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I will NOT accept the results of this election ...


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People should vote from their heart not because they are registered as a member of a party. Ill admit I am a republican and if this makes us stronger for the future then so be it. The only difference in having a party is someones views and that is no different than fans of 2 teams per say.

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People should vote from their heart not because they are registered as a member of a party. Ill admit I am a republican and if this makes us stronger for the future then so be it. The only difference in having a party is someones views and that is no different than fans of 2 teams per say.

Same case with me. I'm actually a registered democrat because my parents were and I knew squat about politics when I registered. My views are more along the lines of republican views, but I don't vote by party lines, I vote by who has better policies...

But who does that? *shrug*

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Life is so grand isn't it :D :D :D My girlfriend dumped me, my dog was hit by a truck and a bird crapped on my head today, but I am still smiling after reading this post.

Damn, dude, sorry to hear about your dog.

You can always find a new girlfriend and shampoo your hair (but not in that order), but a good dog is a true friend, indeed.

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Best -- and scariest -- thread ever. "Extreme" skins is right. You know, you're acting like you hate freedom.

"Freedom" is only worth anything when the guiding forces behind it are Right and Moral. "Freedom" that is based on improper concepts like Socialism and Liberalism is not "Freedom" as I define it.

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Can I nominate this for post of the year? :laugh: I have never felt such vindication, such unabashed and utter glee, then right now after reading the rants of the deranged and maniacal lunatic right :laugh:

Life is so grand isn't it :D :D :D My girlfriend dumped me, my dog was hit by a truck and a bird crapped on my head today, but I am still smiling after reading this post.

Sorry about the dog. That sucks

I'm sure you'll meet the right guy sometime soon!

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I'm just confused about one thing......How did Republicans overwhelmingly win in almost every district in Virginia, but then Webb won the state for Senate? It just doesn't make much sense to me. :whoknows:

a lot of Virginians simply like their congressman. I voted for Tom Davis ® and Jim Webb. Davis voted for the Iraq war so that is a strike against him but overall he's been pretty good.

Oh yeah, and George Allen was a do-nothing Senator.

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a lot of Virginians simply like their congressman. I voted for Tom Davis ® and Jim Webb. Davis voted for the Iraq war so that is a strike against him but overall he's been pretty good.

Same here. Both my wife and I voted for Webb. We've got no problem with Frank Wolf so she voted for him. I voted for whoever the Libertarian was, just to make a point. And to keep Wolf on his toes.

Oh yeah, and George Allen was a do-nothing Senator.


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Same here. Both my wife and I voted for Webb. We've got no problem with Frank Wolf so she voted for him. I voted for whoever the Libertarian was, just to make a point. And to keep Wolf on his toes.


I interned on the Hill for a semester for Congressman Jose Serrano of the Bronx. He sits on the appropriations comittee headed by Frank Wolf. I was very impressed by him and he was a stand up guy. He would have my vote anyday.

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I interned on the Hill for a semester for Congressman Jose Serrano of the Bronx. He sits on the appropriations comittee headed by Frank Wolf. I was very impressed by him and he was a stand up guy. He would have my vote anyday.

Glad to here. I knew Wolf would win but I also want to see the Libertarian party grow. If he had actually been in a tight race I would have voted for him.

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I have a question.

What is a 'real' conservative?

So far as I am concerned a "Real" Conservative is one whose philosophical foundation is the US Constitution, the other Founding Documents of this country (including the Declaration of Independence), and the Morals and Values that this country was founded on.

Therefore a "Real" Conservative is a person who believes in personal responsibility; an exceptionally limited Federal government; morals and values as a basis for society; and the idea that the individual, not the government, is what makes this country great, among other things. Additionally, these people are willing to ACT on those beliefs. They walk the walk in addition to talking the talk. They VOTE their conscience, and their beliefs, not a party. If that means they don't vote for anyone because there is no Conservative candidate, that's what they do.

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So anyway, I got bored. I posted in here earlier about the progressive caucus Congress, of which Nasty Pelosi is a member

Check it out


Radical caucus of more than 50 members of the House of Representatives

Until 1999, worked in open partnership with Democratic Socialists of America

The Progressive Caucus is an organization of Members of Congress founded in 1991 by newly-elected Representative Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont), the former socialist mayor of Burlington and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which describes itself as "the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International."

The Progressive Caucus today includes Sanders and more than 60 other members of the House of Representatives, all of them leftist Democrats and almost all in districts heavily gerrymandered to guarantee the re-election of any Democratic Party incumbent, no matter how extreme.

On November 11, 1999, the Progressive Caucus drafted its Position Paper on economic inequality. It reads, in part, as follows: "Economic inequality is the result of two and a half decades of government policies and rules governing the economy being tilted in favor of large asset owners at the expense of wage earners. Tax policy, trade policy, monetary policy, government regulations and other rules have reflected this pro-investor bias. We propose the introduction or reintroduction of a package of legislative initiatives that will close America's economic divide and address both income and wealth disparities. … The concentration of wealth is a problem because it distorts our democracy, destabilizes the economy and erodes our social and cultural fabric."

In order "to bring new life to the progressive voice in U.S. politics," the Progressive Caucus has worked closely with Progressive Challenge, a project of the Institute for Policy Studies. Progressive Challenge is a coalition through which the activities and talking points of leftist groups are synchronized and harmonized with one another, producing coordinated, mutually-reinforcing propaganda from some 200 seemingly-unconnected groups.

The Progressive Caucus recently crafted its "Progressive Promise" document, which advocates socialized medicine; radical environmentalism; the redistribution of wealth; the elimination of numerous provisions of the Patriot Act; dramatic reductions in the government's intelligence-gathering capabilities, debt relief for poor countries; and the quick withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. These measures, says the Progressive Caucus, would help "re-build U.S. alliances around the world, restore international respect for American power and influence, and reaffirm our nation's constructive engagement in the United Nations and other multilateral organizations."

Until 1999 the Progressive Caucus worked in open partnership with Democratic Socialists of America. After the press reported on this link, the connections suddenly vanished from both organizations' websites.

As of June 2006, the following Members of Congress belonged to the Progressive Caucus: Neil Abercrombie; Tammy Baldwin; Xavier Becerra; Madeleine Z. Bordallo; Corrine Brown; Sherrod Brown; Michael Capuano; Julia Carson; Donna Christensen; William "Lacy" Clay; Emanuel Cleaver; John Conyers; Elijah Cummings; Danny Davis; Peter DeFazio; Rosa DeLauro; Lane Evans; Sam Farr; Chaka Fattah; Bob Filner; Barney Frank; Raul Grijalva; Luis Gutierrez; Maurice Hinchey; Jesse Jackson, Jr.; Sheila Jackson-Lee; Stephanie Tubbs Jones; Marcy Kaptur; Carolyn Kilpatrick; Dennis Kucinich; Tom Lantos; Barbara Lee; John Lewis; Ed Markey; Jim McDermott; James P. McGovern; Cynthia McKinney; George Miller; Gwen Moore; Jerrold Nadler; Eleanor Holmes Norton; John Olver; Major Owens; Ed Pastor; Donald Payne; Nancy Pelosi; Charles Rangel; Bobby Rush; Bernie Sanders; Jan Schakowsky; Jose Serrano; Louise Slaughter; Hilda Solis; Pete Stark; Bennie Thompson; John Tierney; Tom Udall; Nydia Velazquez; Maxine Waters; Diane Watson; Mel Watt; Henry Waxman; and Lynn Woolsey.

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I don't know how some of you people keep on living. On 7 Nov 2006 the United States was invaded by a clearly foreign enemy that defeated the god loving righteous defenders of freedom.

Just look at the former Senator from Virginia. Some evil war veteran, with a son currently serving his country in Iraq defending freedom, came in and usurped one of the two Senate seats in the state.

Now, some evil woman is going to lead the foreign invaders and spread lies and propaganda about the defeated god loving righteous defenders of freedom who were simply defending the american way of life

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I don't know how some of you people keep on living. On 7 Nov 2006 the United States was invaded by a clearly foreign enemy that defeated the god loving righteous defenders of freedom.

Just look at the former Senator from Virginia. Some evil war veteran, with a son currently serving his country in Iraq defending freedom, came in and usurped one of the two Senate seats in the state.

Now, some evil woman is going to lead the foreign invaders and spread lies and propaganda about the defeated god loving righteous defenders of freedom who were simply defending the american way of life

That's the funniest thing ive ever read.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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I dont usually post in threads like this because quite frankly you're not going to change anyone's opinion about anything. However, I would say one thing; well many things. If you have the attention span, read that long.

Anyone, on either side who thinks things that the Democratic party is always right, or the Republican party is always right, or even worse, that the loss of power of one party or another is the end of this great nation, is a freaking dumbass of the highest order.

Its nutjobs like you who are so wound up in their beliefs and think that the "other side" is so incredibly wrong about everything that are ruining this great system of ours. Get over yourselves.

Ooo ah the Republicans lost power. Well deserved if you ask me. The power got to them just like it will get to the Democratic party if they stay in power too long. It's blind followers like yourselves that destroy a democracy. Its the main reason I'm independent. Neither party is any good. I believe in things that both parties support and both parties depise. Hence, I won't blindly support either side. Why anybody would is beyond my level of understanding. Choosing not to support two corrupt parties that do nothing but take from the nation is a voting option as well. It ain't just red or blue.

If you're a Republican and make less than $200k a year guess what? Your party has screwed you royally and made you believe that voting for them was the morally right thing to do. Have they outlawed gay marriage yet? Feeling more prosperous than 6 years ago, or less?

If you're a Democrat and think this party has represented you well after botching two elections and getting handed a victory solely because the Republicans couldn't be more corrupt then you're as bad as the Republicans, and just as dumb.

The thing I despise is seeing a bunch of whiney crybabies say this country is going down the tubes because their guys aren't in power giving the screwgie to the American people instead of the other side. What is even more deplorable is a bunch of opinionated jackoffs who are so worried about their moral values or their personal beliefs that they let that get in the way of what's actually good for this country. i.e. Unity. We are all Americans aren't we?

God bless the American people. They saw what you blind asses couldn't see. That the party in power had become too complacent, too corrupt, and too adversarial to do anything positive for this country.

Sorry but the Republicans had legislative power for 12 years and executive power for 6 and nothing got any better, but many things got worse. How long do you expect it to take to turn things around? And you expect the general public to vote Republican now? De-Nile aint just a river in Egypt.

Let's just hope the Dems don't screw up any worse. Or better yet, let's hope these guys work together to make our world a better place instead of fighting each other merely for the sake of fighting....:2cents:


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If there was anywhere else to go, I would already be gone. Unfortunately the rest of the world is EVEN WORSE (horrid thought that it's actually possible) than the USSA. Those who show class when they lose never really wanted to win in the first place.

There's a good chance that I will never see the 2008 election, gstahl. Even if I don't do it myself, we elected a Democrat governor here in Massachusetts on Tuesday and it would appear likely that he's going to force me at some point to take actions in order to protect my 2nd Amendment rights. Actions that I doubt I will end up living through.

If you don't like it, put me on ignore.

What a shock! Massachusetes elected a Democrat. I think you would be happier in Alabama.

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What a shock! Massachusetes elected a Democrat. I think you would be happier in Alabama.

Actually, this is the first time in Sixteen years that a Democrat has held the Governorship of the Communistwealth. While the rest of the country was trying to divide legislative and executive power on a national level, the citizens of Massachusetts have now turned all three branches of the State government over to the Democrats for the first time in nearly two decades.

Which means that I might be living closer to Birmingham that Boston sooner rather than later. Though Alabama isn't really one of the states I've looked at. I'm more interested in the Carolina's and Georgia.

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Anyone, on either side who thinks things that the Democratic party is always right, or the Republican party is always right, or even worse, that the loss of power of one party or another is the end of this great nation, is a freaking dumbass of the highest order.

Its nutjobs like you who are so wound up in their beliefs and think that the "other side" is so incredibly wrong about everything that are ruining this great system of ours. Get over yourselves.

Parties, are never always right or wrong. The political philosophies of Conservatism and Liberalism, however ARE always either Right or Wrong. THAT is how it can be determined when this country has been ruined, as it was this past Tuesday. What's ruining this country is people who have no knowledge of or willingness to live up to what is Right over what is Wrong.

If you're a Republican and make less than $200k a year guess what? Your party has screwed you royally and made you believe that voting for them was the morally right thing to do. Have they outlawed gay marriage yet? Feeling more prosperous than 6 years ago, or less?

Voting for the Republicans is a better moral choice than voting for the Democrats. Maybe not the best choice, but better than the other options out there. They're working on the gay marriage thing, and it's been successful in several states in the last week. Actually, I make considerably less than $200K a year, but I'm CONSIDERABLY better off than I was six years ago from an economic POV.

The thing I despise is seeing a bunch of whiney crybabies say this country is going down the tubes because their guys aren't in power giving the screwgie to the American people instead of the other side. What is even more deplorable is a bunch of opinionated jackoffs who are so worried about their moral values or their personal beliefs that they let that get in the way of what's actually good for this country. i.e. Unity. We are all Americans aren't we?

So what are people like me supposed to do, Bird? Are we supposed to just quietly stand here, bend over and drop our drawers for the Liberals now in power to jam the steel rod into our nether regions? I don't think so. That's definitely not MY plan, anyway.

Unity is NOT always a good thing. I think we've all seen what it did for a couple MILLION Jews in Germany in the 1940's. That country was so united that the people who knew about the horrors going on wouldn't even speak out against it. Most communist countries have had that unity as well.

What I think you're missing is that it's INDIVIDUALS that made this country great to begin with. Individuals who were willing to push to be better than the others around them at whatever their chosen interest happened to be.

Sorry but the Republicans had legislative power for 12 years and executive power for 6 and nothing got any better, but many things got worse. How long do you expect it to take to turn things around? And you expect the general public to vote Republican now? De-Nile aint just a river in Egypt.

I would disagree that some things haven't gotten better. I do agree that things are not significantly better, but I truly believe that's more on the moron in the Oval Office for the last six years than the Congressional delegation.

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Wow, there's certainly some interesting stuff flying around on this thread! :D

Folks, here are some things you may want to consider-

Bush&Co. were not conservatives, and the pathway they took us down (and still may try to continue to take us down) isn't a Democracy, or a Republic, but some sort of strange twistedly strange thing that was almost devoid of the checks and balances enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

The country finally recognized that, and put the only other force currently able to check Bush&Co. and restore the balance of power. Personally, I hope they impeach both he and Cheney and then try and put them into prison for violating the many laws they have. They then can remove all the BS laws passed by Bush&Co., repeal and limit further use of "legistlative" executive orders, signing statements, and other stuff. Then they can be returned to whence they came.

If you don't like the force deployed to counter another out of control force, then it was your duty as a citizen to compell the Republican party to "get conservative".

Of course both parties have fringe whacko's. Until the two party system, our system of campaign finance, lobbying, and other issues are straightened out "by the people", we will continue to have major political problems.

Name calling, moaning, crying and refusing to deal with things as they are is exactly what Bush&Co. said about the Democrats and their supporters when the Supreme Court intervened and allowed Bush to claim victory in 2000. When he didn't become the Uniter as promised, and the Republican Party shifted towards the fringe instead of maintaining balance, credibility and dedication to their work for all of us, what happened last Tuesday was inevitable. The people have not said "Give us the far left freak show please!", they said "We need someone to stop Bush&Co. from taking us over a freaking cliff here, and the Democrats are the only ones at this moment in time strong enough to do it".

Now, that said, I understand some of you are in terror that you are going to come right out of the closet, or be forced to wear cosmetics and tweed skirts or something. Relax, start writing letters and getting the mass of people to understand that neither party is particularly better, and what your perspective is. You have a bit less than two years to get your message out there, but I would suggest you sound a bit less pathetic and whiny (or you might just end up hanging with Nancy P) :silly:


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A movement of the 25-30 REAL Conservatives left in the United States? Come on, get real.

Some of them were not real conservatives kind of like jefferies from vermont he is a senotor who lost who is now thinking about becoming a democrat is that what you would have wanted most of the republicans that losty were RINO'S.

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