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The Merged x115 Adventures Of The Fashion Police Weekly aka THE Uniform Thread


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Heaven forbid that a team owner take advantage of a merchandising opportunity. Did you bash the Eagles when they put out a alternate black jersey? The Lions? How about the Cardinals when they changed their uniforms? The Bengals? These teams haven't won squat either. They all have on & off field issues. Have you bothered to hate on the NFL for their marketing & merchandising of the Super Bowl? No? Then how about at least be consistent in spewing your hatred equally across the League, instead of just constantly focusing on the one guy that seems to be the lighting rod for quick attacks.

Unlike Snyder, those teams haven't jacked up prices for tickets and parking, tried to ban pedestrian access to the stadium, try to force season-ticket holders to renew their seats using only a special Redskins credit-card, turned their backs on legendary former players from yesteryear (Bobby Mitchell) and tried to price out the die-hards that have been fans before he was even born. When the Redskins 50th anniversary rolled around, JKC simply had them wear a patch. He didn't create special jerseys and charge exhorbitant prices for them.

Fair or not, because of his track record, every "merchandising opportunity" he tries to take advantage of will be viewed as yet another way to squeeze more cash out of loyal fans. I'm sorry this isn't what you want to read, but, as a long time fan, that's what I'm seeing. The emporer isn't wearing any clothes.

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bet they go with White Uni's, but ones that look like this.


These jerseys with yellow pants would be ideal for home games. The burgundy version with gold pants for road games would be money too.

I would love to see this be a permanent change though...I think they bring an old school look without losing too much of the current look (keeping the Indian head helmet). Though, I'd be tempted to go with those uniforms and the yellow "R" helmet! That would look sweet too.

Also, I don't understand why people get annoyed about a potential uniform change...I think it's cool. Teams do it all the time and we've had our same unis for almost 30 years.

Why not go with a new look even if it won't change anything on the field. I'm all for Snyder making money if people are willing to buy this stuff. No one is forcing you to go out and buy a jersey!

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Unlike Snyder, those teams haven't jacked up prices for tickets and parking, tried to ban pedestrian access to the stadium, try to force season-ticket holders to renew their seats using only a special Redskins credit-card, turned their backs on legendary former players from yesteryear (Bobby Mitchell) and tried to price out the die-hards that have been fans before he was even born. When the Redskins 50th anniversary rolled around, JKC simply had them wear a patch. He didn't create special jerseys and charge exhorbitant prices for them.

Fair or not, because of his track record, every "merchandising opportunity" he tries to take advantage of will be viewed as yet another way to squeeze more cash out of loyal fans. I'm sorry this isn't what you want to read, but, as a long time fan, that's what I'm seeing. The emporer isn't wearing any clothes.

This bolded line was a safety concern brought to light by PGCP not Dan Snyder.

I know for a fact that prices for tickets have gone up significantly in Detroit, Arizona, and Cincy over the past 7-8 years.

Because Cooke did it one way thats the only way ? This is a more creative and comfortable era to market maximize. Think about the average salary 25 years ago, the average price of a local home, the average price of gasoline, a car, or whatever. Prices go up thats inflation thats the world we live in.

I am as frustrated as anyone with fielding a losing team, but I dont for a second blame it on Snyder making some T-shirts and such. He is an owner, not a coach. He has made some poor decisions as an owner but trying to make money isnt one of them.

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Unlike Snyder, those teams haven't jacked up prices for tickets and parking, tried to ban pedestrian access to the stadium, try to force season-ticket holders to renew their seats using only a special Redskins credit-card, turned their backs on legendary former players from yesteryear (Bobby Mitchell) and tried to price out the die-hards that have been fans before he was even born. When the Redskins 50th anniversary rolled around, JKC simply had them wear a patch. He didn't create special jerseys and charge exhorbitant prices for them.

Fair or not, because of his track record, every "merchandising opportunity" he tries to take advantage of will be viewed as yet another way to squeeze more cash out of loyal fans. I'm sorry this isn't what you want to read, but, as a long time fan, that's what I'm seeing. The emporer isn't wearing any clothes.

Snyder has raised tickets prices, what one time? Since he took over the team. If you look at the average parking prices per team, you would see we are at or near what other teams charge for parking.

JKC didnt have the $$ Snyder did, or the revenue from the new stadium to be able to come up with these jersey and merchandise ideas. I would bet that if JKC were alive today, he would be doing something similar that Snyder is doing now.

Owning a NFL franchise is a business, whether you like it or not, so you dont like Snyder, we all know that and its well documented that you dont like him. Give us all a break already.

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I just think that, in light of the disastrous season we just experienced, the last thing I want to see is the team selling yet more new -- not to mention expensive -- merchandise. It's not like the team is hurting for money. So give me a break!

Oh, and for the record, I have been on the tail end of some extremely hostile personal attacks because of my feelings. Just because I don't share your views doesn't give anyone out there the right to say what has been said to me. We may have disagreements on how this team is being run, but we should be able to unite in the fact that we want to see the Redskins win. I want to see the Skins win again just as much as anyone else on this board. I have never put anyone down personally nor have I threatened anyone. Let's agree to disagree on some things and keep the personal attacks to a minimum, please.

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Unlike Snyder, those teams haven't jacked up prices for tickets and parking, tried to ban pedestrian access to the stadium, try to force season-ticket holders to renew their seats using only a special Redskins credit-card, turned their backs on legendary former players from yesteryear (Bobby Mitchell) and tried to price out the die-hards that have been fans before he was even born. When the Redskins 50th anniversary rolled around, JKC simply had them wear a patch. He didn't create special jerseys and charge exhorbitant prices for them.

Fair or not, because of his track record, every "merchandising opportunity" he tries to take advantage of will be viewed as yet another way to squeeze more cash out of loyal fans. I'm sorry this isn't what you want to read, but, as a long time fan, that's what I'm seeing. The emporer isn't wearing any clothes.

I totally agree stwasm. We have been raked over the coals by this guy. Money first, winning second. The middle class worker can't afford to go to these games anymore.

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I totally agree stwasm. We have been raked over the coals by this guy. Money first, winning second. The middle class worker can't afford to go to these games anymore.

And that's exactly what I'm talking about. It's not about football anymore. I'm just frustrated with it all.

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Owning a NFL franchise is a business, whether you like it or not


I just think that, in light of the disastrous season we just experienced, the last thing I want to see is the team selling yet more new -- not to mention expensive -- merchandise. It's not like the team is hurting for money. So give me a break!

Here's a novel concept. Don't buy it. No one is twisting your arm & making you do so.

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Here's a novel concept. Don't buy it. No one is twisting your arm & making you do so.

TK, I'm only speaking in general. To me, at some point, if you're a business owner, you need to think more about your customers than your pockets. No need for the venom.

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It was a simple, venom free, statement. I'm not sure why you're reading more into it then is there.

You had a tone in your "venon-free statement" and you know it. Unlike you, I'm willing to agree to disagree with you and respect your opinion. Yes, owning a football team is a business. But, at some point, shouldn't a responsible business owner think about the customer instead of his pockets?

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I would like to see these:


Those would be MONEY.

The "new" uniform changes that I've enjoyed over the past 4 or 5 years have been the New York teams'. The Giants and Jets both went retro and they are pretty cool uniforms. I'd love the above picture to be our road unis and the same scheme with a white jersey to be the homes.

And again, I don't understand why anyone would care if we did this...let the team conduct its business. No one has to buy a thing. If you go to games with older jerseys or hats, no one will care.

Hell, it wasn't until recently (the last 6 or 7 years) that I even started wearing Skins gear and I've been a fan since 1982. Growing up I had one hat and a t-shirt or two. It doesn't matter if you buy the new stuff or not...if the team is ready for a uniform change, I think it should pull the trigger.

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Seems like this post got a little bit out of hand. Personally, I don't care about uniforms or what we wear on the field. 99.9% of us on here just want to see us winning and competing for playoff births. Uniforms have NOTHING to do with our record. So, 2007 will our 75th anniversary....great. Let's wear a patch commemorating it.

We don't need to bring back the Spurrier throwbacks or create a new throwbacks for 1 season. When other teams have special anniversaries they slap on a patch, and that is that!

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Unlike Snyder, those teams haven't jacked up prices for tickets and parking, tried to ban pedestrian access to the stadium, try to force season-ticket holders to renew their seats using only a special Redskins credit-card, turned their backs on legendary former players from yesteryear (Bobby Mitchell) and tried to price out the die-hards that have been fans before he was even born. When the Redskins 50th anniversary rolled around, JKC simply had them wear a patch. He didn't create special jerseys and charge exhorbitant prices for them.

Fair or not, because of his track record, every "merchandising opportunity" he tries to take advantage of will be viewed as yet another way to squeeze more cash out of loyal fans. I'm sorry this isn't what you want to read, but, as a long time fan, that's what I'm seeing. The emporer isn't wearing any clothes.

He makes money.. who gives a ****. Business is business. It was that way and will continue to be that way. There is nothing personal in the decisions made. EVERYONE is out to make a buck. You are, am I, and so is Mr Snyder. If you even try to refute that you will be full of so much **** that you would need to be cleansed.

Dan does not need to give back to the community any further than putting a winning team on the field. He does not have to give things away. He does not even have to beg for people to purchase season tickets.. we purchase them under our own power. Although, he hasn't put a winning football team on the field not as often as we like.. in fact he has failed in that regard. That does not mean he is not a smart business man. Check his record.. he is known for success in the business sense. If you could make a dollar somehow, someway.. you would too.. now cut the ****. :)

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You had a tone in your "venon-free statement" and you know it.

Ummm no I didn't. I know this because I know what I said. That you're reading more into things then are there, after being told that's not the case, is on you.

Yes, owning a football team is a business. But, at some point, shouldn't a responsible business owner think about the customer instead of his pockets?

Which is it? Think about the customer or field a winning team? See, when Snyder makes money he puts it back into the team. That way the team (Joe Gibbs) has the resources (cash) to improve (coaches/drafted players/free agents/new equipment/etc.) the product that you the fan pays for. The fact that the team went 5-11 last year & you're upset isn't on Dan Snyder. It's on Joe Gibbs.

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Ummm no I didn't. I know this because I know what I said. That you're reading more into things then are there, after being told that's not the case, is on you.

Which is it? Think about the customer or field a winning team? See, when Snyder makes money he puts it back into the team. That way the team (Joe Gibbs) has the resources (cash) to improve (coaches/drafted players/free agents/new equipment/etc.) the product that you the fan pays for. The fact that the team went 5-11 last year & you're upset isn't on Dan Snyder. It's on Joe Gibbs.

Okay, you've just contradicted yourself. Before, you said it wasn't the front office's responsibility to field a winning team. Now, you're saying it is. So, I pose the question back to you. Which is it?

Maybe he needs to use those resources of his to improve the front office.

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Okay, you've just contradicted yourself. Before, you said it wasn't the front office's responsibility to field a winning team. Now, you're saying it is. So, I pose the question back to you. Which is it?

Was this intended to me or to PG? You quoted me, but it was PG that said:

Although, he hasn't put a winning football team on the field not as often as we like.. in fact he has failed in that regard.

in the post directly above mine that you quoted.

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TK, I'm only speaking in general. To me, at some point, if you're a business owner, you need to think more about your customers than your pockets. No need for the venom.

I really think you need to take a pill or something becaue TK wasn't being nasty just stating the truth you can support the team without forking over the $$$ its called self responsiblity... and the way you tell it the Skins charge much more for everything than other teams which is BS... it may be on the upper end but that is to be expected with such a large and loyal fan base but the average prices are not the NFL highest .

The thing that i would like to see less off is the anti snyder people hi-jacking every single thread on the board (one that is backed by Dan Synder and the Redskins organisation)to take a swipe at the FO ... we know your possition and nothing anyone ever says will change that a ood for you but could you not just let everyone else get on with other issues ..

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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Okay, you've just contradicted yourself. Before, you said it wasn't the front office's responsibility to field a winning team. Now, you're saying it is. So, I pose the question back to you. Which is it?

Maybe he needs to use those resources of his to improve the front office.

You know.....Dallas always has room for more folks to jump on their bandwagon. Really......wouldn't you be happier over there? I mean Jerrah never tries to make any money and ticket prices over there are really wonderful. Just look at the success that they have enjoyed over there during the past 10 years.


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ok, here is what's sad about this thread.

It starts as a "I heard that there WILL be 75th anniv Uni's"

Then you get the "I wish they would focus on winning" reply. Which is totally fair.

Then you get the otherside who can't stand to hear anything negative about the team. If they are winning but the Uni's are ugly. Then its "They are focused on winning, uni's don't mean jack". If you're losing but they look sharp in their new uni's then its "This is a business, they are in it to make money....and they are good at it".

Why can't it be "Yeah, they do look sharp, but they still need to focus on fixing their disfunctional front office and get their heads into winning"?

I'm sure there are enough people at the Park to focus on both.

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