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Taylor Gibbs diagnosed with Leukemia (MERGED)


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Best wishes for a full recovery. The Gibbs family is in the thoughts and prayers of myself, and all of Redskins nation. Joe has done so much for all of us, this site bears proof that his work on and off the field has given so many of us inspiration and hope through troubled times. Myself included. We're with you Taylor. May God look down upon you and your family with kindness and love in your time of need!

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I had a teacher back when I was in college who had a daughter with cancer. Took a toll on him.

Now finding out about my uncle, my mom is already acting emotional. It's her brother- who's only 8 years older than me. His son got married last year and he has a young daughter.

They are more important things than football, etc..

Prayers to Taylor and the Gibbs family.

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All kinds are treatable....its whether that treatment has a good chance of working or not. What you meant to say is "Hopefully its the kind that responds best to treatment"....

no, you are wrong. Sometimes it is untreatable, that is when the treatment becomes what is called "palliative" meaning for pain relief only, which is different to "radical" treatment, where you're looking for remission of the disease. If you don't know the facts yourself, then please don't try to be a thread bully and pull someone else up on what is an irrelevant remark. You were just trying to show off, and your facts are wrong.

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ASHBURN, Va. -- Washington Redskins coach Joe Gibbs disclosed Tuesday that his 2-year-old grandson has leukemia.

"We got the news on Taylor, and it really devastated our whole family," Gibbs said on his Web site, joegibbsonline.com.

Gibbs said that Taylor Gibbs was diagnosed two weeks ago. Taylor is the son of J.D. Gibbs, who runs the Joe Gibbs Racing NASCAR team in North Carolina.

Gibbs said the family received "a good report" this week on Taylor. The coach said the boy had undergone multiple surgeries and has begun chemotherapy.

Click on the link above for the rest of the article

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As an update, I sent an email to Coach's website letting him know that the members of Extremeskins have Taylor and the family in our thoughts, prayers and hopes.

Thanks, that was very good of you. I wish Taylor a speedy recovery and the Gibbs family all the best in a difficult time.

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Horrible news to hear, truly puts things in perspective. It's very encouraging not only for this particular situation, but for any situation to see how well Coach Gibbs handles things. His strength and conviction is a huge inspiration and truly makes me proud that he is part of my favorite team, not only to help them back to glory, but to help people around him through their struggles, and to help make anyone that is willing, a better person.

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