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Is it wrong to be a [black] republican[?]


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Hannity and Franken are mirror images of each other. One on the left, one on the right. Right down to the annoying voices. The word "traitor" is thrown around a lot in this forum, far too much. But those 2 are intentially dividing the citizens of this country in the name of ratings, and doing a very good job of it. I think traitor fits both of them perfectly.

Wow, i just broke the cardinal rule of politics......dont piss off both sides at the same time.

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When is that last time you listened to both of them? Hannity is much more hateful the Franken. I think the previous poster was right, Hannity is more similar to Moore then Franken.

Don't get me wrong they are both terribly bias people - it's just the delivery that I'm talking about.

Actually, i agree and disagree to an extent. Hannity is more in your face, Franken is more sneaky and backhanded, almost passive-aggressive, but the hatred is still there.. I would say I respect Hannity more for that, but i cant say that I have any for either.

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Alright, my bad for leading this thread in the wrong direction with my initial Hannity/Franken post, but I am wondering something.

Would it be possible to have someone call BOTH the Hannity and Franken show as a black voter and see what each has to say on this issue? I dont listen, but i am aware that they take phone calls. Is this feasible? It would be an interesting experiment to see how those 2 extremists feel about it. Although im sure they wouldnt talk up thier own party, but rather slam the other.....

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Alright, my bad for leading this thread in the wrong direction with my initial Hannity/Franken post, but I am wondering something.

Would it be possible to have someone call BOTH the Hannity and Franken show as a black voter and see what each has to say on this issue? I dont listen, but i am aware that they take phone calls. Is this feasible? It would be an interesting experiment to see how those 2 extremists feel about it. Although im sure they wouldnt talk up thier own party, but rather slam the other.....


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That goes for people on both sides. Speically Michael Moore... What an idiot. But I agree with what the other poster said. Be an independent. The republicans are wusses in my opinion, do not do what they are supposed to do because the democrappers will get on them about it, and the democrates are even worth then the republicans... WAY too much political correctness going on these days. I mean... when airport security searches my 80 year old white grandmother who can barely walk instead of the middle eastern guy right next to her, thats pretty bad. So what if people get offended... It wasnt white people that hit the two towers, they were middle eastern. So to keep the airports safe, do not search the old white ladies... Good God!

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I think that all black people should be democrats and all white people should be republican. We need to take all measures to ensure the races don't start mixing. What would society look like if the blacks and the whites started integrating. It would be a disgusting, vomit-inducing, multicolored rainbow circus. And no one wants that. Then they might marry, and we'd have little mulato children running around. I don't even want to think about it.

So, yeah, it's wrong to be a black republican. Think next time you join a political party.

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Actually, i agree and disagree to an extent. Hannity is more in your face, Franken is more sneaky and backhanded, almost passive-aggressive, but the hatred is still there.. I would say I respect Hannity more for that, but i cant say that I have any for either.

Here is the CARDINAL difference: Hannity makes stuff up, never admits he is wrong, and ignores facts. Franken uses and cites sources, apologizes when he screws up, and uses facts. Franken might irritate people, but he is always intellectually honest (we love that term here), even to the point of admitting he was wrong on certain points. Moore, on the other hand, is a leftist version of Hannity.

Oh, and Franken is super funny.

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Here is the CARDINAL difference: Hannity makes stuff up, never admits he is wrong, and ignores facts. Franken uses and cites sources, apologizes when he screws up, and uses facts. Franken might irritate people, but he is always intellectually honest (we love that term here), even to the point of admitting he was wrong on certain points. Moore, on the other hand, is a leftist version of Hannity.

Oh, and Franken is super funny.

Guess you never saw Left of the Dial, where they exposed Air America of their lies.

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i actually am with george washington and thomas jefferson in the debate over political parties. they make you confrom, you cannot belive what you want to, they divide more than unite, they create rifts and nothing is hardly acomplished and reps. dont represent the people, only their political supporters.

you can be whatever the hell you want politically, a black liberal republican an asian jewish libertarian, whatever! thats whats great about america, YOU choose for yourself what you believe(and everyoe has lost sight of that, the governement serves the people less these days more than thmsleves). no party should dictate your views. parties mess everything up and people who would normally get along hate each other over politics, when in reality no one person can wield he hammer of justice.

why cant we just be americans instead of republicans and democrats?

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i actually am with george washington and thomas jefferson in the debate over political parties. they make you confrom, you cannot belive what you want to, they divide more than unite, they create rifts and nothing is hardly acomplished and reps. dont represent the people, only their political supporters.

you can be whatever the hell you want politically, a black liberal republican an asian jewish libertarian, whatever! thats whats great about america, YOU choose for yourself what you believe(and everyoe has lost sight of that, the governement serves the people less these days more than thmsleves). no party should dictate your views. parties mess everything up and people who would normally get along hate each other over politics, when in reality no one person can wield he hammer of justice.

why cant we just be americans instead of republicans and democrats?

I do not think it is so much parties dictating your view, but you choosing the party closest to what you believe. No one in my family votes based on party, we vote based on the person that is running.

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Here is the CARDINAL difference: Hannity makes stuff up, never admits he is wrong, and ignores facts. Franken uses and cites sources, apologizes when he screws up, and uses facts. Franken might irritate people, but he is always intellectually honest (we love that term here), even to the point of admitting he was wrong on certain points. Moore, on the other hand, is a leftist version of Hannity.

Oh, and Franken is super funny.


Youve GOT to be kidding me. Both of those A-holes make **** up, spin every fact until i barely resembles reality, and are galactically irritating.

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Youve GOT to be kidding me. Both of those A-holes make **** up, spin every fact until i barely resembles reality, and are galactically irritating.

Not chosing sides here, but the repubs have said that Frankin lies all the time, well, lets see them. Where are the all of those Frankin lies?

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Not chosing sides here,


Wait, lemme breathe........


Too late.

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