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Man Law!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Light beers are for women who are watching their weight. Men dont watch their weight. If you're afraid of the size of your rear end, you are automatically a woman. If weight is a serious issue either cut back on food or drink whiskey instead. No light beer!

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Light beers are for women who are watching their weight. Men dont watch their weight. If you're afraid of the size of your rear end, you are automatically a woman. If weight is a serious issue either cut back on food or drink whiskey instead. No light beer!

what if you wanna stay in shape so you can get the ladies to :hump:?

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Light beers are for women who are watching their weight. Men dont watch their weight. If you're afraid of the size of your rear end, you are automatically a woman. If weight is a serious issue either cut back on food or drink whiskey instead. No light beer!

Why would you want to become a fat ass for no reason? Men should want to stay in some semblance of shape so they can fight, play sports, and run from the police on foot after abandoning their vehicle.

There is NO reason to drink Budweiser, it tastes EXACTLY the same as Bud Light. Plus, Bud Light is much more commonly a bars "special."

Budweiser is for rednecks.

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All good except for the firearms one. Being proficient with firearms without having been in the military actually makes you LESS of a man.

Huh? So the man who defends his family or business and the guy who goes hunts AND eats his prey are lesser men because of no military experience? Even if a guy is a clerk in the air force he gets more cred?

I guess the minutemen weren't men. So much for Patrick Henry and the Founders idea of a citizen militia (basically, all those who were armed.) Or for Thomas Jefferson's exhortation that boys and young men in go on walks with their gun and practice their skills.

That Jefferson probably drank fruity drinks! :doh:

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Huh? So the man who defends his family or business and the guy who goes hunts AND eats his prey are lesser men because of no military experience? Even if a guy is a clerk in the air force he gets more cred?

I guess the minutemen weren't men. So much for Patrick Henry and the Founders idea of a citizen militia (basically, all those who were armed.) Or for Thomas Jefferson's exhortation that boys and young men in go on walks with their gun and practice their skills.

That Jefferson probably drank fruity drinks! :doh:

Missed it completely Ghost. Im saying that if you need to carry a gun to protect yourself and your family you are less of a man than someone who does it without the guns. Simply put, if you feel that you have to have a gun to feel safe, that doesnt say much for your manliness.

Hunting animals is definitely not "manly." They are defenseless stupid animals and cant fight back. Thinking that taking down Bambi from 500 feet away is "tough" is retarded. When you run down a deer on foot and rip it apart with your bare hands, then you can break all the man laws you want. :laugh:

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Ok, I get it. You're just talking about walking around invincible or bad-ass without use of weapons.

I guess I'm thinking of how sissified the culture has become towards weapons (not in movies but in real life, like suspending a boy for drawing a gun) and how anything that goes AGAINST that must be more manly.

I also think that someone who hunts and EATS his prey (be it bow, spear or gun) is more of a man because it simply requires a different mindset.

Basically, if I take your average broad in Seattle and say, "let's go shooting guns" she's going to freak or at least have some fear. So the opposite of that is more manly :) There's an element of courage that is involved, because your first time in a range (i've seen an ex-girlfriend get all freaked out) is quite an experience.

I'd say men who work on fishing boats off Alaska get even more exemptions because of the constant stress and danger. Basically, anything that requires you to sack up should be a points-earner. :)

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The Ghost Post

I see what you are saying. Im not saying people that own guns and shoot and hunt and stuff are *******. But they certainly dont get exempted from any applicable existing man laws for it. :cheers:

Ive been hunting (I went to WVU, of course ive been hunting). Ive killed stuff and eaten it. Deer and squirrel specifically. Ive shot a 12 gauge and several rifles. I didnt see it as a big deal, other than just trying to be careful, but i definitely see your point re: "average broads in Seattle". :laugh:

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bathroom etiquette:

when in line for the urinal, keep small talk to strangers limited to the 'I recognize you as a person' nod

unless at a sporting event, a 1 urinal buffer zone must be kept at all times, use the kiddie urninal if you have to

if nature calls....with a vengance, you must time the blast as you flush the toilet, sucessfully combining courtesy flush, and eliminating the gurgling

two men may be seen wearing ponchos, however, under no circumstance, may two men share an umbrella

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Why would you want to become a fat ass for no reason? Men should want to stay in some semblance of shape so they can fight, play sports, and run from the police on foot after abandoning their vehicle.

There is NO reason to drink Budweiser, it tastes EXACTLY the same as Bud Light. Plus, Bud Light is much more commonly a bars "special."

Budweiser is for rednecks.

Firstly, there are plenty of other ways to control one's weight than drinking swill, which is what light beer is. You stated a few, fighting, exercise, sports, running from the law, etc. Secondly, if your only choices in life come from Anheiser-Busch, then you've already got problems.


Amend the law to state that good light beer, i.e. Sam Adams Light or Amstel is acceptable.

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Firstly, there are plenty of other ways to control one's weight than drinking swill, which is what light beer is. You stated a few, fighting, exercise, sports, running from the law, etc. Secondly, if your only choices in life come from Anheiser-Busch, then you've already got problems.


Amend the law to state that good light beer, i.e. Sam Adams Light or Amstel is acceptable.

Man Law: No man shall be elitist or snobby about his beer. That basically equates to being a wine-snob, and is definitely not manly. If its cold and beer, it shall be drunk, unless its a zero-carb beer.

Addendum: A man shall accept any beer he is given at a party/friend's house/sporting event without question, unless it is one of the aforementioned zero carb beers. Only then is he allowed to give the other man **** about it.

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Man Law: No man shall be elitist or snobby about his beer. That basically equates to being a wine-snob, and is definitely not manly. If its cold and beer, it shall be drunk, unless its a zero-carb beer.

Addendum: A man shall accept any beer he is given at a party/friend's house/sporting event without question, unless it is one of the aforementioned zero carb beers. Only then is he allowed to give the other man **** about it.

I was just about to say roughly the same....I second this man law!!

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Man Law - men don't drink light beer.

I'd take man laws from Shannon Miller before I took them from Miller Lite.


I was afraid that when I saw those commercials, legions of men would (a) find them funny, (B) begin co-opting "man law" into their lexicon, which would © bring this concept into the national culture. *Sigh* So predictable.

Seldom has a commercial series been more gay, and Miller Lite is perhaps the worst beer in the history of fermented beverages.

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Man Law: If it is cold, carbonated and contains alcohol and carbs, it is beer.

zima? :doh:

Man Law: If you choose to order wine that is o.k. No points either way.

However, if you swirl the wine, sniff it, then sip it and tell the waiter you "think it is o.k.", you are a douche.

(here's a tip fellas. If you are in an environment where you are called on to sample wine at a restaurant, either for a business dinner or on a date, a simple "I'm sure it's fine" will suffice. Anything beyond that is pretentious bull****.)

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Seldom has a commercial series been more gay, and Miller Lite is perhaps the worst beer in the history of fermented beverages.

Hard point to argue.

Miller Lite = making love in a canoe

(both :hump:ing close to water)

Man Law:

Cell Phones, under no circumstances, shall be worn on a clip on your belt. They must be out of site at all times. Likewise, bluetooth headsets are forbidden.

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I was afraid that when I saw those commercials, legions of men would (a) find them funny, (B) begin co-opting "man law" into their lexicon, which would © bring this concept into the national culture. *Sigh* So predictable.

Seldom has a commercial series been more gay, and Miller Lite is perhaps the worst beer in the history of fermented beverages.

Man Law: ridiculing man law is strictly forbidden, and is a sign of latent homosexuality. :silly:

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