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Man Law!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Then my second man law would be the Dallas Cowboys,New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, GreenBay Packers, Pittsburgh Steelers would have to play in pink uniforms from now until eternity since they are all girlie teams anyways.

My third man law would be that I get my own driving lane on the Beltway. :applause:

My fourth man law would be that weekends are 4 days long and workdays 2 hours.........

More will come as I think of them...........

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Man law:

If a man walks into a room where a football game is being watched by other men (or any sporting event really) he MAY ask what the score is, but he MAY NOT ask who is playing. Men should be able to assertain this information for themselves in less than 2 seconds based on uniform color, venue, and general knowledge of what games were scheduled for that day.

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Man law:

If a man walks into a room where a football game is being watched by other men (or any sporting event really) he MAY ask what the score is, but he MAY NOT ask who is playing. Men should be able to assertain this information for themselves in less than 2 seconds based on uniform color, venue, and general knowledge of what games were scheduled for that day.

I agree!!!

An addendum: A man is not permitted to ask the following questions when talking about sports:

- Who we playin this week? (Common knowledge, and if you are using the terms "WE or OUR" you should know.)

- What's our record? (See above)

Furthermore, if a person uses WE or OUR in the above stated uses their WE or OUR card will be revoked and said person will not be permitted to use WE or OUR while referring to their favorite team.

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I agree!!!

An addendum: A man is not permitted to ask the following questions when talking about sports:

- Who we playin this week? (Common knowledge, and if you are using the terms "WE or OUR" you should know.)

- What's our record? (See above)

Furthermore, if a person uses WE or OUR in the above stated uses their WE or OUR card will be revoked and said person will not be permitted to use WE or OUR while referring to their favorite team.

I second that man Law!!

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I agree!!!

An addendum: A man is not permitted to ask the following questions when talking about sports:

- Who we playin this week? (Common knowledge, and if you are using the terms "WE or OUR" you should know.)

- What's our record? (See above)

Furthermore, if a person uses WE or OUR in the above stated uses their WE or OUR card will be revoked and said person will not be permitted to use WE or OUR while referring to their favorite team.

I think baseball should be an exemption to the 'what's our record question'. After, at about 105 games, I usually lose track.

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I think baseball should be an exemption to the 'what's our record question'. After, at about 105 games, I usually lose track.

True, but you must substitute "How many games back are we?", if said question is asked the penalty is equal to said punishments...

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Not exactly a Manlaw but whenever my Mom would join my Dad, my brother and I watching a Skins game as soon as she sat down he would turn to her and say "If you are not talking football, you're not talking." Amazingly she never got mad.

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Not exactly a Manlaw but whenever my Mom would join my Dad, my brother and I watching a Skins game as soon as she sat down he would turn to her and say "If you are not talking football, you're not talking." Amazingly she never got mad.

That should be a Law Law. My wife was trying to talk to me while I was watching the Mavs game last night and I was waving her off and when the commercial came on I was like Can't you see that I was watching something?

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That should be a Law Law. My wife was trying to talk to me while I was watching the Mavs game last night and I was waving her off and when the commercial came on I was like Can't you see that I was watching something?

:laugh: :laugh: "waving her off"

I do that too and my gf gets wicked pissed off about it.

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Not exactly a Manlaw but whenever my Mom would join my Dad, my brother and I watching a Skins game as soon as she sat down he would turn to her and say "If you are not talking football, you're not talking." Amazingly she never got mad.

B/c that was probably back when men were men and women were grateful! :silly:


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From another thread, but whatever....

Man law: When going to a Starbucks, you must order a MEDIUM, or LARGE coffee. You do not order in their stupid language.

And yes, I left out small. Cause if you're a man, you don't order a small drink.


You mean i cant order a double skinny half-caf no whip viente mochafrappa****ingchino?

Im ok with that.

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When at the bar with friends and drinking on the same tab, beers are to be split evenly, straight down the middle. If someone orders a round of shots without prior agreement by the entire group, that person is responsible for the whole round.

Addendum. When someone says "shots", men are to take that to mean "SHOTS" not ****ing "shooters." I agreed to either whiskey, rum, jager, or vodka. Not something that has 10 goddamn ingredients in it and tastes like rotten grapes and paint thinner.

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Man Law:

Every man must submit a formal declaration of their favorite teams. Once the formal declaration has been made the man is issued a fan card. This card can be revoked at any time by any man. A challenge must be issued and sent to a popular vote of said man's peers. If the card is revoked the man cannot ever claim allegience to such team and must wait 30 days to claim another. Also, once allegience has been claimed it is permanent unless in the previously stated condition. Thus eliminating the fair weather fan aka Cowboys fans.

Man Law:

Super Bowl Sunday is a national holiday for men. No man should have to work on that day. If the Man's favorite team is playing in the Super Bowl then he gets the next day off as well (doesn't apply to fair weather fans aka. Cowboys fans).

Man Law:

There should be proper rotation with the "Wing Man". No one man should have to "take one for the team" two outings in a row. Once a schedule has been devised there is no deviation from said schedule thus eliminating the chance for the law to be broken.

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