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Man Law!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Man Law: I don't care what he did, or how mad he made you, but when you're fighting a guy a low blow is never allowed.

Exception: He said something and meant it about your deceased parent or your mother (who doesn't have to be deceased to merit a kick in the nuts.)

(I'm not even goin to mention the obvious things that you could KILL a man for, a low blow is just fine)

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Fruit and fruit derivatives are NOT allowed at a tailgate. Especially in the form of girly blender drinks such as strawberry daquiris.

Tailgates = beer, cow, swine, beer, liqour, chips, beer, dip, bread, and beer.

Vegetable Medleeeeeeeey! :silly:

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Exception: He said something and meant it about your deceased parent or your mother (who doesn't have to be deceased to merit a kick in the nuts.)

(I'm not even goin to mention the obvious things that you could KILL a man for, a low blow is just fine)

Or you are outnumbered more than 2 to one.

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Vegetable Medleeeeeeeey! :silly:


Addendum: Fruity blender drinks like daquiris, pina coladas and margaritas are NEVER acceptable for a guy to drink UNLESS you are actually on a beach in a tropical paradise AND they are the only booze available AND they are free.

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Addendum: Fruity blender drinks like daquiris, pina coladas and margaritas are NEVER acceptable for a guy to drink UNLESS you are actually on a beach in a tropical paradise AND they are the only booze available AND they are free.

Even if it's the only drink available at a girlfriend's house and you have a chance of ingratiating yourself with her family and it'll make the score later that night even better?

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I agree!!!

An addendum: A man is not permitted to ask the following questions when talking about sports:

- Who we playin this week? (Common knowledge, and if you are using the terms "WE or OUR" you should know.)

- What's our record? (See above)

Furthermore, if a person uses WE or OUR in the above stated uses their WE or OUR card will be revoked and said person will not be permitted to use WE or OUR while referring to their favorite team.

can you ask these if it is a team you are playing on instead of rooting for?

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Man Law: You are hereby prohibited from wearing a Ben Roethlisberger jersey to a Redskins/Giants game. :doh:

We get the point you are a football fan, but come on that is just stupid. Or how about a Vince Carter jersey at a Wizards/Bulls game? :laugh:

Agreed. Don't wear an unrelated jersey to a sporting event other than the 2 teams present.

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Man Law: I don't care what he did, or how mad he made you, but when you're fighting a guy a low blow is never allowed.

Pre-fight low blows are against the law, but once you're scrappin, all's fair. Especially if you did not start the fight or are smaller than your opponent.

Man Law: if you get into a fight, you must be man enough to take the consequences, whatever they may be.

I think there might be a super bowl exemption to that rule right?

Yes, but it must still be the same sport! :)

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Wait, so a 17 year old decides that men who've had sex, fired guns, eaten grilled beef and get drunk are not men because HE wants to contribute to Man Law?

Here's a new rule. No one who is below the legal age of voting can decide Man Law.

MySpace is a way to keep up with people that's simply easier and more comprehensive than just writing scads of emails.

Also, no method by which man MAY (if it was not his primary purpose) eventually earn the voluntary physical affections of women may be derided.

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Wait, so a 17 year old decides what men who've had sex, fired guns, eaten grilled beef and get drunk are not men because HE wants to contribute to Man Law?

Here's a new rule. No one who is below the age of voting can decide Man Law.

MySpace is a way to keep up with people that's simply easier and more comprehensive than just writing scads of emails.


I'll take it even further; if you can't legally order a beer, you cannot create a man law.

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