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I will NOT accept the results of this election ...


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Talk about missing the plot. The Democrats barely got a majority ... and that was because of the Repub incumbents were caught in too many sleaze and corruption scandals ... Tom DeLay, Mark Foley, Bob Ney etc.

... AND a war in Iraq that is not going well and the appearance that the President and Secretary of Defense don't have a plan to fix it.

Power corrupts, and so we can now expect the new Dem majority to get greedy (and lazy so that they get caught). :doh: :laugh:

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. :D

I recall a close win in a larger election a few years ago being seeing as mandate.

What's the difference.

The only thing that's changed is that the countries close split on politicial beliefs has slightly shifted from one side to the other.

Who didn't expect that?

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Talk about missing the plot. The Democrats barely got a majority ... and that was because of the Repub incumbents were caught in too many sleaze and corruption scandals ... Tom DeLay, Mark Foley, Bob Ney etc.

... AND a war in Iraq that is not going well and the appearance that the President and Secretary of Defense don't have a plan to fix it.

Power corrupts, and so we can now expect the new Dem majority to get greedy (and lazy so that they get caught). :doh: :laugh:

Unfortunately, there are probably a whole bunch more DeLay's, Ney's and Foley's out there on both sides of the aisle; and probably some in the group just elected as well. Until the American voting public stops replacing one sack of crap with a sack of the same stuff from a different animal, nothing is going to change. Donkey **** and Elephant **** are still the same stuff. They may be a little different in size, smell, and how commonly they're found, but they're essentially the same thing.

Maybe at some point in time the citizens and voting public of this country will get their heads out from inspecting their own brand of dung and start electing people who can govern without massive manure piles. I'm not holding my breath, but I guess almost anything is possible.

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From slitting your throat to "I do love America" in under 50 minutes.

Sweet. :applause:

"I Love America" DOES NOT mean that I approve of or like our current government, the system it has been using the last 140 years, or the people running the system. Think about that before you start the standing ovation or get the idea that I'm any happier with what happened on Tuesday.

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I recall a close win in a larger election a few years ago being seeing as mandate.

Mandate? ... queue Gil Scott-Heron 'B-Movie', 1980 :)

"Well, the first thing I want to say is…”Mandate my ass!”

Because it seems as though we’ve been convinced that 26% of the registered voters, not even 26% of the American people, but 26% of the registered voters form a mandate – or a landslide.

... What has happened is that in the last 20 years, America has changed from a producer to a consumer. And all consumers know that when the producer names the tune…the consumer has got to dance. That’s the way it is. We used to be a producer – very inflexible at that, and now we are consumers and, finding it difficult to understand. Natural resources and minerals will change your world. The Arabs used to be in the 3rd World. They have bought the 2nd World and put a firm down payment on the 1st one. Controlling your resources will control your world. This country has been surprised by the way the world looks now. They don’t know if they want to be Matt Dillon or Bob Dylan. They don’t know if they want to be diplomats or continue the same policy - of nuclear nightmare diplomacy. John Foster Dulles ain’t nothing but the name of an airport now.

The idea concerns the fact that this country wants nostalgia. They want to go back as far as they can – even if it’s only as far as last week. Not to face now or tomorrow, but to face backwards. And yesterday was the day of our cinema heroes riding to the rescue at the last possible moment. The day of the man in the white hat or the man on the white horse - or the man who always came to save America at the last moment – someone always came to save America at the last moment – especially in “B” movies. And when America found itself having a hard time facing the future, they looked for people like John Wayne. But since John Wayne was no longer available, they settled for Ronald Reagan – and it has placed us in a situation that we can only look at – like a “B” movie.

GSH 1980

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Every time a political argument comes up I can't help but laugh at all the jockeying and labeling and name calling that gets slung around like an infants apple sauce...

It's like a bunch of 5 year olds got let out of their cages.

my candidate can beat up your candidate! :lift:

yeh, I mean, I hate Bush, the most I did on election night in 2004 was get hammered, throw some bottles off a balcony (where there weren't people around), and go to sleep.

Seriously though, I think that had to be Nelms longest post ever.

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I'd go to a morgue first, thank you very much.

Tolerance of the inappropriate is something I've never been in favor of; and since everything that Liberals do is inappropriate, there can be no tolerance for them or their philosophy so far as I'm concerned.

Tolerance like your boy Mark Folley? Or how about that conservative Pastor who was seeing a gay prostitute, doing crystle meth then having sex with him?

Yea everything Liberals do is inappropriate. Conservatives would never do anything wrong.

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Tolerance like your boy Mark Folley? Or how about that conservative Pastor who was seeing a gay prostitute, doing crystle meth then having sex with him?

WVU, please show me where I've defended Mr. Foley at all. Personally, I feel the appropriate penalty for Mark Foley's actions is public castration. I have no love for the gentleman at all, nor would I consider him a Conservative; the same with the pastor you're refering to, whomever he may be.

Yea everything Liberals do is inappropriate. Conservatives would never do anything wrong.

That second sentence belongs totally to you, not me. I probably should have indicated that everything in the Liberal philosophy is wrong and made what I was trying to say a bit clearer. Human beings make mistakes, regardless of their political or socio-economic philosophies. Some just start closer to those mistakes by choosing the wrong political and socio-economic philosophies.

There, does that make you feel better?

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:rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I hope you were joking. Maybe you have been under a rock though.

Not at all. I have no clue who this gentleman is. If he's some sort of pop culture figure, that would probably explain it, since I do my best to avoid pop culture like all three forms of the Boubonic Plague and for the same reasons.

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Not at all. I have no clue who this gentleman is. If he's some sort of pop culture figure, that would probably explain it, since I do my best to avoid pop culture like all three forms of the Boubonic Plague and for the same reasons.

Fair enough. Have you heard of the Daily show with Jon Stewart? Colbert follows that program and plays a hard line Bill O'rielly type person. Very funny. He is very popular, but I wouldn't consider him a pop culture figure.

He is popular with conservatives and liberals. Bush's staff asked him to come perform at the White House correspondance dinner. You might have seen that.

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Fair enough. Have you heard of the Daily show with Jon Stewart? Colbert follows that program and plays a hard line Bill O'rielly type person. Very funny. He is very popular, but I wouldn't consider him a pop culture figure.

He is popular with conservatives and liberals. Bush's staff asked him to come perform at the White House correspondance dinner. You might have seen that.

I have heard of Jon Stewart and knew that he had some sort of tv program n Comedy Central. CC is blocked on my TV by personal choice. I do that with the majority of channels I don't watch so that I can scroll through the channels more easily.

Never been invited to a White House correspondents dinner, so I wouldn't know who has and hasn't attended.

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I've never heard of him either

Goes to show you what you get for stereotyping conservatives


You would love Colbert. On election night he made two celebration cakes to be used dependent on who won. One was decorated with a map of the USA all in red and said "Congratulations Republicans".

The other had a picture of an Arab holding a bomb and said "Congratulations Terrorists".


EDIT - and here's the clip on Youtube:


He also has a Catastrophometer to measure the election results with a needle swinging from Jesus to Bin Laden depdendent on wihich party did better.

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You would love Colbert. On election night he made two celebration cakes to be used dependent on who won. One was decorated with a map of the USA all in red and said "Congratulations Republicans".

The other had a picture of an Arab holding a bomb and said "Congratulations Terrorists".


EDIT - and here's the clip on Youtube:


He also has a Catastrophometer to measure the election results with a needle swinging from Jesus to Bin Laden depdendent on wihich party did better.

That's pretty funny!

I've seen he guy now that I know who he is, I just never knew his name

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and neither should you if you are a true conservative.

Nothing made me sicker than to see that ugly, bug-eyed ***** standing at the podium Wednesday morning, surrounded by liberal freaks that look like they came straight out of the Star Wars cantina. She and her merry band of freaks can thank the left wing liberal media for painting a picture of America that just isn't true. Tim Russert is living proof that a man can have multiple orgasms within minutes of each other.

Don't get me wrong. Bush and his ball-less, gut-less war on terror policies didn't help. And guys like George Allen who ran away from his conservative record during the campaign contributed to this defeat. I became physically ill seeing Bush and Pelosi making nice yesterday. Why would he do that? She is the enemy. She stands for everything that is wrong with America. Do you know why he's doing this? Because Bush is not a true conservative. He's a gutless leader who has compromised his conservative values for six years now. It didn't just start yesterday.

So, I'm calling on all real conservatives to stand up to the enemies of this country and to the compromisers of the enemies of this country. Do not accept it. If you see someone with a Jim Webb bumper sticker, pull up next to them and flip them off. What are they going to do, shoot you the peace sign? Call your local rep, Democrat or Republican, and let them know that there are true conservatives still out there and they are not happy. Do not accept the results of this election. Nancy Pelosi doesn't represent me. I could give a rat's ass what she thinks of the war. Stand up and make some noise. Am I rambling? Yes, because I am pissed off. I am pissed off at the missed opportunities from this so-called conservative president. And now the commiecrats are going to economically rape all of us. Be prepared to bend over and take it. And you can just leave the lube in the drawer because it's gonna hurt.

Can I nominate this for post of the year? :laugh: I have never felt such vindication, such unabashed and utter glee, then right now after reading the rants of the deranged and maniacal lunatic right :laugh:

Life is so grand isn't it :D :D :D My girlfriend dumped me, my dog was hit by a truck and a bird crapped on my head today, but I am still smiling after reading this post.

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