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Random Thought Thread


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The funniest thing about these questions is that they get like 20 or 29 answers and the majority are pissed off. HEY YOU CAN'T DO THAT, YOU SICKO, etc.

lol bionic seahorse

ROFL "she's got some sweet bewbs."

This may be the funniest thing I've seen all night, I'm entertained greatly. Another good question by the master, props

From one poster : "I just can't wait to see and episode of you on maury and then Jerry Springer sucka."

I've posted in the thread as "Zargotelc the Elitist". I told you to keep it up, and move to Utah lol

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The funniest thing about these questions is that they get like 20 or 29 answers and the majority are pissed off. HEY YOU CAN'T DO THAT, YOU SICKO, etc.

lol bionic seahorse

ROFL "she's got some sweet bewbs."

This may be the funniest thing I've seen all night, I'm entertained greatly. Another good question by the master, props

I've posted in the thread as "Zargotelc the Elitist". I told you to keep it up, and move to Utah lol

:ols: I wondered who on ES that was...even Extreme replied to it haha

Thanks man, it really is hard trying to come up with new things, I've done so many different scenarios :cheers:

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I literally **** my pants the other day. It was awful. I had to pull into a Perkins and as I was getting out of my truck to run into the bathroom, it happened.

Funny part, as I was opening the door (still ****ting my pants) I held the door for a pretty girl and was still able to flirt.

I had to throw my new favorite underpants in the trash, no way around it.

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I literally **** my pants the other day. It was awful.

It could always be worse;)


J Emerg Med. 1990 May-Jun;8(3):305-7.Links

Acute management of the zipper-entrapped penis.

Nolan JF, Stillwell TJ, Sands JP Jr.

Department of Urology, Naval Hospital, San Diego, California 92134-5000.

A zipper-entrapped penis is a painful predicament that can be made worse by overzealous intervention. Described is a simple, basic approach to release, that is

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So sure enough, I'm on Cedar Lane in Bethesda across from NIH in the middle of the afternoon. And this very pretty young girl, looks to be about 17, stops her car and asks me if I know where a gas station is. I had to think for a moment, since there was no gas station real close.

"Sure, just go up to the light at Old Georgetown Rd. and turn right. Go about a mile and there's an Exxon just on the other side of Wildwood Shopping Center," I said.

She gives me this pained look.

"I really just need a bathroom," she says.

"Oh," I reply.

"Well, see the building right there? It's an old-folks home. I think I'd just walk in there and use one of their bathrooms", I said. I pointed her to Carriage Hill Nursing Home right on the corner.

"I won't get in trouble?", she asks. She has this worried, scared look.

"Trouble? No. You know, it's like a retirement home. Just go in. Pretend your visiting your grandmother or something...", I said.

She still looks worried.

"Just park over there and go in. You'll be fine," I say, pointing to the parking area in the back.

"...um, Okay."

So she drives in the back. Parks. I see her walk to a side door, pull on it. It's locked.

Next she's walking back to the lot, and she's on her cell phone.


So I start walking to the Nursing Home. I see an old man coming out of the front. I ask and he tells me there's a receptionist in the front. I walk towards the back and she sees me and she walks towards me, still walking funny, and with a very pained, distressed look on her face.

"Hi. I'm trying to help you out. There's the front door right over there. See it? There's a receptionist in there. Go in there, and ask if you can use their bathroom. Tell her it's an emergency. She'll let you," I say.

"Really?", she asks.

"Yeah, it'll be fine. Go ahead," I say.

Okay", she says.

So she walks to the front door. And now she's really walking funny. Basically, she's walking with her calves only, keeping her knees together. And she's hunched over slightly.

Not three minutes later, she's walking out. She's practically skipping. She's happy.

As she drives by me, she stops her car for a moment and she rolls down the passenger window.

"Bye!', she says. She's smiling brightly.


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