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The Figure Four - ALL Things ECW-WWF-NJPW-TNA-ROH-AEW


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Loved Zack Ryder winning. Clearly Neville was supposed to win that but Zack deserves his moment IMO. It's random but it was fun. KO and Sami don't need a belt to tell that story of a blood feud

HATED the result of Styles vs Y2J because you know that AJ is just going to get that win back at the next show. I'm tired of this dumb feud and Bon Jovi wrestling.

Face New Day is ****ing trash. LON is even worse. Who cares about the match ? The old guys afterwards were ehh.

Lesnar vs Ambrose was disappointing. All that hype and Ambrose just got his ass whooped. I'm not nearly as upset as the Internet smarks are because I think Ambrose is the most overrated guy in decades (in fact, he's not really good at anything) but they could have did more.

Crime Sasha didn't win. Cool with Charlotte winning but I'm over Ric Flair.

The hell in a cell match wasn't bad. The angle overall was mind numbingly stupid.

My boy Baron Corbin won the battle royal which was cool.

Main event was kinda just there. HHH's entrance was so hokey and stupid. I'm over that entire feud

Basically it's closer down there with 15 and 9 in terms of quality than anything else

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But that **** really dragged after the womens match.


I love the Rock...I truly do but that segment SUCKED. The Wyatts are jobbers so I'm not mad about them looking like hoes again but it was just too long and hokey. The Cena run in was cool but I was spent at that point.


I found myself just wishing the main event would finally end. 


Basically the only way to enjoy WWE now is to enjoy seeing your guys wrestle. The booking and storytelling has been so bad for so long that I'm numb. I found myself happiest just seeing guys and gals I've watched for years finally make it to WM (AJ, Owens, Zayn, Ryder, Sasha, Becky, Charlotte, Baron Corbin, etc). Just enjoy them. The story aren't there anymore. They can't tell coherent stories. I mean the fact that we had no Vince appearance and that HHH/Steph completely ignored the Shane result tell you that that story was irrelevant and just fluff in the grand scheme.


Thank God for NXT. 

I suspect the lockbox was a throwaway line that they thought better of, since they've acted like it never happened. Because there's no reason to take a match with Undertaker when you have the lockbox. Somebody probably realized it didn't make sense.

But I actually think match outcomes and winning and losing actually is important. They've just conditioned people to think it shouldn't matter. They have a hard time creating stars, in part, because they don't think winning and losing matters. They make it that much harder on themselves.

I've kinda gotten over Taker as this unstoppable force of nature. To most, the idea of Shane beating Taker is utterly ridiculous. It wouldn't have been absurd to me. If Taker retired, I wouldn't be sad at his point.


Your point on W&Ls is 100% correct but in 2016, it's unrealistic in terms of WWE (excluding NXT). 


I recently realized it. You basically have to turn your brain off. 

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So if Taker had lost, then Vince fires him & Shane gets control of Raw?

I guess having Taker job out to the finger poke of doom & Shane picking up the pin fall only to re-hire Taker the next night on his Raw woulda make to much sense huh.

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Reports are now coming out the their were actually between 93K and 94K instead of the 101K plus they stated last night.

Why do the WWE lie about attendance figures when it can be proven otherwise?

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What's up with all this "Poor Shane!" And "Shane could have died!" Bull****. I want my pro wrestlers falling off cages. So what if he gets a few bumps and bruises. That's what they have pot and pills for.

And now you Sissy's are going to be like, "well the pot and pills will make him logy before yet another 11 Hour road trip to the next town." That's what they have cocaine for. Well, that and cutting killer promos. Snort a ****ing line, drive all night stopping at a rest stop only to have your buddy stick a needle in your ass to keep you jacked up as ****. Get into town at 6 am and sleep for 4 hours in some ****hole that you had to pay for with your own money then get up, go to work, take 8 or 9 chairs hits to the dome and repeat the process... For about 320 days a year... For 25 years.

Then retire a happy, healthy, millionaire who has wisely saved and invested his fortune and can easily provide for his wife and kids whom he happens to be an awesome father and husband to in addition to a pillar of the community. That is the way of things.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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Shane ain't a wrestler

He's just a thrill seeker

Exactly. I remember wrestlers back in the day getting a little annoyed by the praise Shane used to get. They would say, "let him do what he does on a night to night bases."

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Reports are now coming out the their were actually between 93K and 94K instead of the 101K plus they stated last night.

Why do the WWE lie about attendance figures when it can be proven otherwise?

Because ultimately, nobody will really call them on it. I mean, how long were they able to get away with the Silverdome 93K figure? Forever basically.

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usually Raw after WM is crazy. But I can't remember if that was the case last year. Def two years ago it was.


Hope tonight is nuts. Didn't see WM but besides the Shane stuff, feels like I didn't miss a ton.

I came here to say the same thing. I'm really amped to see what happens tonight.

WM was okay. I did gasp when the Undertaker moved out the way before Shane hit the table lol

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Exactly. I remember wrestlers back in the day getting a little annoyed by the praise Shane used to get. They would say, "let him do what he does on a night to night bases."

Ric Flair had some unflattering words about Mick Foley and his crash test dummy style of wrestling. I dont think anybody that really works at their craft respects guys that just get by doing crazy stunts. Mick at least had a skill for characterization in between taking sick bumps, Shane just falls off high things.

Now, in wrestling, a rising tide lifts all boats. If people wanna pay a ticket to come out and see Shane do something stupid and he's helping put butts in seats, such that they benefit, the haters in the business need to be quiet.

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And now you Sissy's are going to be like, "well the pot and pills will make him logy before yet another 11 Hour road trip to the next town." That's what they have cocaine for. Well, that and cutting killer promos. Snort a ****ing line, drive all night stopping at a rest stop only to have your buddy stick a needle in your ass to keep you jacked up as ****. Get into town at 6 am and sleep for 4 hours in some ****hole that you had to pay for with your own money then get up, go to work, take 8 or 9 chairs hits to the dome and repeat the process... For about 320 days a year... For 25 years.



I'm a big believer that every wrestler should be in a state somewhere between Dino Bravo and Kerry Von Erich 24/7. Filled with horse tranquilizers, steroids, HGH, Somas, wood alcohol, and Schlitz.


But I'm a man of compromise. I want bleeding. And I think the choice is basically bumps or blood, and I would rather have blood. With stupid bumps, you end up like Droz and get a three year career where everyone remembers you as that dude who got crippled that one time.


I want blood. I want every wrestler to still be in the ring at age 70 with a forehead like Carlos Colon's. A forward that looks like a Los Angeles highway map.


I think my biggest issue is that Shane ain't a wrestler. Dean Ambrose should have taken that bump. He's the one who is going to need to sell autographed pictures of it in an Armory after an Indie show in 15 years.

Edited by Lombardi's_kid_brother
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Okay....here is where I go into full on old man rant. You know what pisses me off? Cage matches that leave the ****ing cage.


You put two dudes in a cage because one dude has been running from the other dude and a cage means the first dude has nowhere to go. You stay in that cage and you rake each other's faces across the metal for 25 minutes until one of you passes out from blood loss. The end. Shane and UT should have had a match next to a diving board.


Did anyone ever leave a War Games match? No. They stayed in the cage and risked Hepatitis like a man.

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Okay....here is where I go into full on old man rant. You know what pisses me off? Cage matches that leave the ****ing cage.


You put two dudes in a cage because one dude has been running from the other dude and a cage means the first dude has nowhere to go. You stay in that cage and you rake each other's faces across the metal for 25 minutes until one of you passes out from blood loss. The end. Shane and UT should have had a match next to a diving board.


Did anyone ever leave a War Games match? No. They stayed in the cage and risked Hepatitis like a man.

I also like cage matches that actually use the cage as a weapon. I want to see guys faces raked across that cage like in the old days.

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So if Taker had lost, then Vince fires him & Shane gets control of Raw?

I guess having Taker job out to the finger poke of doom & Shane picking up the pin fall only to re-hire Taker the next night on his Raw woulda make to much sense huh.


Pretty much and we would have had a "new direction" for Raw to look forward to tonight which would have been better then what we have now.



Reports are now coming out the their were actually between 93K and 94K instead of the 101K plus they stated last night.

Why do the WWE lie about attendance figures when it can be proven otherwise?


They lied about this since Wrestlemania 3, it's just what they do

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I don't care what people say about Shane. The fact is he literally puts his health on the line. Even in his extended absence he comes back and does **** not many have done and wows us. A lot more then the now lame ass Undertaker does in his handful of appearances a year. **** Undertaker.

Edited by KingGibbs
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It's not like I haven't seen worse things in wrestling then that much worse but to me as a lifelong fan that fall was a big FU to the business, it's workers, and worse a lack of remembering the past. Of all places to do a massive fall like that it was completely out of place and self serving and pissed me off. 


Done in the middle of the card, a stunt dangerous enough to not be controllable where someone could have died, and done in front of the guys children.


That's messed up to me. What's worse when you think about it that stunt was pulled off for one reason, it was done so that a McMahon will go down in history amongst the likes of Mick Foley, Abdullah the butcher, Sabu, Terry Funk, the Sandman, Brusier Brody and the real hard core wrestlers . Why Undertaker, because when Foley did it Undertaker was his opponent.


The whole story was added because some one wants to look back at Shane's career and think he's a hardcore wrestler the likes of those men. Shane is not nor ever will be a hardcore wrestler the likes of those men to me.


I'm with LBK, blood over bumps. As much as he tries to be hardcore, wrestlers are not one night matches, they aren't just one trick ponies, one bump guys, and falling off a cage doesn't make anyone hard core. The real ones do it night after night after night and can't be made by one bump.


When I add in that the story went no where, to the what ifs....What If Shane had died in that fall would they have continued the show like they did to Owen? Would Shaq have come out after that? Would the Rock have come out? How would the crowd have reacted would there have been a riot? Or would it have been the death blow for the WWE when the bosses son died in front of women and children and really stole the show?


Dangerous events need to be done for a reason and with the right people not to be taken lightly or done often for no reason. There needs to be more to that then just one guys ego for the security not only of the show itself, the business and it's future. I guarantee you if Shane had died doing that things would be a hell of a lot different then they turned out

Edited by bobandweave
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Wow lol...

That was so ****ing stupid

Holy ****. What the hell was the point of the stipulation? lol

Well, if Shane won he would have been in charge for good. In this instance, he's running RAW for tonight. For now.

But man, they need to fill in some blanks with this story.

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