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ESPN:Arrington Rips Union and Skins!!! (Merged)


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:doh: :doh: Is he Gay for Poston?? Geeezz!!!!

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- New York Giants linebacker LaVar Arrington equated the players union with organized crime Wednesday, 24 hours before he was scheduled to testify before Congress at a hearing involving his former agent.

Lawmakers will be looking into the NFL Players Association's suspension of Arrington's former agent, Carl Poston, stemming from his handling of a contract the linebacker signed with the Washington Redskins near the end of the 2003 season.

Arrington contends the union acted unfairly in taking away Poston's livelihood.

"They suspended him without a hearing, the NFLPA," Arrington said, sitting in front of his locker at Giants Stadium. "If you are educated and you pay attention to what is going on around you, they do a lot of foul stuff. It's like organized crime, to be honest with you. They are bad."

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I blame both parties involved for the whole mess.

If true, and it wouldn't suprise me at all, our FO is really truly ****ty. (Although I've said this for years and I've remained a skins fan. The Redskins will not be defined by who currently owns or manages them).

If true, however, Carl Poston is one of the stupidest people on the planet and deserves everything he gets from the players organization. Your ONE duty as an agent is to freaking READ THE DAMN CONTRACT FOR YOUR CLIENTS. It's absolutely inexcuseable that he let Lavar sign it without noticing it was .......oh......missing 6.8 million dollars. All it took was one phone call to the Redskins to fix.

As far Lavar.....................why are you sticking up for this guy?

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Upshaw said Poston had 14 days to review the contract after it was signed and he didn't discover the error.

"I ended up telling LaVar about it at the Super Bowl," Upshaw said.

The NFLPA's disciplinary committee recommended in March that Poston be suspended for two years. After several hearings about the case were postponed, the NFLPA suspended him.

Upshaw said all the meetings were postponed by Poston for excuses ranging from injuries to family problems.

stfu Lavar
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Guest sith lord
Lavar stole a lot more money from the Redskins than the Redskins -- allegedly -- ever stole from him.

Brandon Lloyd has stole a lot as well.

And Adam Archuleta.

Christian Fauria.

David Patten.

The list goes on and on...

Has Joe Gibbs stole money? After all, he's getting paid $5 million a year and after 3 years he has a losing record.

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I don't know if it's true about the 6.5 mil.

I really do find it hard to believe that the Skins would do that, I really do.

The one rep the Redskins/Snyder have never had is one of being cheap.

Either way, the Poston's are the villans in this one. Either they lied to LaVar about the 6.5 mil in the contract OR they were negligent in their duties by having him sign that contract without looking it over.

Sorry LA, love ya man but you're on the wrong side of the argument this time.

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I loved this guy as a player, but everytime he opens his mouth to defend the freaking Poston brothers he looks like a biger idiot.

So now he's saying the Redskins and the Players Association are in cahoots to run the Postons out of the league; come on LA. Your agent had 14 days to review your contract. His job is to protect you; look out for your best interest. In 14 day's he couldn't figure out that there was 6.5 million dollars missing from your deal? Ever heard of the second set of eye's theory? Or do you just blindly trust the guy that you pay the most money to? You're an idiot and so's your agent!

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I too find it hard to see the Skins not paying. Regardless of what way you look at the situation, Poston is at fault. The fact that Lavar can't get that through his head is amazing.

My favorite Bang cartoon was the one of the Poston's and The Chosen One. Both are NG.

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Just read this over at the NFL Fanhouse:

Arrington Compares NFL Players' Union to Organized Crime

Posted Dec 6th 2006 8:20PM by Michael David Smith

LaVar Arrington signed a long-term contract with the Washington Redskins in 2003, and he says the Redskins pulled a fast one on him. The contract, Arrington claims, originally included a $6.5 million bonus, but the Redskins took that bonus out of the contract before faxing over the final version. Fortunately, Arrington had an agent, a man whose sole job was to read Arrington's contract and advise him on whether or not to sign it. So he caught the Redskins at their game and refused to sign the deal until they put the bonus back in, right?

Wrong. Arrington's agent, Carl Poston, didn't notice and told Arrington to go ahead and sign. Arrington, surprisingly, holds no ill will toward Poston (he says it's all the Redskins' fault). But the NFL Players Association holds Poston responsible and has suspended him. That angers Arrington so much that today he said of the union, "they do a lot of foul stuff. It's like organized crime, to be honest with you. They are bad."

Union head Gene Upshaw probably doesn't appreciate being compared to Tony Soprano, but he says his problem is with Poston, not Arrington. "When we got into this, we did it to protect LaVar," Upshaw said. "I couldn't care less about Poston."

If we did that, that sort of sucks.

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How many times have you known Snyder to cheat players out of money? And remember at the time, Lavar was the star!

Even if this did occur, the Poston's missed a $6.5 million difference :doh: They get paid a tomn to not let this happen. Why is Lavar backing them?

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The Postons were suspended for negligence.

It is highly unlikely the skins would do that. They said they had copies of all old contracts and why would they give someone two 6.5 million dollar bonuses the same year. The Postons told him the wrong amount and then had him sign it.

Check your history of the incident.

Lavar's judgement may be questionable. Everyone, including his own Union says his agents are at fault, but he believes them.

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Whether the screwed him or not, this is a billionaire fighting with a millionaire. I can't relate. Either way, Lavar got paid for being injured for two years. I wish we had the Lavar of old, not the one of the past two years. But I think in the end, this worked out well for the skins.

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