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The Merged x115 Adventures Of The Fashion Police Weekly aka THE Uniform Thread


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A majority of ppl like the current scheme so sorry bro lol.


I see that you've conducted a scientific poll to arrive at this conclusion, correct, "bro"?  BTW, if they were so popular, then why were they out of circulation for approximately 30 years, until Bruce Allen dusted them off?  "lol."


We wear gold. It's not masquerading as anything.


If this thread has shown me anything over the last few years, it's that many many people are unaware that there are different shades of the color gold, and that our gold is more actual gold than anything else... Not the new/metallic/true gold that people seem to believe is the only color that should be worthy of the name. (I've posted this about 20 times in here, usually after someone gives a long essay on why the team should return to "Real" gold, not that you did that. I've even posted links/images... Hopefully this time it sticks)...


The word "gold," like many words describing colors, is misapplied frequently, especially in sports.  Some of it has to do with the fact that "yellow" has a negative connotation (i.e. cowardly) to it.  Heck, my alma mater, USC, says that its colors are Cardinal & Gold.  However, its colors are, depending upon the decade examined, dark red/maroon & yellow.  Not only that, but the shade of "cardinal" that they sport is quite different from that of, say, their conference rival, Stanford.  Moreover, from the late 1960s onward, the Redskins uniforms have looked quite a bit like USC's during the same time frame, so much so that when I was attending USC and watching an NFL Films documentary on Sonny Jurgenson, one of my dormitory roommates said to me something like, "What's this, old game footage of USC back when John McKay was the coach?"  At first, I didn't know what he was referring to... but when I thought about it, I realized, "Wow, the two uniforms do have similarities, don't they?"


As far as "gold" is concerned, I think it's inarguable that Notre Dame's helmets are gold, for instance.  Heck, if memory serves, they use actual gold leaf on them.  Now, compare that look to almost every other team in college and pro sports that claims to use gold, and tell me there's not a difference.  "Oh, but that's metallic gold!"  "Oh, but Photoshop says that Redskin 'gold' is gold!"  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  "Who you gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes?"


Frankly, this particular part of the uniform controversy is utterly academic to me.  I love our current unis.  I could care less that they're closer to maroon & yellow than burgundy & gold.  (Truthfully, I don't think we've ever actually worn gold -- or, if you will, Notre Dame gold.  Look at the gold on our 80th Anny throwbacks.  It's closer to... bronze, if anything.  Not that I care.  It's a nice look too.)  "A rose by any other name," and all that.  My real concern is that the "Photoshop gold" pants (does that description of them make you happier?) are being worn all the time, when they really only look best with our dark/home jerseys.  We need to bring back the dark pants for use with the white/road jerseys.  And if that means the throwbacks (70th and 80th anny, etc.) gotta go to make that change work within the league's stupidly restrictive uniform rules, then that's fine by me.

Edited by Glenn X
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I'd go with an updated version of this for a few years. I'd have the helmet's color and logo match the throwbacks and make a white version of the jersey (and possibly a burgundy version of the pants) for road games.


I'd go with a solid gold helmet, solid burgundy jersey with white numbers & no stripes, gold pants that matched the helmets with no stripes, and solid burgundy socks with no stripes. We actually wore that combo with Sammy Baugh. It is a classic.


And then for fun we need the 60's Feather helmet uni. That was awesome.

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I'd go with a solid gold helmet, solid burgundy jersey with white numbers & no stripes, gold pants that matched the helmets with no stripes, and solid burgundy socks with no stripes. We actually wore that combo with Sammy Baugh. It is a classic.


And then for fun we need the 60's Feather helmet uni. That was awesome.

Sounds cool to me, but since teams can only have one helmet now, would you want to see a feather logo on the gold helmet or just keep it plain gold with those uniforms?  Also, the feather helmet had two unies: white jerseys with gold pants (both with single burgundy stripe) and white on white (both with single burgundy stripe).. which look would you roll with? 

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Sounds cool to me, but since teams can only have one helmet now, would you want to see a feather logo on the gold helmet or just keep it plain gold with those uniforms?  Also, the feather helmet had two unies: white jerseys with gold pants (both with single burgundy stripe) and white on white (both with single burgundy stripe).. which look would you roll with?

The alt would be white jersey w/ burgundy numbers and no stripes, etc...

And I was trying to say that as a throwback variant we should rock the feather helmut unis. Just like Sonny wore but with updated colors. The other color scheme could be our unis going forward. But since I don't make the decisions....

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I really wish we'd come out on Sunday with the White tops and burgundy pants. For old time sake. These gold pants need to be given a rest for a week


I would love that too, but the burgundy pants don't exist....at least they are not an option for this season.

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This pains me to say, but watching the Seahawks last night made me think it might be time for a complete reboot of the uniforms. I would guess that 95% of my posts in this thread call for retro-looking uniforms. But I'm starting to think it's time that we turn the page completely and get with the times. It would be more symbolic than anything else.


We aren't the George Allen Redskins of the 1970s with gold pants. We aren't the Joe Gibbs Redskins of the 1980s with the white jerseys/burgundy pants at home. Our golden age is two decades in the rear view mirror now. Bring those uniforms out every now and again as throwbacks and turn the page.


I am not artistic at all, but I'd love some sort of blend of modern with some iconic imagery. I think it's time that we stop associating this era with the previous ones. We are much different and those other teams/uniforms are already immortal due to their association with success.

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TD, I might be with you...as much as I LOVE our current look (i'm in the camp that the gold pants are sharp), I think letting Nike do a complete reboot might look pretty darn good.  The Seahawks uniforms have grown on me (I'll admit that I'm a fan of the lightning yellow/green), and maybe a current take on a classic logo & color scheme would help turn the page into a new era...


But if not?  Stick with the gold pants.  They look great, IMO.

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