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Is it wrong to be a [black] republican[?]


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Wait, lemme breathe........


Too late.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Chom, when have you never chosen a side dude? ;)

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Wait, lemme breathe........


Too late.

Like that. . . I would like to see the lies by Frankin, hence the "not choosing sides here".

I think all propaganda is bad, but I don't think Frankin is propaganda. Moore, yes, Frankin, no. . . so where are all of his lies?

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Like that. . . I would like to see the lies by Frankin, hence the "not choosing sides here".

I think all propaganda is bad, but I don't think Frankin is propaganda. Moore, yes, Frankin, no. . . so where are all of his lies?

"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and dog-gonnit, people like me"?

Not good. Not smart. People hate him.


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Youve GOT to be kidding me. Both of those A-holes make **** up, spin every fact until i barely resembles reality, and are galactically irritating.

Dude, Franken doesn't make crap up, please gimme an example... He also admits when he is wrong, which is more than I can say for most people.

Oh wait, he is good enough, he is smart enough, and people like him... terrible liar.

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Man I got into it this morning. I said that I was a republican, and people jumped all over me. I went on to say the the republican party was the party that freed the slaves, and fought against the system of slavery during and after the Civil war. But nobody would hear it. They said that the democractic party is in favor of african american. But this only became the traditional basis of thought after LB Johnson signed the Civil Rights act. Why don't people remember their history. Are we all a victim of perception? I mean the south votes pro republican now. But I feel that I'm right and they are wrong.

no...in fact, you sir are the man

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Sounds like your argument is not against affirmative action, it's against affirmative action being misused and we can all agree on that. The original intent of AA was for the tie to go to the minority, not for unqualified people to assume jobs that they will fail at.

I can prove to you that we have not yet created a level playing field. Studies have shown typically black names do not get called in for interviews as much as typically white names.

The Government had everything to do with segregation and slavery. We are all Americans and we must own up to our past (even though some us were born in 1979). All too often I hear Republicans talking about how Europe should be kissing our butt because we saved them in WWII. They want all the credit for being an American but they don't want any of the baggage, you can't have it both ways. You take the good with the bad.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

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I'm a white male. I had no problem getting into a decent college. I had no problem getting a great job after college. I am willing to compete under affirmative action laws because I can accept that challenge as a necessary evil after all this country has been through from a civil rights standpoint.

I'll say it again, it doesn't matter who your ancestors are. You are an American now and you have to own up to everything that it means to be an American, including our dark history of discrimination and oppression. You enjoy American security, the American economy and American industry. Much of it was built on the backs of people who were treated unfairly. We can atone or we can do nothing. The Republican solution is to do nothing.

AA does not tell minorities they are stupid. It let's them know we are trying to make up for our mistakes. Government mistakes. American mistakes.

Are you saying the playing field is perfectly even and that all the studies I've read were doctored or conducted with a desired outcome? That's a valid assertion but all you need to do is ask black people how often they get discriminated against. From what I hear, it's a lot more than white people are aware of.

Then you go on to say affirmative action is preserving the problem. I disagree. AA is not so significant that it will have a huge affect on the healing process we have been going through since the civil rights movements of the 60's and 70's.

Couldn't have said it better myself. :applause: :applause: :applause:

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I'll say it again; it doesn't matter who your ancestors are. You are an American now and you have to own up to everything that it means to be an American, including our dark history of discrimination and oppression. You enjoy American security, the American economy and American industry. Much of it was built on the backs of people who were treated unfairly. We can atone or we can do nothing. The Republican solution is to do nothing.

Are you saying the playing field is perfectly even and that all the studies I've read were doctored or conducted with a desired outcome? That's a valid assertion but all you need to do is ask black people how often they get discriminated against. From what I hear, it's a lot more than white people are aware of.

It doesn’t matter who your ancestors are? I see... What about what this guy said:

That is fair, right? I mean, my ancestors did not live here during the days of slavery, never mind own a slave, but my children and I are supposed to pay retribution because of the color of our skin??? Maybe, as a Jewish descendant, I should ask for retribution from African-Americans since slavery was invented on their home continent and was used to enslave my ancestors??? We can’t forget history, right???

Just ignore that? Well, either way you have to look at slavery as a necessary evil. While it was a horrible thing, if we had not enslaved the people then there would not be nearly as many blacks over here to have the great opportunities that are offered in America. So while I know people will not agree with me, you have to take the good with the bad. How horrible slavery was with the fact that in the end it allowed people to have much greater opportunity then if they were still in Africa. It is all part of God’s plan. So you know its all good.

Heh, now I just have to wait for the bashers. :2cents:

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Just ignore that? Well, either way you have to look at slavery as a necessary evil. While it was a horrible thing, if we had not enslaved the people then there would not be nearly as many blacks over here to have the great opportunities that are offered in America. So while I know people will not agree with me, you have to take the good with the bad. How horrible slavery was with the fact that in the end it allowed people to have much greater opportunity then if they were still in Africa. It is all part of God’s plan. So you know its all good.

Heh, now I just have to wait for the bashers. :2cents:

I just have one question...How do you know what opportunities would have come up in Africa if slaves were not brought to America? Especially since slavery happened 400 years ago.

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It doesn’t matter who your ancestors are? I see... What about what this guy said:

Just ignore that? Well, either way you have to look at slavery as a necessary evil. While it was a horrible thing, if we had not enslaved the people then there would not be nearly as many blacks over here to have the great opportunities that are offered in America. So while I know people will not agree with me, you have to take the good with the bad. How horrible slavery was with the fact that in the end it allowed people to have much greater opportunity then if they were still in Africa. It is all part of God’s plan. So you know its all good.

Heh, now I just have to wait for the bashers. :2cents:

I'm not sure how anyone can claim to know how a continent as rich in human capital and resources as Africa would have developed otherwise, but...oh wait, does your profile say that you're 18? Get back to us when you've learned a little more about history...

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It certainly is not

If anything the Republican party does not take the black vote for granted anymore, and leadership oppurtunities in the Republican party are far greater for blacks then in the Democratic party

The Republican party would rather educate blacks then give hand outs, and eventually have no need for affirmative action because all of us would be judged by our abilities and not the color of our skin

Yeah, the Republicans are working real hard to educate blacks by pushing their school voucher program and the Child Left Behind boondoggle.

boobiemiles, I don't blame you for being a black conservative, but I'd take a long look at what both parties stand for, and rethink your registration. I did, and I've been registered independent ever since...

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Hmmmm. A racially charged political debate with " un-sided' comments from Chomerics??????

pass. :laugh:

:EDIT: And yes, I am a republican

Yet still nobody has answered the question of where Frankin lied huh. . . I purposely stayed out that question because I can see both sides of the argument.

Witht that being siad, you should be able to vote for whoever YOU want to vote for, but yes, I find it would find it hard to be a gay or a black republican, because you are voting for a party against your best interest. . .but to each his own.

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Yet still nobody has answered the question of where Frankin lied huh. . . I purposely stayed out that question because I can see both sides of the argument.

These guys dont "lie," they spin. Subtle difference, but basically the same thing. Misleading either way. I dont listen to either of those jackasses enough to answer your question.

Witht that being siad, you should be able to vote for whoever YOU want to vote for, but yes, I find it would find it hard to be a gay or a black republican, because you are voting for a party against your best interest. . .but to each his own.

You are voting against your best interests as long as all of your interests are based on your race and not your job, religion, tax bracket, etc etc etc.

Like i posted earlier, dont vote a party. Look at the issues and the candidates and vote your conscience.

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It is funny that I said that I'm a republican and some people don't beleive it. Well I believe in big business, a small government, and programs that give me the chance to pick and choose what I do with my money and how I contribute that to the advancement of this society. Some people have posted some dumb ****. Some people have posted that "the republican party doesn't beleive in affirmative action, but the democrats do", so what. The misconcept of affirmative action is scary. Affirmative action is neccessary in our soecity. Whether you want to admit it or not, our society is based of racial differences. The history of America's dealing with the concept of "race" is on going. The playing field is not leveled for african, latin, or asian americans. Women also benefit from affirmative action. Its a measurer used to combat certain inbedded misconcpetions: a social ill, that isn't cured. I like affirmative action, but so what? I don't benefit from it myself, but it's a nesseccary measure, unfortunately. But I also agree that people must pull them self up on their own merit. But there in lies the paradox. If this was a truly an equal society then one could get a head on their own merits. But, it's obvious not.

Some people say that the South doesn't vote on racial lines. But the facts don't support that statement.

As for my bashing of Bush, showing that I'm not a republican please. Bush isn't even a republican. Members of his own party bash Bush. He has a House and Senate were the GOP is the majority, and he still can't get things done. If this is an example of my affiliations, then I'm more of a republican than Bush. I'm surprise some of you guys just kiss this guy's butt because he's a republican. If being a republican means puckering up, then I guess I'm independent.

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i am going to vote based on candidate not on party. since modern times partys have provented leaders to serve the people; they only serve their own agendas and interests and thier party first and foremsot becasue that is rewarded. serving the people? not in this day and age, that is only evident on the local level, maybe state in some places.

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on another note about race or nationality, i also dont like the hyphenated american thing (italian-american, asian -american, african-american....) i think that those generalizations divide rather than untie, plus it dilutes the fact that we are all the same people regardless of race or heritage. ever since the melting pot was destroyed and remaing true to the "olde country" became the mainstream this country has been the most divided ever. we are all americans, i dont see myself as irish american, im just an american. ( the jones [my] family has lived in america for over 375 years, plus the wiers (moms side) came overin the first potato famine along time ago). part of becoming an american citizen is molding with our culture or incorporating parts of the old with the new; but recently imigrants hav been ignoring american culture and english and favor living like in the old country and speaking in the old tounge without even a hint at an atempt at learning english and only practicing their own culture and not even at least blending it with american culture. becuase of that imigrants recieve less respect and so forth (this does not aply to all imigrants)

but if it were up to me everyone would just be an american rather than an irish-american or an asian-american and so on....

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on another note about race or nationality, i also dont like the hyphenated american thing (italian-american, asian -american, african-american....) i think that those generalizations divide rather than untie, plus it dilutes the fact that we are all the same people regardless of race or heritage. ever since the melting pot was destroyed and remaing true to the "olde country" became the mainstream this country has been the most divided ever. we are all americans, i dont see myself as irish american, im just an american. ( the jones [my] family has lived in america for over 375 years, plus the wiers (moms side) came overin the first potato famine along time ago). part of becoming an american citizen is molding with our culture or incorporating parts of the old with the new; but recently imigrants hav been ignoring american culture and english and favor living like in the old country and speaking in the old tounge without even a hint at an atempt at learning english and only practicing their own culture and not even at least blending it with american culture. becuase of that imigrants recieve less respect and so forth (this does not aply to all imigrants)

but if it were up to me everyone would just be an american rather than an irish-american or an asian-american and so on....

The "destroying of the melting pot" is a myth. Assimilation has always been a process, and if anything, it is happenning faster today than it has in the past.

When your family came over in the first potato famine, I'm sure they called themselves Irish. I'm sure they lived in a community where almost everyone else was Irish. I'm sure they worked in jobs with coworkers who were almost all Irish. I'm sure they went to church with people who were almost all Irish, and I'm sure their kids went to school with people who were almost all Irish. I'm sure they had an Irish accent and that their kids had the same accent.

After two or three generations, those accents probably went away, your family moved out of their community, and they probably started marrying non-Irish Americans. However, it certainly took at least two generations for anything resembling a "melting pot" to occur. Even then, most of your ancestors probably didn't even call themselves "Irish-American," they called themselves "Irish."

Immigrants today are exactly the same. Just like the Irish, Italian, and Jewish immigrants of the past, the first one or two generations tend to be somewhat insular. However, because of widespread public education and a more diverse economy, today's immigrants are far more integrated than those of 100 years ago.

Every generation of Americans has claimed that immigrants were not assimilating, and every generation has been wrong. Don't compare yourself to the immigrants of today ... compare your great-great-great-grandparents to the immigrants of today, and you will see that they are actually far more assimilated than the European immigrants.

Just do one thing actually: go back in your family tree and find out how many of your ancestors married someone that was not Irish, and how many generations that preference persisted ... I think you'd be surprised at how long assimilation really takes.

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The "destroying of the melting pot" is a myth. Assimilation has always been a process, and if anything, it is happenning faster today than it has in the past.

When your family came over in the first potato famine, I'm sure they called themselves Irish. I'm sure they lived in a community where almost everyone else was Irish. I'm sure they worked in jobs with coworkers who were almost all Irish. I'm sure they went to church with people who were almost all Irish, and I'm sure their kids went to school with people who were almost all Irish. I'm sure they had an Irish accent and that their kids had the same accent.

After two or three generations, those accents probably went away, your family moved out of their community, and they probably started marrying non-Irish Americans. However, it certainly took at least two generations for anything resembling a "melting pot" to occur. Even then, most of your ancestors probably didn't even call themselves "Irish-American," they called themselves "Irish."

Immigrants today are exactly the same. Just like the Irish, Italian, and Jewish immigrants of the past, the first one or two generations tend to be somewhat insular. However, because of widespread public education and a more diverse economy, today's immigrants are far more integrated than those of 100 years ago.

Every generation of Americans has claimed that immigrants were not assimilating, and every generation has been wrong. Don't compare yourself to the immigrants of today ... compare your great-great-great-grandparents to the immigrants of today, and you will see that they are actually far more assimilated than the European immigrants.

Just do one thing actually: go back in your family tree and find out how many of your ancestors married someone that was not Irish, and how many generations that preference persisted ... I think you'd be surprised at how long assimilation really takes.

Damn you, beat me to it.

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These guys dont "lie," they spin. Subtle difference, but basically the same thing. Misleading either way. I dont listen to either of those jackasses enough to answer your question.

You are voting against your best interests as long as all of your interests are based on your race and not your job, religion, tax bracket, etc etc etc.

Like i posted earlier, dont vote a party. Look at the issues and the candidates and vote your conscience.

Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh don't just spin, they flat out lie. They even calculate their lies based on whether it is election time or not. During election years, they lie even more and then you find out what the lie was after the election is over. This way, they build up a facade of credibility during non-election years, then they use that illusion of credibility to prey on ignorant people who are not up to snuff on current events. The whole point is to get votes for Republican candidates at all costs, that is the objective of right wing radio, nothing more.They also take orders straight from the Republican leadership.

Hannity lied about the swift boat thing leading up to the 2004 election. He was describing Kerry's bronze star incident and he said over and over, that 256 guys were there and they all said one thing, and Kerry said another. "256 to one" he said over and over "Kerry is on an island all by himself on this one." Unfortunately for Hannity, only 16 guys were there that day (2 swift boats) and everyone of those guys that is still alive backed John Kerry's story, as does the report that was filed by Kerry's commanding officer. Dennis Rassmann, who says Kerry saved his life that day, also backs Kerry's story. Hannity knew darn well about Rassmann but he said what he said anyway. That was the first time I listened to Hannity and I was dumbfounded how blatant his lies were. I had just read "Unfit for Command" and even the book itself, which was written to smear Kerry, was in complete and utter contradiction to everything Hannity was saying.

I'm still waiting for one of you guys to show us a Franken lie. Until you do, I will not regard him as a political hack on the same level of Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingram, Levin, Grahm, Glenn Beck, Jerry Doyle, Tammy Bruce, Savage, Williams, Wall, O'Reilly, and all the other liars in the name of Republican radio.

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It is funny that I said that I'm a republican and some people don't beleive it. Well I believe in big business, a small government, and programs that give me the chance to pick and choose what I do with my money and how I contribute that to the advancement of this society. Some people have posted some dumb ****. Some people have posted that "the republican party doesn't beleive in affirmative action, but the democrats do", so what. The misconcept of affirmative action is scary. Affirmative action is neccessary in our soecity. Whether you want to admit it or not, our society is based of racial differences. The history of America's dealing with the concept of "race" is on going. The playing field is not leveled for african, latin, or asian americans. Women also benefit from affirmative action. Its a measurer used to combat certain inbedded misconcpetions: a social ill, that isn't cured. I like affirmative action, but so what? I don't benefit from it myself, but it's a nesseccary measure, unfortunately. But I also agree that people must pull them self up on their own merit. But there in lies the paradox. If this was a truly an equal society then one could get a head on their own merits. But, it's obvious not.

Some people say that the South doesn't vote on racial lines. But the facts don't support that statement.

As for my bashing of Bush, showing that I'm not a republican please. Bush isn't even a republican. Members of his own party bash Bush. He has a House and Senate were the GOP is the majority, and he still can't get things done. If this is an example of my affiliations, then I'm more of a republican than Bush. I'm surprise some of you guys just kiss this guy's butt because he's a republican. If being a republican means puckering up, then I guess I'm independent.

Judging by this post I don't think you need anyone to tell you anything about what political affiliation to have. You have some well-defined and accurate opinions about the current climate of our Government. You are a Republican and you would like to see a small Government. Bush has expanded the Government like crazy and his party has done nothing to stop it. There is no small Government party right now but Republicans get all the credit for being the small Government party. These are neocons running our Government, they are not the same as the small Government conservatives of old IMO.

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