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Agreed...I also liked his attitude of "Don't **** with me!" He was nothing but cold-blooded.

I remember a scene where he was answering a phone and one of his girlies came up to him to see what was wrong, and he said something like "I told you not to bother me when I am on the phone..." He slaps her on the ass and tells her to take a seat by the poolside.


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Does anyone know of a good local place to get some Lomo Saltado? :drool:

Stop being so lazy and cook. That looks like a pretty easy thing to make.

started there a long time ago and it ended with my current opinion that this dude was a pervy ped.

He was declared innocent by a California jury... sums it up there.

Innocent men always pay $20 million to the alleged victims.

I have never said that I don't think he did it. I just cant say for sure. Would I (if I had them) kids hangs out for a weekend with him ? Hell no.

And people pay money all of the time to protect their public image. There are innocent men in jail right now, serving sentences that they and their families dont deserve.

The real question is if your son was molested would you take a settlement ?

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I remember a scene where he was answering a phone and women his girlies came up to him to see what was wrong, and he said something like "I told you not to bother me when I am on the phone..." He slaps her on the ass and tells her to take a seat by the poolside.


Absolutely! Not only is it what he says...but how he says it...that voice that just grabs your attention. I will never forget one night they had Sean Connery read a top-10 on Letterman and one of the items was "My name is Bond, James Bond..." and before he could get the rest of the line out the place went nuts! He had to stop for a moment.

Craig Ferguson is right, "Sean Connery is the only James Bond. They can still make moves about British Spies...call them Nigel or Simon Bond...but there is only one James Bond and that's Sean Connery."

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Why do people have to constantly bring up their hatred towards MJ? Seriously, if you don't like him that's fine, he didn't like you either. Just keep your negative comments to yourself out of respect for the people that are upset over his death.

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This is a few friends of mine. I really think their band is going to very well received.

They are about to put together their first tour to DC, Virgina and Maryland but don't know anybody down there, so I'm pimping them out here.

Please give them a listen.

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I just got word that I have to let go of 8 more employees this week, including one supervisor. That leaves 11 employees and one supervisor- asking my boss where that leaves me.."I haven't gotten that far yet."

I actually wouldn't mind so much- I don't have kids and there is another income in my home. It's the anticipation that sucks, never knowing when you'll get the ax.

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high speed chase on the 24 hour news channels!!!!!!!!!!!!

edit: and the idiot just went into a parking deck

edit 2: and idiot has ditched the vehicle and started to run and was immediately picked up

I was watching that in the gym!!!! It actually made me stay on the elliptical longer because I was so entranced. So they caught him??? What an idiot. Why didn't the police just open fire to his tires??? They were so close to him!

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I was watching that in the gym!!!! It actually made me stay on the elliptical longer because I was so entranced. So they caught him??? What an idiot. Why didn't the police just open fire to his tires??? They were so close to him!

The cops seemed to do a horrible job trying to catch him on the open road. At one point they were trying to throw down some portable spike strip things (I think that's what they were), but they were going like 2 feet away from the van :doh: But yea, he was in the parking deck for a couple minutes then ran out up top and jumped down to another building or something and probably broke a leg bc it was a pretty big drop.

My random thought for now: The other day at the grocery store the dude in front of me purchased sushi, queso dip, and frozen pizza dough.

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The cops seemed to do a horrible job trying to catch him on the open road. At one point they were trying to throw down some portable spike strip things (I think that's what they were), but they were going like 2 feet away from the van :doh: But yea, he was in the parking deck for a couple minutes then ran out up top and jumped down to another building or something and probably broke a leg bc it was a pretty big drop.

Yeah I saw that- the cops were haphazardly throwing those strips down. But seriously, why couldn't they just shoot at the guy's tires??? Are cops not allowed to shoot unless they're shot at first? Couldn't the cops have rammed into him? Couldn't they have set up a barrier with a bunch of cop cars that the guy would have had to ram into??

Does this stuff only happen in movies?

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Yeah I saw that- the cops were haphazardly throwing those strips down. But seriously, why couldn't they just shoot at the guy's tires??? Are cops not allowed to shoot unless they're shot at first? Couldn't the cops have rammed into him? Couldn't they have set up a barrier with a bunch of cop cars that the guy would have had to ram into??

Does this stuff only happen in movies?

yes- that stuff only happens in movies. "shoot to stop the threat". Not to wound, not to blow a tire....besides, it is not that easy to shoot a movie target when you are moving also. The ramming issue- well only certain agencies have cars set up to do that. There is a special bumper you have to put on the car as to not detroy the patrol car.

Either way- its much harder than it looks- its also not something that you can just practice and make perfect like sports. Its realy really hard to simulate what happens in real life for cops.

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This is a few friends of mine. I really think their band is going to very well received.

They are about to put together their first tour to DC, Virgina and Maryland but don't know anybody down there, so I'm pimping them out here.

Please give them a listen.


Holy ****!!!!! The local weather is on right now. As they are showing some stats,they're using one of my pics as a background. That is so cool. :D

Congrats! :point2sky

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