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Lavar must have SOMETHING to say....980 today @ 4, part deux......


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Man some of you jokas are comical. GW and Coach Gibbs for that matter, aren't beyond reproach. Clearly there is a reason they aren't playing him and they have that right , but he also has the right, hell the obligation to defend himself when his name is being smeared. He shouldn't just sit by and let them say any ole thing about him. And I'm tired of folks all of a sudden acting like he is a bum who only got by on a name, and who can't figure it out. It's some fickle a$$ folks in Redskin land. One minute on a players jock, then the next acting like he was a lifetime bum.

You are right!!!!!! You are right!!!!!!!!

Wow you nailed it!!!

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Everyone that is complaining, everyone that is siding with Lavar and thins that JG and GW are wrong probably were the same people that were upset over the LC and SM trade!! They were the same people that B#$#$ about the QB change and stated that our coaches dont know jack... Well after 4 games in to the season we can clearly see that this staff knows what they are doing and by GOD can we just trust them for the whole season?

Listen, I love Lavar, love his abilities on the field and I would love to see him play. But if they are not playing him then they are not, its not health reasons and I really think it boils down to one reason! He is not a team player and doesnt get the concept of GW D!! Good luck lavar wherever you may end up.


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Man some of you jokas are comical. GW and Coach Gibbs for that matter, aren't beyond reproach. Clearly there is a reason they aren't playing him and they have that right , but he also has the right, hell the obligation to defend himself when his name is being smeared. He shouldn't just sit by and let them say any ole thing about him. And I'm tired of folks all of a sudden acting like he is a bum who only got by on a name, and who can't figure it out. It's some fickle a$$ folks in Redskin land. One minute on a players jock, then the next acting like he was a lifetime bum.

Funny but several weeks ago, we all had this same debate about Brunell vs. Ramsey. Hmm.........I think the coaching staff looks like they know what they're doing after all.

I never suggested that Lavar is a bum. In fact I think just the opposite. I'd LOVE to see him out there........but if he is NOT out there, then I believe there is a reason. I don't blindly believe, I believe because with the team they inherited, this coaching staff has turned the mentality of the players, AND FANS around 180 degrees. Changes in personnel can't happen overnight, and they have done a remarkable job with the guys they have. My faith isn't in this coaching staff blindly, I'm not drinking the Kool Aid.......the results are in front of all of our eyes, yet there are folks that will find a way to twist it into a coaching staff issue. I find that rather comical.

If Lavar is done, then that kind of makes the Redskins front office look like idiots for making him the highest paid Redskin of all time. They've got to try to get some use out of him, this is a situation that has to be salvaged from a salary cap standpoint and I think Lavar is certainly capable of playing up to the level that they need him to play to.

Or.......it makes them look really smart for identifying a weakness, and cutting their losses.

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I am not going to say I am smarter then the coaching staff, I am clearly not.

And the D staff has been absolutley incredible in the first 20 games they have had here.

However I still for the life of me cannot figure out how they can't either A) coach a guy up or B) find something so dumbed down and stupid for Lavar to do on the field

In the salary cap era you can't have that signing bonus on the bench and in just pure football you can't have that talent on the bench

Clearly the coaches see something that is keeping him from starting, but not playing at all?!?! I would expect him right now to be getting something like 20-30 snaps a game to comfortable again after missing an entire season.

His presence changes how an offense can attack this D. Skins26 last year did a nice breakdown of the Skins-Tampa game and said on every play the O of Tampa had to account for Lavar. That frees up guys like Marcus Washington to do his thing

I really gotta believe this D staff as smart and talented and successful as they are can find some way to get Lavar on the field. I refuse to believe they can't.

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Man some of you jokas are comical. GW and Coach Gibbs for that matter, aren't beyond reproach. Clearly there is a reason they aren't playing him and they have that right , but he also has the right, hell the obligation to defend himself when his name is being smeared. He shouldn't just sit by and let them say any ole thing about him. And I'm tired of folks all of a sudden acting like he is a bum who only got by on a name, and who can't figure it out. It's some fickle a$$ folks in Redskin land. One minute on a players jock, then the next acting like he was a lifetime bum.

Amen Bro :notworthy Well said. Steview Wonder can see whats going on hear. No one is perfect in this situation. The mere fact that Lavar didn't get in for one damn play tells that this sH_t is personal. No one on this board can deny that Lavar doesn't jeopardize this team getting on the field for a handful of plays. The coaches are implying he's dumb, which is silly. He's played well in three other schemes under d-coordinators more highly regarded than Williams. Marvin Lewis and Ray Rhodes

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He had no idea where the ball was on that one bootleg when the rest of the team knew. The only reason he even made the tackle is because Plummer had no where to go because everyone else knew where the ball was. I'm not even going to explain when Bell blew right by him on his first TD.

Right on both points. Phillip Daniels was the one who made the play by NOT biting and staying with him on the bootleg. Holdman fell on top of him 2-3 seconds after Plummer was tied up with Daniels.

On one of TD runs, the ball was run to his side and he was man-handled by the tight end (Putzier?) blocking him.

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If that was true, I'd think by now that Williams would have overruled them by now. He's looking at the same practices they are looking at, and he knows how Holdman is playing.

Lavar just doesn't seem to want to be a team guy, and somehow his huge contract and talent makes him better than everybody else.

It doesn't mean that he'd play smart out there.


Jason I hear you man but let just take this for what it is. How many times has Williams said that we make many substitutions, we want to keep players fresh etc etc. Well when everyone on the defense gets in the game EXCEPT Lavar you just can't its because this guy doesn't practice well. I just watched the two runs last night against us with Denver and Holdman is responsible for the first and 3 players mistackle on the second. And we are saying Lavar is a liabilty.

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If that's true, Lavar must really suck. Because Holdman is very average.

Sure. You're right. But the message it sends is that although you consider him average......he plays the scheme better than Lavar, and that makes him more valuable to the defense.

If I were Lavar, I'd get that message loud and clear and fall in line.

The fact that he's coming on the airwaves claiming he's up to par and has no idea why he's not playing only confirms the fact that he feels he doesn't need to change in order to contribute.

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I said it before and I'll say it again. We don't know the whole story.

LaVar said today that last year no one said anything to him about "free lancing" or "not being able to play in the system." He played well last year in the limited time he was in the defense.

Something doesn't make sense here.

LaVar said that he's worth at least two points, and I believe that as well. I would have liked to have seen what would happened with him out there on Sunday.

Ask yourself this: Is there a defense in the NFL that wouldn't like to have the presence and talent of LaVar Arrington out there on the field? I submit that there is not.

We don't know all the facts. Something isn't adding up here.

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You are right!!!!!! You are right!!!!!!!!

Wow you nailed it!!!

A post like this makes me wonder if you accidentally added an extra 0 to your age.

Getting back to the Lavar debate though. Lavar has "gone Hollywood" everyone. He's never met a camera he didnt want to stand in front of. A typical spoiled athlete with a "me first" attitude. If he really were doing everything he possibly could to show the coaches he wanted to play, he would be lobbying to play special teams.

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Maybe I am wrong, but I think that JG and GW want to field the best team as possible every week. (I know I am going out on a limb on that one). It just stands to reason that these two men who are there day in and day out know a heck of a lot more about what is going on than what anyone on this board knows.

Not less than three weeks ago there were complaints about the Brunell/Ramsey decision. Guess what, the coaches actually knew more than the fans about the players and how they would perform. Lavar, I love ya, but if the coaches who have great resumes (were not talking Rich Kotite here) don't think you should be on the field...

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I said it before and I'll say it again. We don't know the whole story.

LaVar said today that last year no one said anything to him about "free lancing" or "not being able to play in the system." He played well last year in the limited time he was in the defense.

Something doesn't make sense here.

LaVar said that he's worth at least two points, and I believe that as well. I would have liked to have seen what would happened with him out there on Sunday.

Ask yourself this: Is there a defense in the NFL that wouldn't like to have the presence and talent of LaVar Arrington out there on the field? I submit that there is not.

We don't know all the facts. Something isn't adding up here.

I completely agree. That's why I'll reserve my judgment... because any fool can see that Warrick Holdman did not have an acceptable game on Sunday.

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another poster that knows more than the coaching staff.

how original.

(and note the entire phrase... that Holdman is better IN THIS DEFENSE )


You must think you're funny? :notworthy

I'm not claiming to know more then the coaching staff. I just think that he is better then Holdman. I can recall maybe one time in the last 4 games I heard Holdman's named called.

Lavar needs the chance to prove that he is ready or not to play and the only way you can do that is to play. Not playing one snap is BS. I'm not saying he should have his starting job back tomorrow. I just think he's done enough in this league to justify more playing time then he's getting

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Jason I hear you man but let just take this for what it is. How many times has Williams said that we make many substitutions, we want to keep players fresh etc etc. Well when everyone on the defense gets in the game EXCEPT Lavar you just can't its because this guy doesn't practice well. I just watched the two runs last night against us with Denver and Holdman is responsible for the first and 3 players mistackle on the second. And we are saying Lavar is a liabilty.

What do you mean "everyone"? I didn't see Campbell on the field, and Clemmons only came on for certain situations. For the most part, the starters play most of the game.

I see more of a rotation happening on the D-Line, which is usually where it happens.


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Funny but several weeks ago, we all had this same debate about Brunell vs. Ramsey. Hmm.........I think the coaching staff looks like they know what they're doing after all.

I never suggested that Lavar is a bum. In fact I think just the opposite. I'd LOVE to see him out there........but if he is NOT out there, then I believe there is a reason. I don't blindly believe, I believe because with the team they inherited, this coaching staff has turned the mentality of the players, AND FANS around 180 degrees. Changes in personnel can't happen overnight, and they have done a remarkable job with the guys they have. My faith isn't in this coaching staff blindly, I'm not drinking the Kool Aid.......the results are in front of all of our eyes, yet there are folks that will find a way to twist it into a coaching staff issue. I find that rather comical.

Or.......it makes them look really smart for identifying a weakness, and cutting their losses.

I'm saying what he's saying, :notworthy

You're on 100% NastyBoy

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