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Man Law!!!!!!!!!!!!


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about the myspace thing its all in fun, never really meant to ruffle any feathers, just saying i dont like myspace in what i thought to be a joke thread, not something that is to be taken that seriously. and if i could have clarified things by using a smiley (which actually would have done it) i apologize.

wise up, boy. this thread is serious. we (they) are deciding the future of man right now!

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about the myspace thing its all in fun, never really meant to ruffle any feathers, just saying i dont like myspace in what i thought to be a joke thread, not something that is to be taken that seriously. and if i could have clarified things by using a smiley (which actually would have done it) i apologize.


Seems that MySpace account holders are really REALLY touchy about being called on it. Not sure WHY they are get so defensive, but its a reality.

Almost as touchy as a certain OTHER group of.........maybe I wont go there just quite yet. :laugh:

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Seems that MySpace account holders are really REALLY touchy about being called on it. Not sure WHY they are get so defensive, but its a reality.

Almost as touchy as a certain OTHER group of.........maybe I wont go there just quite yet. :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Alright alright, enough MySpace bashing. Back on the topic of Man Laws.

Man Law.

The formula for compensation, in beers, for friends helping you move is as follows:

(hours) x (tons of crap/2) x (flights of stairs) MINUS (damage done to new house and personal belongings, in hundreds) = beers owed.

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Alright alright, enough MySpace bashing. Back on the topic of Man Laws.

Man Law.

The formula for compensation, in beers, for friends helping you move is as follows:

(hours) x (tons of crap/2) x (flights of stairs) MINUS (damage done to new house and personal belongings, in hundreds) = beers owed.


But you forgot lunch/dinner:mmm:

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Man Law: No man should ever walk around the gym locker room "full frontal."

A "No Genital Showcasing Zone" rule is in effect when in a room full of grown @ss men. Especially when all they wanna do is work out and not leave questioning the gym's sexuality policies. Even if you are pushing porn star status we don't wanna catch a glimpse of it in our peripherals. It shouldn't take more than 10 seconds to remove your towel and put on some drawls. Please don't walk over and hold a 5 minute conversation with the dude across the room while exposed. That is all, thank you.

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don't shave your balls while taking a piss. i'm tired of seeing a pile of hair on urinals. if your **** sheds like that, shave it all off, or put on some contraption that prevents the hair from falling on the toilet/urinal. oh yea don't use the bathroom at my house either you nasty ****.


:secret: I think LW hangs out at the WRONG places.

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so your saying you have a myspace account as a joke, but then you have already signed up for one, so you have to shoot yourself.

no, i just didn't make a break between the joke and serious so that you couldn't see just by scanning it that i wasn't serious about having an account. if i did a ... in there, you would see it and it wouldn't be as funny

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Man Law - men don't drink light beer.

I'd take man laws from Shannon Miller before I took them from Miller Lite.

Allow me to correct that:

Man Law -- men don't drink zero carb beers. Any man caught drinking a Michelob Ultra will immediately be forced to drink 10 shots of Jack. Any man caught drinking a Michelob Ultra a second time will receive a punch in the face for every beer he drank, then 10 shots of jack to ease the pain.

I drink Bud Light...but a brotha has a weight problem. And I ain't Samoan...:laugh: ($.25 for whoever gets that reference)

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I drink Bud Light...but a brotha has a weight problem. And I ain't Samoan...:laugh: ($.25 for whoever gets that reference)

OK, Tony Rocky Horror. ;)

Me personally, I've had the Rolling Rock Light and Bud Select. Never had Michelob Ultra but I propose another man law in response:

If you know how to strip and clean a firearm you are exempted from one man law of your choosing for each firearm you have successfully stripped and cleaned. Same goes for participation in brawls (but you can't have started one without a really good reason. has to be in defense) or taking a sucker punch and not getting knocked out.

If you've swam with sharks you are exempted from one man law of your choosing. If you do it multiple times you are exempt from up to 4. Same with sky-diving or volcano luging or alligator wrestling.

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You should also be exempted from one man law if you've been in the same room with a woman giving birth, and one man law for each time it's happened.

The light beer law should absolutely be a man law. Light beer is in the same category as fruity drinks. If you are worried about your weight you shouldn't be making man laws. Or, you should stick to real beer and cut down on food.

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Man Law - men don't drink light beer.

I'd take man laws from Shannon Miller before I took them from Miller Lite.

Man law DENIED. Light beer is crucial so that people that drink 10+ beers 3+ times per week dont turn into big fat asses.

Im pretty sure i have the drinking cred on this board to overrule man laws that involve drinking.

OK, Tony Rocky Horror. ;)

Me personally, I've had the Rolling Rock Light and Bud Select. Never had Michelob Ultra but I propose another man law in response:

If you know how to strip and clean a firearm you are exempted from one man law of your choosing for each firearm you have successfully stripped and cleaned. Same goes for participation in brawls (but you can't have started one without a really good reason. has to be in defense) or taking a sucker punch and not getting knocked out.

If you've swam with sharks you are exempted from one man law of your choosing. If you do it multiple times you are exempt from up to 4. Same with sky-diving or volcano luging or alligator wrestling.

All good except for the firearms one. Being proficient with firearms without having been in the military actually makes you LESS of a man.

You should also be exempted from one man law if you've been in the same room with a woman giving birth, and one man law for each time it's happened.

The light beer law should absolutely be a man law. Light beer is in the same category as fruity drinks. If you are worried about your weight you shouldn't be making man laws. Or, you should stick to real beer and cut down on food.

Only if its your kids. And its only for having sons. Ok, 2 daughters =1 man law exemption.

As for the light beer thing, please elaborate and MAYBE i will consider recinding the VETO, but you better have some good reasoning.

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