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Carlos Mencia Gets Owned!


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It has been debated before. . .


I got a funny email today from one of the guys on the Frank show in Tucson saying that Carlos (aka Ned Holness -or however the **** you spell it- his real name, aka the phony mexican or carlos menstealia- what other comics call him) was talking **** about me on the radio.

He sent me an audio file, and since I'm bored in a ****ing hotel room in DC, I listened to it.

I thought I would share it with you guys because you're the cause of it with the barrage of hate you sent to his website

He talks about how you guys were saying he sounds a lot like me, and how I said "the force was weak with him" which I did, and that was being NICE. What I should have said is that he's a ****ing weak minded delusional joke thief. What's really interesting, is that I said what I said about him HERE. Since this is a private forum that the public can't read unless they sign up, that means he signed up, and he's a member here.

Did he respond here?

No. Of course not.

He sits back like a little lurker sponge sucking up ideas for new "jokes" and listening to people talk **** about him, but not having the ****ing balls to stand up for himself.

What's really funny, is that he refers to himself in this audio clip as "The punisher." saying that's his nickname.

Listen up, you fat delusional hack, you can't give YOURSELF a ****ing nick name, you no friends having douche bag.

I'm THE TERMINATOR!!! There, I have a nick name now!! The only thing you punish is the attention span of anyone in your ****ing audience with an IQ above 60.

What's really hysterical, is that he talks about a fictional occurrence at the comedy store I nervously watched him in the back of the room, and where me and a bunch of comics supposedly sat around and talked about him for an hour, and then finally in this fantasy scenario, I admitted that he's really good.

I'm gonna be real clear, stupid; that NEVER ****ing happened. the only time any comic, including me watches you, is to see if your stealing material.

Which you DO. ALL THE ****ING TIME.

See, that's why people SAY you steal. Because it's a ****ing fact.

No one is running around saying Chris Rock is a thief, or Dave Chappelle is a thief, or even me for that matter. But HUNDREDS of ****ing comics recognize you as a thief. What... they're all jealous? They're jealous of you and not Chris ****ing Rock? Oh yeah, I forgot... he's not "The Punisher!!"

I've seen you steal over and over again. I've seen you Steal from Paul Mooney, I've seen you steal from Dave Chappelle, I've seen you steal from old Richard Pryor albums, I've seen you steal from Jeff ****ing Foxworthy.

Your mind is weak. Keep talking ****, fat boy. I'll keep exposing you.

Enjoy the audio clip here: Carlos talking **** on the radio.

Now, the REALLY funny thing, is that "Carlos" was claiming that I was watching him onstage, pacing the back of the room, and then reluctantly admitting his greatness to other comics. Well, what's funny about that, is that my trusty camera man actually filmed "Carlos" watching ME onstage from various parts of the room, and then filmed him sucking onstage after him, and me talking about how terrible he was.

He even edited it together with the audio from the radio station in AZ.

Check it out here: Carlos OWNED.

Here's another great article written by someone about the phony **********: Hope in America

If you really love comedy, stop supporting joke thieves.

Here's some more audio, this time of George Lopez from the Stern show yesterday talking about what a thief "Carlos" is:

Lopez on Stern.


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Mencia isnt funn at all. But he's laughing all the way back to his big ass house.

The reality is, there are very few comedians that have NEVER swiped a joke, or a bit, or an idea from another. Rogans pissed, not because Mencia steals, but because he's more succesful at stealing that he is.

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That is the ultimate Scarlet Letter in Comedy...you don't steal someone else's material. "Honor among Thieves" and all that.

People have been ripping off the untouchable Bill Hicks for years...there's just no justice.

Bill Hicks has had more material stolen from him than any other comedian I can think of. (Aside from Carlin and Pryor who covered so much ground in their performances that it's hard NOT to steal from them... lol)

I didn't realize Mencia was supposedly a joke stealer though. I'm typically fairly good at spotting ripoffs in the comedy world. Must've missed this one.

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if by hilarious, you mean...sad, I agree.

I always thought his material was nothing more than regurgitated basics (stereotyping humor, etc.). Never once thought he'd be stealing jokes. I think its clear from his reaction in the confrontation that he doesn't have much of a case to support himself, other than the fact that he has a show on Comedy Central. Ned? German? Who would've thought...

The guy got owned.

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The reality is, there are very few comedians that have NEVER swiped a joke, or a bit, or an idea from another. Rogans pissed, not because Mencia steals, but because he's more succesful at stealing that he is.


Most people react to Joe Rogan the comedian like this: "That guy does comedy?!" He's known for Fear Factor and the UFC, neither of which show case his comedy at all. He's pissed that Mencia made it, and when you have your own show and EVERYONE knows who you are, you've definately made it in comedy.

They all steal jokes. Go watch the old comics do their thing and then watch any of the new ones. You'll spot a lot of the same material.

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Most people react to Joe Rogan the comedian like this: "That guy does comedy?!" He's known for Fear Factor and the UFC, neither of which show case his comedy at all. He's pissed that Mencia made it, and when you have your own show and EVERYONE knows who you are, you've definately made it in comedy.

They all steal jokes. Go watch the old comics do their thing and then watch any of the new ones. You'll spot a lot of the same material.

I think it has more to do with the fact that he's not Mexican, isn't named Carlos Mencia, and they've got a little feud going on.

My personal favorite comedic feud is David Cross vs. Larry the Cable Guy. Cross basically ruins Larry over and over and over, and it never gets old... lol

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Most people react to Joe Rogan the comedian like this: "That guy does comedy?!" He's known for Fear Factor and the UFC, neither of which show case his comedy at all. He's pissed that Mencia made it, and when you have your own show and EVERYONE knows who you are, you've definately made it in comedy.

They all steal jokes. Go watch the old comics do their thing and then watch any of the new ones. You'll spot a lot of the same material.

I think it's more than that. There appears to be a number of folks who are a bit angry about Mencia's joke stealing. Sure, the fact that he steals jokes and gets paid a lot for it is probably part of the anger. Just blowing it off as "jealousy" understates how strongly someone feels about an artist ripping off another artist's material. The old "their just jealous" defense doesn't always cut it. Rogan has enough success in his own world that he probably doesn't need to somehow make him feel better by attacking Mencia.

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One thing about comedian's "ripping off' each other. I think comedians are influenced by other's styles and riffs, but most tend to avoid directly ripping off another comedian, as in actually ripping off their jokes. I mean, you can see comedians that you could tell were probably influenced by, say, Richard Pryor, but they did their own material. They didn't retell, for example, Richard's jokes about being in Africa or some other bit.

THAT would be stealing as opposed to be influenced. It's similiar to musicians - being influenced and directly ripping off riffs.

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Joe Rogan is a comedian? What a cry-baby! If it's true that Carlos is stealing his jokes, Joe's delivery must be awful because Carlos got a comedy show out of it and Joe got to host Fear Factor. Nothing but jealousy.

Rogan has some decent bits, more so then Mencia taking the tired and cliched racial angle to his jokes, or everything always being about "beaners." At least Rogan has some varied material or just blurts out stuff that can get a laugh.

Succcess is not always a measure of how good one may be at their artform. If that is the case, then Britney Spears must be a musical genius.

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