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An unnamed source at Ashburn stated that Lindsey was the mole responsible for the quotes in the Tom Friend article. The source also informed me that Lindsey was the driving force behind the Adam Archuletta and Brandon Lloyd signings and that he was planning to talk Snyder into giving Warrick Holdman a 10 million dollar signing bonus/contract extension.

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I don't think you can blame Lindsey for the fact that we have no-talents at LB...unless maybe he was the one who desparately wanted McIntosh, and the staff is disappointed with him...[/QUOT

Uhhhh Lavar! You can hate all you want but the guy had talent. Lindsey couldn't maximize it and made it sound like Lavar had never seen a football.

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Blache is well respected around the league. He just didn't have the overall talent on the D-Line. Blache would be a D-coordinator for many teams. He is too valuable. Lindsay is rubbs a lot of players the wrong way. If the skins would have done this a while back we would still have 56. Lindsay take your ass home and also take your foster child Holdman with you.

I hate to say it but doesn't seem like no one on the defensive staff can properly evaluate? If what your saying is true about the D-line. I mean Wynn,Daniels, Griffin and Carter were given huge contracts and they're still sub par. Once again the evaluators need to be evaluated.

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Hey! This :point2sky what happends when you momma smoke crack...
My brain is hurting from reading some of the posts on this thread.

You know what they say. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. ;)

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What's funny is that the linebacking corp were considered our strongest unit prior to this season. Marshall was considered solid and an up and comer and Washington was considered a pro bowler. Holdman was thought to be a weak spot, but with clemmons and McIntosh, we would have two to groom to replace. Of course we cut Clemmons, who was one of our best pass rushers or at least pressurers, and all but refused to play McIntosh. Marshall either regressed or played hurt and wasn't spelled.

D line was always a patch job. Griffin has been superb for two seasons and had an off year this year. Phillips is a blue collar worker as is Wynn. Unfortunately, they were paid for more than blue collar work, but we knew that unless Carter proved to be really good, than our line was a weakness. Golston was a pleasant surprise and a decent fill-in, but the talent in the d line was always suspect.

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Huh? Did you watch the games this year? I played football, but hell, even my wife knew that our LB play was miserable this year. They were consistently out of position, unable to get off blocks, and missing tackles. There's a reason our top tacklers were safeties...and it's not because the LBs were being effectively coached. :laugh:

Sure the LBs suffered. But you can't pin it all on Dale. Where were the DT's to eat up blocks? Too often I saw Marshall taking on a down lineman. That's asking for trouble for any LB. And it was magnified with Marshall who is lighter. But that's the trend for Tampa-2 type MLB's. Urlacher isn't much heaver than Marshall. He just has better DT's to let him roam a bit more.

I don't have a problem with Lindsey being let go. I have a problem with this penchant for the noobs here to trash a guy as soon as he leaves or is forced to leave. They started on Portis when the first rumor of him being a malcontent came out.

None of us on this board have enough inside information to judge whether someone sux or not. It's childish to bash someone's character just cause he's leaving. Some people deserve it. But I don't think Lindsey is one of them. His biggest mistake was not keeping his mouth shut when the media set him up before the Giants game.

And the best line ever came from him. How Lavar couldn't help the Giants out cause he never read his playbook. That's just classic!

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Deserved or not (I suspect that it was deserved) Lindsey has a reputation for being mean spirited toward his players. The Redskins have to add talent to the LB corp this offseason, and with few draft picks free agency is their only choice. Washington would be a very unattractive team for a FA LB if Lindsey was still on the staff.

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Deserved or not (I suspect that it was deserved) Lindsey has a reputation for being mean spirited toward his players. The Redskins have to add talent to the LB corp this offseason, and with few draft picks free agency is their only choice. Washington would be a very unattractive team for a FA LB if Lindsey was still on the staff.

Sure he did. But every team needs a couple of sonsa****es as coaches. You need a mix. Otherwise, you end up with what we had in the dark Turner years. Where we 'competed', 'played really hard' but always managed to make a mistake at the wrong moment. Or we end up with a defense like we had under George Edwards and get burned by the boot pass THREE FREAKING TIMES in the second half by Brad Johnson when at Tampa!

I don't think it was cause he was gruff. I think it just came down to the fact that the Olivadatti is an up and comer. And the fact that Dale let the media bait him. Those two together probably sealed his fate more than anything.

People forget that most of the players are 20 something year old kids. Who've been coddled for years and have huge egos. Some players don't need a kick in the pants but others do. I do know though that you can't be mean all the time. Maybe Dale didn't mix it up enough. Who knows for sure. Only Andyman probably.

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This is good news. Posey and Mcintosh should have been in there over the speed bump guy.

Greg Williams needs to get rid of a few more coaches. IMO I really think he needs to get more involved so that this defense want be embarrassed any more than they were last season.

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I hate this, he was a great coach, and was the one who aided in the development of great linebackers in Antonio Pierce, Marcus Washington, and Lemar Marshall. If he was a snitch then I am fine with this move.

Uh Pierce was Good before lindsey showed up Marty and other were saying how smart he was and he played both OLB positions.

Marcus Washington was very good for the Colts and we stole him when the colts spent money on their offense

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Originally Posted by SkinsOrlando

Did holdman go with him?

We can only hope! :applause:

I think Rocky should have been in there the same time that Campbell started playing. But Holdman is another example of the insane piling on happening here lately. I didn't see him miss a lotta tackles. I saw Sean T miss a lot. But not Holdman. Maybe it's cause he couldn't get off blocks. And that could be due to inadequate play from the line. You guys should really take some time to think before you post. It really lowers the quality of the board when you just spew the first thing that pops into your mind.

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I think Rocky should have been in there the same time that Campbell started playing. But Holdman is another example of the insane piling on happening here lately. I didn't see him miss a lotta tackles. I saw Sean T miss a lot. But not Holdman. Maybe it's cause he couldn't get off blocks. And that could be due to inadequate play from the line. You guys should really take some time to think before you post. It really lowers the quality of the board when you just spew the first thing that pops into your mind.

Holdman was one of the worst I've seen about getting off blocks. To watch Rocky afterwards was a major contrast in style.

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if what we read can be believed, Steve Jackson has the emotional maturity of a 10 year old. what a crybaby. imagine a guy sulking walking up and down the sidelines during an NFL game...................

Watch Larry Johnson on the Chiefs sideline.

As for Lindsey, I was surprised by this move. But it does make sense. What doesn't make sense is why Steve Jackson still has a job with the Skins. If he doesn't have his contract "terminated," hopefully Gregg Williams will straighten out the secondary's failure to communicate.

Maybe we can dig up the Boss from "Cool Hand Luke" to coach. Too much of a taskmaster like Lindsey, you say? At least he'd be more media savvy. His quote on LaVar: "Some men you just can't reach."

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But Holdman is another example of the insane piling on happening here lately. I didn't see him miss a lotta tackles. You guys should really take some time to think before you post. It really lowers the quality of the board when you just spew the first thing that pops into your mind.

You didn't see Holdman miss tackles because it looked like he was playing on roller skates all year. The guy was consistently 5 yards downfield, engulfed in a block. Hard to miss a tackle when you're not even in the vicinity. :laugh: Maybe you should go back and watch more closely, because you're the only person I know who doesn't think Holdman was dreadful.

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Let me add absolutely nothing to this thread by saying, "Thank heavens."

I'm hoping this means Williams & Co. are going to stop doghousing people, as that was something Ole Dale was especially good at doing. The job of a coach is to get the most out of the players he's got, and making examples of players at positions where you're not particularly deep is generally not the most productive way of doing that.

Now if Saunders would accidentally end up a head coach somewhere else, I'd be in hog heaven.

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