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Paul Woody: REDSKINS NOTES *Great Coach Lindsey quote*


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REDSKINS NOTES Thursday, October 5, 2006

WHERE'S THE LOVE? Former Redskins linebacker LaVar Arrington now plays for the New York Giants, whom the Redskins face Sunday.

Arrington left Washington in the spring, opting to take his release and forgo bonus money to leave what he felt was an untenable situation.

Arrington spent almost all of the 2004 season on the sidelines with a knee injury.

He spent much of the first half of the 2005 season in a backup role. The coaching staff insisted it was because he was not fully recovered from his knee problem. Arrington hinted something more was involved.

Naturally, the questions this week concern just how much Arrington can help the Giants understand the Redskins defense

"None," said Redskins linebackers coach Dale Lindsey, who coached Arrington the past two seasons. "He didn't know anything when he was here. Why do you think he's going to know anything up there?"

Arrington has kept a low profile this week. He opted not to address the media yesterday. He is scheduled to talk today.

THE MAN CAN PLAY: Redskins wide receiver Santana Moss was selected as the NFC offensive player of the week for his performance against Jacksonville on Sunday.

Moss caught four passes for 138 yards and two touchdowns. His second touchdown was the game winner in overtime, a 68-yard play. His first touchdown was a 55-yard pass play.

It is the fourth time in his six-year NFL career that Moss has been selected as the offensive player of the week.

Moss, 5-10 and 190 pounds, was typically unimpressed by the honor.

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THE MAN CAN PLAY: Redskins wide receiver Santana Moss was selected as the NFC offensive player of the week for his performance against Jacksonville on Sunday.

Moss caught four passes for 138 yards and two touchdowns. His second touchdown was the game winner in overtime, a 68-yard play. His first touchdown was a 55-yard pass play.

It is the fourth time in his six-year NFL career that Moss has been selected as the offensive player of the week.

Moss, 5-10 and 190 pounds, was typically unimpressed by the honor.

Umm, this is a littel off topic, but Santana scored three times, not twice, and his second TD was obviously NOT the game winner.

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I think the media has a way of taking it out of context. I know Gibbs hates this crap. I think he would pissed if he heard this. The media loves to stir it up. As for Lavar, I don't think he is our big worry, their O is. We will score some points

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"None," said Redskins linebackers coach Dale Lindsey, who coached Arrington the past two seasons. "He didn't know anything when he was here. Why do you think he's going to know anything up there?"

So Dale. What are you trying to say? ;) I'm going to go out on a limb and say there won't be an emotional hug between the two during pregrame. :)

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Personaly I think this is a BS comment from Dale. In fact it kinds of goes with the way Lavar was used last year. Dale loved Holdman and he played him until even the rocks realized he couldn't get of a block to save his life. Say what you will I would take Lavar in a heartbeat over Holdman right now.

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LA BLOWS. He has no technique, no grasp of a real defense, my tw year old daughter could block him. He sucked! Go back and watch the games. Yeah he had a decent hit every now and then, but for every hit he got burned or flat dumped on his ass by a tackle while trying to come around the end when he wasn't even supposed to be, thus leaving his part of the field vacant for wide open dump passes right where he was. Look back at eagles games vs. us. It was sick. They knew it. From day one he sucked. We all (including me) wore blinders to the fact he sucked. He would over pursue and we would all say DAAAAH "he's just that fast." A running back would keep him off the qb and we would say DAAAAH "he just got a little tangled up there."

Listen to his interviews as well. He has the IQ of fungi. I say we should go right after him, or at least where he was. He owes us three or four tds. My 56 jersey is now an oil rag, and it is even a little disappointing at that.


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Personaly I think this is a BS comment from Dale. In fact it kinds of goes with the way Lavar was used last year. Dale loved Holdman and he played him until even the rocks realized he couldn't get of a block to save his life. Say what you will I would take Lavar in a heartbeat over Holdman right now.

So you are one of the conspiracy theorists? I'm pretty sure it was injury related, whether Arrington's pride let him admit it or not.

Oh well, I like the 2 teams taking shots at each other. Come on - its Giants Redskins guys!

Both sides are just saying things all in good fun, its a rivalry!

My 56 jersey is now an oil rag, and it is even a little disappointing at that.


:laugh: My nomination for line of the day:laugh:

Someone has to make a sign that says that!

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Say what you will I would take Lavar in a heartbeat over Holdman right now.

So you'd rather have a guy who sucks in coverage and can't shed a block over a guy who sucks in coverage, but is good against the run? Holdman is a place-holder until Rocky comes along, anyway. LaVar is finished.

I still wished Springs and Lindsay hadn't said anything, regardless how right they were.

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Say what you will I would take Lavar in a heartbeat over Holdman right now.

Uh...really? Lavar has stunk in NY, worse than Holdman last year. Holdman is holding his own this year. Another post proving why fans should not be GM's/Coaches :laugh:

I don't agree with the smack talk though, it's fun to hear on our end but let's not give more ammo than we need to.

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I think the media has a way of taking it out of context. I know Gibbs hates this crap. I think he would pissed if he heard this. The media loves to stir it up. As for Lavar, I don't think he is our big worry, their O is. We will score some points

I hope its out of context because I don't like seeing comments like this from player let alone a coach. We should be taking the high road then bust them up on the field.

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I laughed when I read this in the paper this morning.

It's the same joke we've all been making for months...

The trash talking ante has definitely been upped this year.

LA will have some sort of moronic rebuttal when he speaks to reporters today, I'm sure...hopefully something to fire our O-line up.

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It is the fourth time in his six-year NFL career that Moss has been selected as the offensive player of the week.

I would really like to know how many times out of the 4 he was playing for the burgundy and gold...

Anyone know?

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