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I will NOT accept the results of this election ...


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Yet you have no problem spending "my" money that you got paid with for 20 years did you. DO you think I personally wanted you to have "my" money? Did you ever think that "my" money is being spent on things that I did not want it to be spent on, things like a $300Billion dollar boondoggle in Iraq? Did the thought ever cross your mind that "my" money going to you is just as upsetting as your money going to me?

You *****, cry, moan and scream about how the liberals waste money all the time, yet you have been sucking off the government's teet for half your life.

And you're different how, Mr GS-13? What the hell have you done to keep the country safe lately? Not a ****ing thing

I would venture to say at GS13 pay, which is what, $66,000 a year, plus Boson locality that brings you out around 78,000, you've been a far bigger waste of taxpayer funds than even the lowest fuzzbutt, no rank airman in the military

Link please. . . not that I would expect it from you.


My mistake, we spend over $8000.00 per kid in public edjumikation


And for that we get this;


U.S. Students Fare Badly in International Survey of Math Skills


Published: December 7, 2004

ARIS, Dec. 6 - High school students in Hong Kong, Finland and South Korea do best in mathematics among those in 40 surveyed countries while students in the United States finished in the bottom half, according to a new international comparison of mathematical skills shown by 15-year-olds.

The United States was also cited as having the poorest outcomes per dollar spent on education. It ranked 28th of 40 countries in math and 18th in reading.

The study, released Monday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group based in Paris representing 30 nations, used tests given to students in 2003 and was intended to assess relative performance and to try to determine reasons for it.

Report from the 60's to the 90's



There, I did the homework so you could read what you already know

Public education in America sucks



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and neither should you if you are a true conservative.

Nothing made me sicker than to see that ugly, bug-eyed ***** standing at the podium Wednesday morning, surrounded by liberal freaks that look like they came straight out of the Star Wars cantina. She and her merry band of freaks can thank the left wing liberal media for painting a picture of America that just isn't true. Tim Russert is living proof that a man can have multiple orgasms within minutes of each other.

Don't get me wrong. Bush and his ball-less, gut-less war on terror policies didn't help. And guys like George Allen who ran away from his conservative record during the campaign contributed to this defeat. I became physically ill seeing Bush and Pelosi making nice yesterday. Why would he do that? She is the enemy. She stands for everything that is wrong with America. Do you know why he's doing this? Because Bush is not a true conservative. He's a gutless leader who has compromised his conservative values for six years now. It didn't just start yesterday.

So, I'm calling on all real conservatives to stand up to the enemies of this country and to the compromisers of the enemies of this country. Do not accept it. If you see someone with a Jim Webb bumper sticker, pull up next to them and flip them off. What are they going to do, shoot you the peace sign? Call your local rep, Democrat or Republican, and let them know that there are true conservatives still out there and they are not happy. Do not accept the results of this election. Nancy Pelosi doesn't represent me. I could give a rat's ass what she thinks of the war. Stand up and make some noise. Am I rambling? Yes, because I am pissed off. I am pissed off at the missed opportunities from this so-called conservative president. And now the commiecrats are going to economically rape all of us. Be prepared to bend over and take it. And you can just leave the lube in the drawer because it's gonna hurt.

sucks to be you. Another die hard conservative shows his "this is my country" ignorant self.

Madame Speaker from San Francisco. Get used to it.

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Madame Speaker from San Francisco. Get used to it.

Zuck, I won't speak for the original author of this thread, but she will never be "Madame Speaker" to me any more than John Kerry or Edward Kennedy will ever be "Senator" Kerry or Kennedy to me or William Jefferson Clinton "President" Clinton. These people may have served in these offices, but they will never by MY Senator, President, Speaker of the House, etc...

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Zuck, I won't speak for the original author of this thread, but she will never be "Madame Speaker" to me any more than John Kerry or Edward Kennedy will ever be "Senator" Kerry or Kennedy to me or William Jefferson Clinton "President" Clinton. These people may have served in these offices, but they will never by MY Senator, President, Speaker of the House, etc...

Well, sorry to break the news to you but unless you change citizenship she is the speaker of the house in YOUR country. And Kerry and Kennedy are the Senators in YOUR state.

Pelosi will have all the power that goes with being Speaker of the House. Whether or not you dislike her won't have any bearing.

If the Republican party wasn't so corrupt and scandel ridden they probably would have kept their majority.

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Ok, then what the hell IS the answer for people like me, Seabee? What IS the answer for people who will NEVER accept Socialism as a proper or acceptable philosophy; and believe that in the next two years we will see this country move dramatically in that direction with no way to counter it?

there is always a way to counter stuff I write my congress men i send blitz fax to all congressmen senators about once a yr to expensive to do anymore than that. but im constantly emailing them even those outside my jurisdiction to l;et them know how i feel on current issues.

Your not gonna get someone that votes on current issues 100 percent of the time with you.

I think over the next 10-20 yrs their is gonna be some major changes coming down If these guys and gals promise to fix stuff and dont we will see new bodies in office every election till stuff gets changed.

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Well, sorry to break the news to you but unless you change citizenship she is the speaker of the house in YOUR country. And Kerry and Kennedy are the Senators in YOUR state.

Pelosi will have all the power that goes with being Speaker of the House. Whether or not you dislike her won't have any bearing.

No, she will not be MY Speaker of the House. Like Kennedy, Kerry and Clinton, I'd likely spit in her face if I were to ever get the opportunity. she does not and never will represent ME. she will represent the Liberals and those conservatives without the guts to stick to their beliefs. she WILL NOT represent that small group of real Conservatives out there.

On, and the country I am a citizen of no longer exists so NO it really isn't MY country anymore. MY home country DIED on Tuesday night.

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even some of the most hard line or close to it liberals have some conservative policies just look at the Governer of new mexico I am from new mexico dont care for him but he took away the sales tax on grocery purchases, heck last year he gave me 100 dollar refund on my state taxes.

he also passed legislation to allow concealed handguns and a few other gun laws.

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there is always a way to counter stuff I write my congress men i send blitz fax to all congressmen senators about once a yr to expensive to do anymore than that. but im constantly emailing them even those outside my jurisdiction to l;et them know how i feel on current issues.

I'm talking things that are actually going to make a difference, Seabee. I think you know as well as I do that nobody beyond some Congressional Page ever sees the emails, faxes or letters. That's not a realistic option to actually getting things changed.

Your not gonna get someone that votes on current issues 100 percent of the time with you.

I'd be happy with 85-90%. Unfortunately it would appear that there is no legislator or other elected official anywhere in the entire Federal Government who comes close to that number.

I think over the next 10-20 yrs their is gonna be some major changes coming down If these guys and gals promise to fix stuff and dont we will see new bodies in office every election till stuff gets changed.

Yes there will be some major changes in the next decade or two. My problem is that I believe they are changes that will take this country further AWAY from what it should be, rather than CLOSER to what it should be.

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No, she will not be MY Speaker of the House. Like Kennedy, Kerry and Clinton, I'd likely spit in her face if I were to ever get the opportunity. she does not and never will represent ME. she will represent the Liberals and those conservatives without the guts to stick to their beliefs. she WILL NOT represent that small group of real Conservatives out there.

On, and the country I am a citizen of no longer exists so NO it really isn't MY country anymore. MY home country DIED on Tuesday night.

Wowsers... What a patriot. Democracy sounds to much like Democrat? What's up with that?

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Yes the religious are having a large impact, look at the school system what they have done there, it is sad. We were supposed to be a country that seperated church from state, slowly that is changing, and not the good and yes that is the opposite of what our founders wanted.

You ever see that show MY Name Is Earl. whenm that Bimbo Jaime Pressly walks into a gun shop and says Id liek to buy a gun to kill my ex husband with.

dude behind the counter goes thatll be a 5 day waiting period.

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No, but "America" and "Liberal" have nothing in common and don't ever belong being compared positively to each other. I'm sure that you realize the United States of America was a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy.

A democratic republic to be more precise.

We chose who makes our laws, and the people in office are the result. Fact is, the "republic" decided that the government needed change and the only other option was given a shot. Don't blame the elections, blame the conservatives. I'm a conservative republican and can't really blame the results of this election when looking at the current state of my country. Way to many major issues and something is missing, leadership and good decisions.

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We chose who makes our laws, and the people in office are the result.

True, up to the point you stopped. Unfortunately what we've ignored for the last 140 years is the LIMITATIONS & RESTRICTIONS on what laws may be created that are in the US Constitution. More recently we've even thrown out the concepts of morals and values in making laws as well.

Fact is, the "republic" decided that the government needed change and the only other option was given a shot.

Again, true to a point. We needed change, on that I will not disagree. The change that was made (whether it was the only option or not) was not appropriate so far as I'm concerned and it makes us a less safe country and one that is now even further away from its roots so far as I'm concerned. So far away that I don't believe the United States of America even still exists.

Don't blame the elections, blame the conservatives.

I blame the American Voters. Those people who went to the polls with no idea of who they were really voting for. Those people who voted for a party instead of an ideology or a candidate.

Way to many major issues and something is missing, leadership and good decisions.

True, but the fix is not to turn the government over to people even less moral and less interested in doing what's Right than the people who were already there.

Would you cut your entire arm off because you have a broken wrist?

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It's the system's fault. So, yes, it ultimately sits on the citizens' shoulders. There is no way the flaws of humanity can maintain a democratic republic that relies on a capitalistic ideology. The two just don't mix because, we humans, don't have the requirements to make this "good idea" suceed. It's sad, but true.

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It's the system's fault. So, yes, it ultimately sits on the citizens' shoulders. There is no way the flaws of humanity can maintain a democratic republic that relies on a capitalistic ideology. The two just don't mix because, we humans, don't have the requirements to make this "good idea" suceed. It's sad, but true.

Then neither this country nor the human race deserve to continue existing, GF. If we cannot maintain a proper governmental and social structure there is no point in this species continuing to exist.

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And you're different how, Mr GS-13? What the hell have you done to keep the country safe lately? Not a ****ing thing

I would venture to say at GS13 pay, which is what, $66,000 a year, plus Boson locality that brings you out around 78,000, you've been a far bigger waste of taxpayer funds than even the lowest fuzzbutt, no rank airman in the military

Yes, you are right, a GS 13 starts out at around $78K, but that is a step 1. I make significantly more than that.

As for thinking that I am a waste of taxpayer funds, sorry but the work I do will actually bring scientific discovery and a better understanding of the universe. The computer you are typing on is because people like me figured out things like quantum mechanics, and transistors.

You use everything you have right now because of science, and you want to eliminate it because you perceive it as a threat. You perceive anyone with the ability to think as a threat, because you know that your version of reality is not only a lie, but also needs to be hidden from view. People with an education and a brain can see through your thinly veiled propaganda, and you hate it. So in order to disguise your contempt for revealing the truth, you attack the one thing that reveals your motives. . .education.

It is also completely hypocritical to hear you b!tching all the time about the government wasting money when you are sucking off their teet right now. You complain about spending on anything that you don't have your hands in, and it is disingenuous to say the least. . .

My mistake, we spend over $8000.00 per kid in public edjumikation


Your point? What is the average spent on students in other countries? You have failed to show that Sarge, which is what your initial post stated.

Furthermore, just because the US does not lead the field in math and science does not mean our education system is flawed, or that they should not be funded. It means that other countries are doing a better job at it then us. Simply put, that is all it states.

Now, do you realize that higher education funding is the one area that any investment reaps a return on investment in the 2-3 times category? If a person goes to college, he is more likely to have a higher paying job, and more then likely to be paying more in taxes. The increase in revenue is well worth the investment, but lets not look at the actual facts, or reality of the situation, lets just say education is bad, science is bad, people need to be stupid so your party can dupe people to vote for them. When you remove all the smoke and mirrors from your argument, that is the bottom line. Keep people dumb to vote republican.

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Then neither this country nor the human race deserve to continue existing, GF. If we cannot maintain a proper governmental and social structure there is no point in this species continuing to exist.

Thought I was proving your point, since you say it's the voters fault.

The fact is, the only thing the American people have a say in anymore is who the big corporations get to corrupt. And that my friend, is the flaw in the system.

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Theyll be out in 08 anyway. Once people remember that they take your hard earned money and give it away, they will vote the Dems out of office. Cant wait for taxes to go up

How is that significantly different from what the Republicans done in the last 6 years?

Oh, I know, the Democrats take from the rich and give to the other two economic classes (middle and poor).

The Republicans take money, including money they borrow, and give it to the rich people, so they can let a bit trickle down to the poor people, and the middle class just evaporate.

How silly of me, that must be the better system (especially from the rich perspective).


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The fact is, the only thing the American people have a say in anymore is who the big corporations get to corrupt. And that my friend, is the flaw in the system.

Which is why I believe either politically or militarily this country needs a massive shake-up. We need to move back to a system MUCH closer to what the founders of this country envisioned. Unfortunately, until a lot more people understand what is really going on with the government compared to what the government was supposed to be; and I'm pretty sure our liberal academic institutions are not going to allow that to happen any time soon.

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So far as I am concerned a "Real" Conservative is one whose philosophical foundation is the US Constitution, the other Founding Documents of this country (including the Declaration of Independence), and the Morals and Values that this country was founded on.

Therefore a "Real" Conservative is a person who believes in personal responsibility; an exceptionally limited Federal government; morals and values as a basis for society; and the idea that the individual, not the government, is what makes this country great, among other things. Additionally, these people are willing to ACT on those beliefs. They walk the walk in addition to talking the talk. They VOTE their conscience, and their beliefs, not a party. If that means they don't vote for anyone because there is no Conservative candidate, that's what they do.

That explains why there are so few real conservatives. They most likely cannot breed, and so occur only by some form of genetic mutation and then get selected back out.

We certainly haven't seen any of them in the last 6 years, anywhere.


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That explains why there are so few real conservatives. They most likely cannot breed, and so occur only by some form of genetic mutation and then get selected back out.

To a certain degree your comment is actually seriously correct. Unfortunately the lure of easy money, no moral restrictions, and total acceptance of everyone, no matter how unethical or improper they may be has dramatically reduced the number of Conservatives over the years. Most of us who DO exist are throwbacks, though I do come from an extended line of Conservatives myself. We do somewhat get selected out because Natural Selection is no longer practiced by the human animal.

We certainly haven't seen any of them in the last 6 years, anywhere.

Not in Federal elected offices, that is for sure.

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Which is why I believe either politically or militarily this country needs a massive shake-up. We need to move back to a system MUCH closer to what the founders of this country envisioned. Unfortunately, until a lot more people understand what is really going on with the government compared to what the government was supposed to be;


and I'm pretty sure our liberal academic institutions are not going to allow that to happen any time soon.

This is where you are being biased. It isn't just the liberals. In fact, what you are suggesting by "shake up" can be viewed as a liberal stance, regardless if you mean getting back to true constitutional conservatism. Fact is, true constitutionalism may not be what we need in today's era.

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