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I will NOT accept the results of this election ...


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Ok enough with this ****, please back up anything you have said on this board with actual facts, all you are talking about is what you think will happen you have no fing clue, so please start providing actual facts of why we are next china :doh:

If you want to be technical it is not the democrats that will take away our freedoms it is the ultra relgious conservatives.


Nail on the head about the ultra religious conservatives!!!

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Ok enough with this ****, please back up anything you have said on this board with actual facts, all you are talking about is what you think will happen you have no fing clue, so please start providing actual facts of why we are next china :doh:

If you want to be technical it is not the democrats that will take away our freedoms it is the ultra relgious conservatives.

So you'll tell the mods that it's not a callout thread to you when I post to you

The first time taxes go up or a tax cut is repealed

The first supeona that flys

When the military budget gets cut next year


When we withdraw from Iraq?

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Ok enough with this ****, please back up anything you have said on this board with actual facts, all you are talking about is what you think will happen you have no fing clue, so please start providing actual facts of why we are next china :doh:.

jbooma, you've always seemed to be a lot more observant than that. The members of the Liberal portion of America's political spectrum have spent fifty years implimenting all sorts of social programs, taxation strategies, and other programs in place with the obvious intent of telling the American people that THEY in the government know better than we citizens how to spend our money. They also know better than us who should be given preferential treatment in terms of education, employment, and legal protection. That sounds pretty much like Socialism to me, but then again it's been a couple years since I read "Animal Farm".

If you want to be technical it is not the democrats that will take away our freedoms it is the ultra relgious conservatives.

Gee, I don't see too many of the ultra religious conservatives telling me that they want to take my firearms away, yet I see plenty of Liberals and Democrats telling me that they know better than I do what firearms I should be allowed to have and when/how I should be allowed to use them legally.

I'm not among the ultra-religious members of the Right Wing. I thought I'd made that pretty clear recently.

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Gee, I don't see too many of the ultra religious conservatives telling me that they want to take my firearms away, yet I see plenty of Liberals and Democrats telling me that they know better than I do what firearms I should be allowed to have and when/how I should be allowed to use them legally.

I'm not among the ultra-religious members of the Right Wing. I thought I'd made that pretty clear recently.

First off a lot of the programs the democrates have created were aimed to help the people that can not help themselves, those programs do not take away the liberties of those not impacted.

You keep mentioning guns, is this your main point, you are afraid of someone taking away your weapons?? If you want me to be completely honest with you from some of you comments I do not think you should even have a gun. You are way too emotional to be able to handle such weapons, and you have already threatened suicide with these guns. I use to work with the sheriff office and have seen many people that hurt themselves because they should never have had guns to begin with.

Guns will never go away if you noticed it is in the constitution and the NRA is too powerful to ever let it happen.

Now I think there should be tougher gun laws, and it should be hard to get a gun since many who owned them have never been properly trained in using them, and that is a mistake. The fact you can just walk up into a store and purchase them, that is a problem because of the accesibility.

Yes the religious are having a large impact, look at the school system what they have done there, it is sad. We were supposed to be a country that seperated church from state, slowly that is changing, and not the good and yes that is the opposite of what our founders wanted.

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First off a lot of the programs the democrates have created were aimed to help the people that can not help themselves, those programs do not take away the liberties of those not impacted.

You keep mentioning guns, is this your main point, you are afraid of someone taking away your weapons?? If you want me to be completely honest with you from some of you comments I do not think you should even have a gun. You are way too emotional to be able to handle such weapons, and you have already threatened suicide with these guns. I use to work with the sheriff office and have seen many people that hurt themselves because they should never have had guns to begin with.

Guns will never go away if you noticed it is in the constitution and the NRA is too powerful to ever let it happen.

Now I think there should be tougher gun laws, and it should be hard to get a gun since many who owned them have never been properly trained in using them, and that is a mistake. The fact you can just walk up into a store and purchase them, that is a problem because of the accesibility.

Yes the religious are having a large impact, look at the school system what they have done there, it is sad. We were supposed to be a country that seperated church from state, slowly that is changing, and not the good and yes that is the opposite of what our founders wanted.

1) Sure they do. They take away my pursuit of happiness in that they take my money (money I could use) and give it to bums

2) People have had guns for 200+ years. Far more people have died due to medical malpractice than have died from mishandling guns

3) The school system? You're actually going to bring that up? You mean the scholl system that spends more per student than any other country in the world, and yet ranks 14th in industrialized nations in rankings? That skool system?

Let's look at that same system since prayer and corporal punishment have been banned by liberals. I'd almost bet that there's a direct corrolation in the removal of those two issues and the downward trend in of testing results

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1) Sure they do. They take away my pursuit of happiness in that they take my money (money I could use) and give it to bums

2) People have had guns for 200+ years. Far more people have died due to medical malpractice than have died from mishandling guns

3) The school system? You're actually going to bring that up? You mean the scholl system that spends more per student than any other country in the world, and yet ranks 14th in industrialized nations in rankings? That skool system?

Let's look at that same system since prayer and corporal punishment have been banned by liberals. I'd almost bet that there's a direct corrolation in the removal of those two issues and the downward trend in of testing results

1. social security goes to you as well :)

2. that is the craziest statement I have ever heard, and what exactly is your point, one thing is people trying to save lives, the other taking away on purpose

3. so what, how many kids are in college, i love how so many people point to a low ranking when we have the most people pursing higher education

4. please, religion SHOULD NOT BE IN SCHOOLS, private yes but not public, they have made a mockery of science and facts, now something that was written over 2K years ago and we have no clue in knowing if it is accurate or true

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First off a lot of the programs the democrates have created were aimed to help the people that can not help themselves, those programs do not take away the liberties of those not impacted.

Ok, so you admit that these programs are unConstitutional as they are not general in nature, but take money from those who have and give it to those who do not; or give unfair advantages to certain groups by government mandate. That's not GENERAL Welfare so far as I'm concerned.

You keep mentioning guns, is this your main point, you are afraid of someone taking away your weapons?? If you want me to be completely honest with you from some of you comments I do not think you should even have a gun. You are way too emotional to be able to handle such weapons, and you have already threatened suicide with these guns. I use to work with the sheriff office and have seen many people that hurt themselves because they should never have had guns to begin with.

Guns will never go away if you noticed it is in the constitution and the NRA is too powerful to ever let it happen.

I believe that the RTKBA is the single most important right specifically mentioned in the Constitution. I believe that every other right continues to exist in part because the common citizens of this country are armed and capable of revolting against the government if necessary. I truly believe that without the RTKBA the government would get even further out of control.

I hear the comment about people not being sure if I should have a firearm for quite a while. I've been a gun owner for almost a decade. I've lived in a home with a firearm my entire life. I have a huge amount of respect for firearms and the responsibility that goes with owning and carrying one. As for the suicide thing, would I be any less dead if I used one of the many bladed weapons in my apartment rather than the firearm?

Unfortunately in places like Massachusetts the NRA holds little sway.

Now I think there should be tougher gun laws, and it should be hard to get a gun since many who owned them have never been properly trained in using them, and that is a mistake. The fact you can just walk up into a store and purchase them, that is a problem because of the accesibility.

I definitely believe that we need to prosecute those people who improperly use a firearm, and I'm all for a licensing process, so long as it is evenly carried out and used only to deny permits to those people with criminal or mental deficiency issues. I'd like to see people get a lot more training with their firearms, but that's a personal issue so far as I'm concerned

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Ok, so you admit that these programs are unConstitutional as they are not general in nature, but take money from those who have and give it to those who do not; or give unfair advantages to certain groups by government mandate. That's not GENERAL Welfare so far as I'm concerned.

Unconstitutional is a little strong to discuss that, please tell how is it unconstitutional when the senators and congressmen are to represent the people??

What is funny is you scream about the money you put towards those programs yet don't say anything regarding all the money companies pay for everyone healthcare, which they do not have to do, but do it.

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Unconstitutional is a little strong to discuss that, please tell how is it unconstitutional when the senators and congressmen are to represent the people??

Because Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution details the limited powers of the Federal Government. Being a Federal Legislator does not mean that one has the power to spend money on whatever you want. There are 18 (I believe) stated powers of the Federal Government. Anything not listed there belongs to the STATES, not the Federal Government. I cannot find anything in those eighteen powers that grants Congress the right to institute pretty much any of the social welfare programs put in place in the last forty years.

What is funny is you scream about the money you put towards those programs yet don't say anything regarding all the money companies pay for everyone healthcare, which they do not have to do, but do it.

BIG difference, jbooma. Private companies are exactly that. They're not part of the government and therefore not limited by the wording of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. They CHOOSE to pay some or all of their employee's health care costs as a benefit of employment at the company and in return for the work the employee is doing to create a profit for the company. Additionally, an employee can opt out of a company's health care program if they want to and they are not paying for another employee's health care. Does that make the differences clear enough?

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Ok, so you admit that these programs are unConstitutional as they are not general in nature, but take money from those who have and give it to those who do not; or give unfair advantages to certain groups by government mandate. That's not GENERAL Welfare so far as I'm concerned.

I believe that the RTKBA is the single most important right specifically mentioned in the Constitution. I believe that every other right continues to exist in part because the common citizens of this country are armed and capable of revolting against the government if necessary. I truly believe that without the RTKBA the government would get even further out of control.

I hear the comment about people not being sure if I should have a firearm for quite a while. I've been a gun owner for almost a decade. I've lived in a home with a firearm my entire life. I have a huge amount of respect for firearms and the responsibility that goes with owning and carrying one. As for the suicide thing, would I be any less dead if I used one of the many bladed weapons in my apartment rather than the firearm?

Unfortunately in places like Massachusetts the NRA holds little sway.

I definitely believe that we need to prosecute those people who improperly use a firearm, and I'm all for a licensing process, so long as it is evenly carried out and used only to deny permits to those people with criminal or mental deficiency issues. I'd like to see people get a lot more training with their firearms, but that's a personal issue so far as I'm concerned

OK. Let me get this straight. You are a proud gun owner, who has mentioned suicide because your governor is a democrat. You are against giving people guns who have mental problems, correct? Well, according to you suicidial tendancies you qualify as someone with a mental deficiency issue.

If so much is wrong with this country (as you claim it died on Nov.7) why not run for office. I'd be extremely happy to see the results.

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Because Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution details the limited powers of the Federal Government. Being a Federal Legislator does not mean that one has the power to spend money on whatever you want. There are 18 (I believe) stated powers of the Federal Government. Anything not listed there belongs to the STATES, not the Federal Government. I cannot find anything in those eighteen powers that grants Congress the right to institute pretty much any of the social welfare programs put in place in the last forty years.
Funny thing is, the word "welfare" is actually in the Constitution:

Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;


What really paved the way for the modern federal government, however, was the Fourteenth Amendment, which provided the justification, and the Sixteenth Amendment, which provided the means, for the government to enforce and pursue equality in many aspects of society.

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I would like to add that the welfare program is there to help people who really see no alternative to making money other than sex and drugs. That is the reason for crime in low income areas. If these people had the opportunity that you and I had then the whole race issue about blacks being drug dealers and murderers would be different.

as WU TANG said: C.R.E.A.M. Cash Rules Everything Around Me. MSF you should hear some of Wu-tangs music...very insightful and intelligent. Believe it or not.

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Two things about this election brought me great joy:

(1) The hope that the "Republican Revolution" has reached it's highwater mark and is finally receding.

(2) Reading comments like "I will NOT accept the results of this election" from outraged right-wingers.

#1 is far more important. #2 is really just a bonus.

The country lives in the middle. Not on the far right...or left. Deal with it.

Mass_SkinsFan thinks the country died on November 7th? Thank God the whole country doesn't think like him. Many of us think it may have actually been reborn...and may finally begin to live up to its true ideals.

Or so I'm hoping.

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1) Sure they do. They take away my pursuit of happiness in that they take my money (money I could use) and give it to bums

Yet you have no problem spending "my" money that you got paid with for 20 years did you. DO you think I personally wanted you to have "my" money? Did you ever think that "my" money is being spent on things that I did not want it to be spent on, things like a $300Billion dollar boondoggle in Iraq? Did the thought ever cross your mind that "my" money going to you is just as upsetting as your money going to me?

You *****, cry, moan and scream about how the liberals waste money all the time, yet you have been sucking off the government's teet for half your life. Heck, I work for the government too, but at least I don't go around saying the money the government spends is "my" money, it isn't. It is the government's money, and it is the decisions of our lawmakers what to do with it. If you don't like it, you vote for someone who will spend the money the way you want. What just happened was people realized that the people you support don't know what the hell they are doing.

2) People have had guns for 200+ years. Far more people have died due to medical malpractice than have died from mishandling guns

Nobody is taking away anyones guns, that is a crock of crap, nobody wants to take away guns. What they want is to do criminal background checks before you can buy a gun, do you think that is a bad idea? Do you like the idea that any Tom, Dick or Harry can purchase a gun without a background check? Maybe you don't mind if a terrorist can come to the USA, and purchase a .50 cal sniper rifle to ship back to Iraq, but I do.

3) The school system? You're actually going to bring that up? You mean the scholl system that spends more per student than any other country in the world, and yet ranks 14th in industrialized nations in rankings? That skool system?

Link please. . . not that I would expect it from you.

Let's look at that same system since prayer and corporal punishment have been banned by liberals. I'd almost bet that there's a direct corrolation in the removal of those two issues and the downward trend in of testing results

:rotflmao: yea, because you can't beat kids they are becoming stupid. :laugh: And you wonder why you got trounced in the last election :laugh:

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Let's look at that same system since prayer and corporal punishment have been banned by liberals. I'd almost bet that there's a direct corrolation in the removal of those two issues and the downward trend in of testing results


I always knew there were people like you yet I still find it shocking to actually run into one.

You've got some wacked out ideas. Thankfully you are part of a small minority.

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chromerics here is the link to your school fundings you wanted


First, by historical and world standards, the conditions of American children are alarming. Statistics show that rates of child abuse, single parenthood, teen pregnancy, youth delinquency, homicide, and suicide are all much higher in the U.S. than in other countries. Research has linked each of these child-rearing deficiencies to poor academic achievement.

Second, the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution makes schools a state responsibility, resulting in a system with varying degrees of local school board and teacher discretion. Though it has many advantages, our decentralized system of education is mismanaged in many ways. For example, the U.S. spends 25.1 percent of its public school budget on non-teaching staff, more than twice the average of other countries surveyed by the OECD.

I think the first paragragh there says all we need to know

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Funny how the libs call us cry babies.. i mean did you see hordes of Lawyers and Hordes of republicans screaming ELECTION FRAUD and go dumpster diving for chads, and have people actually say ( hey look ) this vote card punch out area near Gores name well kinda looks like they made a mistake when they voted for Bush. As a matter of fact you heard nothing of that sort from republicans, but if the republicans would have won, the manufactured election fraud law suites would be flying right now..

Ok fine Republicans are upset. Its hard to be happy knowing now we will get higher taxes, watch them demonize small business, watching how they will try and put very liberal supreme court justices on the bench so they can finish destroying our constitution. Anyone who pays taxes to a liberal needs to pay more and needs to pay for those who don't.. The tax payers are the rich..

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This is one liberal who is not going to call Republicans whiney crybabies... at least not this last week. I figure you guys deserve your period of mourning. After that period of mourning though, I would hope that most of you would acknowledge that it was your own elected officials who by and large betrayed the country. They committed criminal acts. They betrayed the core of their platform and ideology. They deceived the American Republic repeatedly and unabashedly. A changing of the guard was desperately warranted. Now, in addition to that, someone in this thread posted earlier that in the last 26 years there has been 2 years of a democrat led congress and in the last 26 years since 1980, a republican has manned the whitehouse for 18 years. So, if you have difficulties with any trends, almost all of your attention needs to be focused within, not on the democrats.

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Funny how the libs call us cry babies.. i mean did you see hordes of Lawyers and Hordes of republicans screaming ELECTION FRAUD and go dumpster diving for chads, and have people actually say ( hey look ) this vote card punch out area near Gores name well kinda looks like they made a mistake when they voted for Bush. As a matter of fact you heard nothing of that sort from republicans, but if the republicans would have won, the manufactured election fraud law suites would be flying right now..

Gore had the majority of the popular vote and should have been the president. There are still investigations going on about voter coruption/irregularities in FL most of them blocked by republicans with the help of the Supreme Court

Ok fine Republicans are upset. Its hard to be happy knowing now we will get higher taxes, watch them demonize small business, watching how they will try and put very liberal supreme court justices on the bench so they can finish destroying our constitution. Anyone who pays taxes to a liberal needs to pay more and needs to pay for those who don't.. The tax payers are the rich..

You should have spoken up when your govt was giving trillions of dollars to

themselves and their friends while running up the deficit. so when taxes go up to pay the bills for the spending by the people you elected, don't be a biatch. just look in the mirror and say I ****ed myself and I'm not going to vote for those ***holes in '08

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