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Man Law!!!!!!!!!!!!


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When at the bar with friends and drinking on the same tab, beers are to be split evenly, straight down the middle. If someone orders a round of shots without prior agreement by the entire group, that person is responsible for the whole round.

Addendum. When someone says "shots", men are to take that to mean "SHOTS" not ****ing "shooters." I agreed to either whiskey, rum, jager, or vodka. Not something that has 10 goddamn ingredients in it and tastes like rotten grapes and paint thinner.

Addendum: When buying said shots for your buddies, not only should they be SHOTS, but shots of something halfway decent. Not all of us are expecting a shot of Grey Goose but for the love of GOD, no Aristocrat.....

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Man Law:

Move your feet, lose your seat.

Period. No "fives", no "piss breaks are free", nothing. If you move your feet, you lose your seat.

what about when you are dealing with women.

i.e. my wife has some how claimed the recliner for the game leaving me with the couch. she gets up and says "I am coming back, don't take my seat".

Do I have rights to the recliner?

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Man Law:

Every man must submit a formal declaration of their favorite teams. Once the formal declaration has been made the man is issued a fan card. This card can be revoked at any time by any man. A challenge must be issued and sent to a popular vote of said man's peers. If the card is revoked the man cannot ever claim allegience to such team and must wait 30 days to claim another. Also, once allegience has been claimed it is permanent unless in the previously stated condition. Thus eliminating the fair weather fan aka Cowboys fans.

hey i didn't get my fan card.

also can you carry cards to two teams? like for me the colts and the skins or the nats and the Yankees (obliviously they have to be in seperate leagues or conferenses)

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what about when you are dealing with women.

i.e. my wife has some how claimed the recliner for the game leaving me with the couch. she gets up and says "I am coming back, don't take my seat".

Do I have rights to the recliner?

Lordy man...this should be a no-brainer....

the man ALWAYS has de facto rights to the recliner...her claiming it shouldnt even be an option!

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Man Law:

Move your feet, lose your seat.

Period. No "fives", no "piss breaks are free", nothing. If you move your feet, you lose your seat.

Eff that!! :laugh: First transaction limits, now this?? Man...you're out of control!! ;)

From another thread, but whatever....

Man law: When going to a Starbucks, you must order a MEDIUM, or LARGE coffee. You do not order in their stupid language.

And yes, I left out small. Cause if you're a man, you don't order a small drink.

Its called Italian, bro! ;)

But I agree....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Man law: If you suck at fantasy football, don't invent weak ass rules like transaction limits to hamstring the better players. :silly:

Yeah, PB...that was a callout!! :D :D :D

Man Law. Dont disagree with TWO accepted Man Laws, and then try and call someone out.

Makes you like like a b*tch.

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Man Law. Dont disagree with TWO accepted Man Laws, and then try and call someone out.

Makes you like like a b*tch.

TWO?? I only disagreed with the move your feet, lose your seat rule. Eff that! Five minute rule in full effect. I agreed with Spiff's medium and large rule.

And how do you like like a b****? :whoknows:

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hey i didn't get my fan card.

also can you carry cards to two teams? like for me the colts and the skins or the nats and the Yankees (obliviously they have to be in seperate leagues or conferenses)

No. One man - one team - one card.

Man Law.

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Man law!!

Addendum: any man caught with multiple cards for teams of the same sport shall be mercilessly emasculated and forced to run up and down a major street in a pink tutu.

Damn oh well Go Yankees-Skins-Mavs

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If she's PMSing, she shouldnt even be allowed in the house. : :kungfu:

If she is PMSing I ain't messing with her, I once saw a girl take a guys camaro and run it through a fence, because he bought the wrong dish soap (this seriously is a true story)

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Man Law: It is unacceptable to go to a game with an outdated* jersey, especially with names like Shuler or Westbrook.

*Franchise greats are acceptable, and encouraged.

Does that mean I can't wear my shar Pourdanesh jersey anymore?

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Man Law: It is unacceptable to go to a game with an outdated* jersey, especially with names like Shuler or Westbrook.

*Franchise greats are acceptable, and encouraged.

Man Law: YOu shall never ever purchase or wear a Jersey of a Kicker or Punter

Excellent work fellas. So it is written, so shall it be.

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