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Vince Young Scores A Six On The Wonderlic Test


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I guess Vince decided to play football when he and all the other kids on the short bus had to wear helmets every day to school. Seriously though, this test shouldn't be the only reason to draft or not draft him but you do want the smartest guy on the field to be your QB, don’t you? Granted there are exceptions but the list of QB's that scored below 20 is riddled with bust and under achievers. His risk level has certainly increased.
inx,are you implying that vince young is retarded?
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inx,are you implying that vince young is retarded?

No no, I think they gave the same test to some mentally challenged kids and they scored above 10.....There are two senerios; either he is dumb as dirt or he didn't take time to prepare. Either way, it doesn't make for an attractive prospect to lead your offense.

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who cares about what vince's score was? had he scored 100,you ppl would still be saying"he cant read a defense" or "he got lucky"i never said the test was racist,i said that everytime a black QB comes to the nfl,ppl say they cant read a defense,if randall cunningham couldnt "read" a defense,why will he be headed to the HOF?and besides,if all my WR's were covered i'd takeoff and run too,that is called"reading coverage"all this "cant read a D" stuff is just a way of saying they shouldnt be playing QB,only the "tuck" brady's should be.
You're the only one bringing in the race card. No one said anything about Vince Young being black, that was you. No one said he can't read a defense they just said he's a frikkin moron to get that score. If Leinhart had scored a 6 people would be saying the same thing. The only black QBs that were mentioned earlier were McNabb and Campbell because a Skins fan and an Eagles fan were talking trash.

A 6 out of 50 on a basic IQ test, timed or not, is pretty retarded. We're just having some fun. Chill with the racial business.

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who cares about what vince's score was? had he scored 100,you ppl would still be saying"he cant read a defense" or "he got lucky"i never said the test was racist,i said that everytime a black QB comes to the nfl,ppl say they cant read a defense,if randall cunningham couldnt "read" a defense,why will he be headed to the HOF?and besides,if all my WR's were covered i'd takeoff and run too,that is called"reading coverage"all this "cant read a D" stuff is just a way of saying they shouldnt be playing QB,only the "tuck" brady's should be.

You seriously cannot come up with a logical thought regarding this situation other than "what are y'all, racist?!?" can you?

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who cares about what vince's score was? had he scored 100,you ppl would still be saying"he cant read a defense" or "he got lucky"i never said the test was racist,i said that everytime a black QB comes to the nfl,ppl say they cant read a defense,if randall cunningham couldnt "read" a defense,why will he be headed to the HOF?and besides,if all my WR's were covered i'd takeoff and run too,that is called"reading coverage"all this "cant read a D" stuff is just a way of saying they shouldnt be playing QB,only the "tuck" brady's should be.

LOL, apparently the NFL cares what his score was or they wouldn't have the test in the first place. It's sad that people who throw around the 'race card' don't realize what damage it causes to the credibility of valid racist complaints. The list of low testing QB's I've seen include 'white' guys like our own Heath Shuler. Anyone who thinks that having low intelligence is not a hindrance or having high intelligence is not a benefit to the QB position obviously fits into the first category. I think most fans would like to have a "tuck" Brady because he's won 3 Superbowls not because he's white.

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LOL, apparently the NFL cares what his score was or they wouldn't have the test in the first place. It's sad that people who throw around the 'race card' don't realize what damage it causes to the credibility of valid racist complaints. The list of low testing QB's I've seen include 'white' guys like our own Heath Shuler. Anyone who thinks that having low intelligence is not a hindrance or having high intelligence is not a benefit to the QB position obviously fits into the first category. I think most fans would like to have a "tuck" Brady because he's won 3 Superbowls not because he's white.
tuck brady is luckiest QB ever..of all-time,montana didnt get lucky like tuck did.
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tuck brady is luckiest QB ever..of all-time,montana didnt get lucky like tuck did.

I'm not a New England fan but he has show the ability to win by 'not screwing up' as well as taking the team on his sholders. Bottom line luck falls on both sides of the field especially when you look over several years of a career. I much rather have a lucky QB(as you state) that wins Superbowls than a QB that is fast but can't even spell the word LUCKY.

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The score on the test is definately of concern to people but it doesnt mean everything. First of all, race has nothing to do with anything here. Apparently, he re-took the test and scored like a 16 or something, one less point than Dan Marino. Also, I have a hard time believing that he's really dumb because I know some people at Texas who say that he's a teaching major.

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The score on the test is definately of concern to people but it doesnt mean everything. First of all, race has nothing to do with anything here. Apparently, he re-took the test and scored like a 16 or something, one less point than Dan Marino. Also, I have a hard time believing that he's really dumb because I know some people at Texas who say that he's a teaching major.

….And Marino never won a Superbowl ;-) 16 is nothing to be proud of, personally I'd like my QB to maybe get 1/2 correct at least, is that too much to ask? Charlie Casserly said the test is used as a flag, if someone craps out on it, they will investigate more into the issue of ability to learn and comprehend. Ideally you want a QB who is both physically talented and intelligent. You can get by with one and sometimes succeed but I much rather have both. I guess Steve Young is the closest thing to a running QB that has won it all but he was an excellent passer, the running was a bonus not his #1 asset.

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I'm not a New England fan but he has show the ability to win by 'not screwing up' as well as taking the team on his sholders. Bottom line luck falls on both sides of the field especially when you look over several years of a career. I much rather have a lucky QB(as you state) that wins Superbowls than a QB that is fast but can't even spell the word LUCKY.
inx,when i read your post,it becomes apparent that you dont care for black QB's that much,or are you just mad b/c vince made it to nfl and you didnt?you have a vandetta against running QB's.
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inx,when i read your post,it becomes apparent that you dont care for black QB's that much,or are you just mad b/c vince made it to nfl and you didnt?you have a vandetta against running QB's.

Your killing me, just because someone criticizes players that are black doesn't mean they don't like black players. Are you really that ignorant? Also, before you use big words like Vendetta you should probably look them up. Vendettas are mutual between two people or groups. I don't think you were implying that running QB's had any issues with me as well. Try GRUDGE next time. :silly: :laugh: :silly:

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Your killing me, just because someone criticizes players that are black doesn't mean they don't like black players. Are you really that ignorant? Also, before you use big words like Vendetta you should probably look them up. Vendettas are mutual between two people or groups. I don't think you were implying that running QB's had any issues with me as well. Try GRUDGE next time. :silly: :laugh: :silly:
ur a waste of space on here:2cents:
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inx,when i read your post,it becomes apparent that you dont care for black QB's that much,or are you just mad b/c vince made it to nfl and you didnt?you have a vandetta against running QB's.

what the hell is wrong with you? he didn't say anything about black QB's, just the dumb one that scored a freakin' SIX on his wonderlic.... THAT'S RETARDED!!

If i told you that i wouldn't want Jamal Lewis on my team, would you throw a huge hissy fit like you are now, about how i don't like black running backs? What if i said OJ simpson is a murdering scumbag, would you accuse me of having something against black football players?

bottom line: people are making fun of vince young because he's apparently mentally challenged, not because he's black.

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what the hell is wrong with you? he didn't say anything about black QB's, just the dumb one that scored a freakin' SIX on his wonderlic.... THAT'S RETARDED!!

If i told you that i wouldn't want Jamal Lewis on my team, would you throw a huge hissy fit like you are now, about how i don't like black running backs? What if i said OJ simpson is a murdering scumbag, would you accuse me of having something against black football players?

bottom line: people are making fun of vince young because he's apparently mentally challenged, not because he's black.

pecker,were you ever taught to never make fun of those you wouldnt want making fun of you?also pecker,ppl on here will not say outright that they are making fun of him b/c he black.....racism is very subtle now,the kkk dont just wear hoods,they wear business suits.
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pecker,were you ever taught to never make fun of those you wouldnt want making fun of you?also pecker,ppl on here will not say outright that they are making fun of him b/c he black.....racism is very subtle now,the kkk dont just wear hoods,they wear business suits.

After reading thru this thread, I'm going to say this, and I hope you'll listen.

The only person in this entire thread who has injected race into this is you, skinz1972.

The first time the word "black" appeared in this thread is in this post, by you.

Quoting Skinz1972

pretty bad?why is it when a QB like young gets a low score,you all make a big deal about it?is it b/c he happens to be a black QB?i hope not alot of those"test" can be scewred to benefit certain ppl.

This is your first post in this thread, and it's on page 3. Three and a half pages went by discussing his score, his game, how it might affect his draft position, and how it compares with other players' scores, and no one mentioned he was black until you did. No one even inferred to his race at all, not even slightly. In fact, there's plenty of posts where people say why they think it's important for a QB to get a good score. And race isn't a part of any of them.

You are part of the problem you claim to be fighting. Your complete racism towards everyone else leads you to think that not only is everyone being racist by pointing out his low score, but the test is somehow rigged so black players score lower, even though absolutely no one implied anything even cloe to that.

After that post, you and ONLY you dragged this topic down the racial alley towards it's predictable result.

Frankly, you disgust me. One day, racists like you will disappear, and this world can start to try to live in harmony. I'm sick of *******s like you that see race in every single thing there is.

I would hope that you could look back and see this. But my dollar says you won't. Fix yourself.


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Skins1972.... I've seen your good stuff. We all know that you're capable of very intelligent conversation and an even exchange of ideas.

Frankly, your posts in this thread are a bit dissapointing. To echo Bang's comments, you have hijacked the thread and now it is running its predicted course.

We're asking that you pick up your game. Please.


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you are a ****ing moron.
ur a waste of space on here:2cents:

This type of behavior is exactly what this place is NOT about. If your educational and emotional development to date has not advanced beyond this middle school mentality then perhaps it would be better for all if you found a different place to spend your free time.

I also find it ironic that there are those in this thread who can't seem to correctly spell words that are slightly above basic literary levels yet laugh at Mr. Youngs reported test score. Now THAT'S the pot calling the kettle black if I've ever seen it.

(pun intended)

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OK, so based on Zoony's post, I'll be willing to back off my comments of skinz1972 being a racist, but i'd like to see him step up with some better game than that, too.

We just don't need it here man,, we all try to get along and see things for what they are.. just sports, no racial BS mixed in where it doesn't belong.


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OK, so based on Zoony's post, I'll be willing to back off my comments of skinz1972 being a racist, but i'd like to see him step up with some better game than that, too.

We just don't need it here man,, we all try to get along and see things for what they are.. just sports, no racial BS mixed in where it doesn't belong.


Amen brother! Although I did go back and look at skins1972 history of posts and this certainly is not the first time he's has thrown out the race card crap.

"Can't we all just get along.... and hate Dallas?"

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In complete agreement with Bang. That's the type of thing that derails perfectly good conversation and turns a thread to the wolves. Let's get back to the way this place used to be, people. Conversation... Not full out arguments where name calling (on the internet, may I add) becomes more prevelent than the actual conversation.

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ummm, well Armchair Redskin I will tell you that EVERY team that is in serious position to Draft VY will be VERY concerned by a score of only 6. If you really think VY did not take it serious or would have a "whatever" mentality about the wonderlic test you are mistaken, if you are right, then VY's agent should be fired for not telling him to take it VERY seriously, especially for the QB position. Honestly, us here in Austin know that VY is not the brightest bulb (ie having to simplify the playbook, not able to properly read a defense until his 3rd year, having to use his athletic ability by running when he was caught not properly reading his hot routes, etc...) but his athletic ability is undeniable. It would not surprise alot of people if he eventually had to play reciever.

First off, it's laughable that you think because of your proximity to UT you are somehow a better judge of VY's intelligence. Especially considering it would be written "we in Austin", not "us in Austin". :laugh:

Then, I would argue that Vince didn't have the offense dumbed down or simplified or anything like that. Why do assume it was? I can tell you why. Because he takes off and runs so much. Ever consider that the offense was tailored to his abilities? You even admit that he learned to read defenses better and what happened to his passing yardage and rating this year?

Since you're in Austin you must also know that Vince didn't play a whole lot of games the full way through. You would know that he was pulled in some cases before the second half even started. Otherwise his stats would be even better.

There is no way in my mind that he prepared for the test, had people stress the importance of it, and then by virtue of his intelligence score a 6. The man wouldn't be able to tie his shoe, let alone QB a team to a national championship.

How the initial reports of a 6 and then a later report of a 16 affect his draft status will likely never be known. I don't think a team would actually say "yeah his wonderlic score made us reconsider and we passed on him".

If you ask me, his play more than outweighs that test score.

On a last note, why in the world would Vince go as a reciever? When was the last time he played that position, and why would a team draft him to play that position over the position he was so successful in college with? Because of a wonderlic score? :laugh:

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