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Brunnell's hurt again, Campbell's time is now!!!!


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I really don't want it to happen, but MB is hurt again...and again...and again...

Hurt his finger, partially torn groin, knee, headache, gas, WTF!!!!

He is going to try and play...throw wildly or safely way out of bounds and try not to loose the game as his legs are hurt again!!!!

Feels like JC training year, not a superbowl run.


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Come on!! The one thing that this forum has discussed and discussed over and over again. Start Campbell over Brunell, Last year all I read was start Ramsey over Brunell, now we get to read after every game is Start Campbell over Brunell.

I want to see him play as much as everybody else, but the coaches have made there minds to start Brunell. I know Campbell will get his chance, I rather him to mentally ready as well. Brunell wont be playing long with his age, and Campbell will run this team in time and we will have a QB for years to come. I think its a great move by the coaches not to start him yet, let him develop into the great QB that he will be. I am behind Brunell and he will get it done.

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I'm not a huge Brunell fan but I think he can make us successful so lets stick with him. But honestly, wouldn't you feel better if we had a stud quarterback stepping back in the pocket? And, NO its not Campbell. I wish we had a QB with an arm and some quick feet. Most of those are locked up with a team so I ought to quit dreaming. Brunell back in his prime would be OK but time marches on.

Then again, with the RBs we have, who needs to throw? Pound it down everyone's throat and it's a moot point.

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I want to win this year. Start Brunell.

You know, all he did last year was get us to the SECOND ROUND OF THE PLAYOFFS.

Try as I might, I can't resist.

How did Mark get us to the second round of the playoffs?

To be accurate, he was the starting quarterback on a team who got to the second round of the playoffs.

That is not the same as "getting us there".

Brad Johnson got us to the playoffs in 1999. Mark Brunell was along for the ride for most of the second half of the season and was a liability in 4 of the last 5 games we played including both post season games.

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kerry collins is still out there.... just a thought ( incase maybe season ending injury )

it may take time to learn offense but its not a bad idea if you think about it. hes not as old, hes got an ok arm, although i realy like how MB can put the ball right where santana claus can catch it in stride , not sure collins could do that ( either one)

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Try as I might, I can't resist.

How did Mark get us to the second round of the playoffs?

To be accurate, he was the starting quarterback on a team who got to the second round of the playoffs.

That is not the same as "getting us there".

Brad Johnson got us to the playoffs in 1999. Mark Brunell was along for the ride for most of the second half of the season and was a liability in 4 of the last 5 games we played including both post season games.


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Cant deny Brunell has been injury prone this year.

Like last year Im sure he'll try to play thru, to his credit.

Unfortunately there is a huge difference between a healthy Brunell and an injured Brunell.

If he cant stay healthy then what? Campbell, sorry, he looks OK so far but nowhere near ready to take over. Collins, did better last week vs Jets scrubs, but what does that say?

Unless the Redskins are ready to concede the first quarter of the season then hope for a strong middle and stronger finish, they better hope Brunell can heal up and stay healthy.

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There is no way they will put this kid in there. This team wants to win now. Putting Campbell in there would be a step back unless they go the Steelers route like what the Steelers did with Big Ben a couple of years ago and that's not going to happen.

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I really don't want it to happen, but MB is hurt again...and again...and again...

Hurt his finger, partially torn groin, knee, headache, gas, WTF!!!!

He is going to try and play...throw wildly or safely way out of bounds and try not to loose the game as his legs are hurt again!!!!

Feels like JC training year, not a superbowl run.


You should have learned last year, if Brunnell has a pulse he plays. No matter what.

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This message board is getting more neurotic every day.

You know you are right, sadly some have no patience and if we lose against the Vikings in the opening game at home, the suicide hotline will be overwhelmed. People will be jumping into the potomac river.

geesh, give it a break and have a little faith for Pete's sake.

I survived Norv Turner and Steve Spurrier for this? Where's the back bone? Gibbs is back, have some forgotten that just last year we made a great run at the end of the season?

Your welcome Pete!

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