in and of itself is probably the greatest stain on the Batman legacy ever) so for the mainstream audience Burton's Batman just seemed like a more twisted extension of the Joker from the show. But with Nolan's new Batman series, starting with Batman Begins, it's a complete reboot of the entire franchise- throw out EVERYTHING you've seen and heard of Batman before, whether it was Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, it doesn't matter, because it's going from the ground up now, and thankfully they're taking MUCH more of it from the actual comics.

Just be prepared for this Joker, because according to Nolan and Ledger, and going by how Batman Begins turned out, this should be a much darker and sadistic psychopath than any other Joker seen on TV or in the movies, and if someone preferred the light, campy Joker from before, they're probably not going to be ready for this version. I full faith in it though- Ledger's a great actor, and if they hit the Joker even somewhat as accurately as they did the Scarecrow in Begins, it should be real good.

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Nicholson was not the "true comic book Joker" he was Burtons campy cartoony Joker, witch fit Burtons movies well and Nicholsons personality played to the role well.

Nolan that is directing this series is taking the Joker from the original source material (comic books/graphic novels) and making him come to life in a realistic way.

When all is said and done Nolan/Warner Brothers have not ruled out the possibility of an "R" rated Batman film. Witch if they held to the true sadistic ruthless maniacal comic book Joker they may well have to do, either way they will have to cut it right at the edge to make "PG-13" again.

Joker in the comics/graphic novels has killed a whole kindergarden class, raped and maimed Barbra Godron in front of her father trying to drive him mad, as well as expiramenting on the homeless and generally being one sick twisted individual...........all for the sake of doing it.

We will see a very (from Ledger) "Clockwork Orange" kinda Joker, this is very close to the source material.

can't wait :applause:

It seems like someone figured out that all of these super-hero movies don't have to be so freakin cheesy.

I loved Batman Begins just for that reason. I hope they continue down that path with the sequel. Sounds like they are :applause:

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