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Lavar must have SOMETHING to say....980 today @ 4, part deux......


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The redskins are pretty dumb, they should have done something about LaVar (if they didn't want to play him) this offseason when they were settling the contract dispute.

Oh, the coaching staff wants him to play, just on their terms. They are the coaches, and they make the rules. Lavar doesn't seem to want to play by them, and would rather point to past history rather than his recent work.


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OK thanks...how many winning seasons has Lavar led us to? Yeah, thought so.

Just so you can get your cutdowns straight, "smoke and mirrors" implies that the coach is getting more than he should out of players so it's a compliment.

Keep 'em coming though...


hey wilbermarshall58, you are smoke and mirrors, because every self-respecting skins fan knows wilbur spelled his name wilbur



and again.

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boy this sounds familiar.... the initials LC comes to mind

How?!!? I have never heard 'LC' on the radio complaining about playing time.

He was on the field and was under performing he and his drinking buddy(Gardner).

Lavar seems to want and help this defense that seems to be slipping week by week statistically.

INMO he could have resigned anywhere and choose to stay with a losing team here in DC.

I hate that it has come to this and we paying fans need to know why our money isnt been used correctly.

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I think that after all the years he has been here he deserves a straight up explanation for not playing.


Gregg Williams: "Thanks for seeing me, Lavar. I understand you want a 'straight up' explanation for not playing."

Lavar: "Yes Coach, I deserve one"

Gregg Williams: "Warrick Holdman is better than you in this defense"

Feel better?


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I just listened to the interview and this is what I take from it.

I really think he doesn't understand what happened. That he is tired of talking about it. Wants a straight up answer of why he's not playing.

I think that after all the years he has been here he deserves a straight up explanation for not playing. I also agree with him that how could he prove he's worth playing if he isn't given a chance.

Not playing him is not justified. He can't be that bad that he doesn't deserve some playing time. We all know what he can do.

LaVar is just like some fans here, he's been told, but he refuses to accept it, he can't believe he is wrong.

this is like a struggle between a teenager and parent, the parent eing tough for the betterment of the child.... but the kid can't see it until he/she becomes a parent. Lets hope LaVar see the ight sooner than that.

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Did we not just live through more than a decade of a mediocrity from our teams, many times when the patients were running the asylum? Finally, we have someone in the front office taking charge and telling the inmates who is in charge. And look at the early success when there is some discipline in the franchise.

I'd be in that coaches ear every day and working overtime to get back on the field.

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Or will we trade him for another good player like the Coles for Moss situation. He's got a $12 million hit next year if we keep him. He's at $11 million if we cut him early or trade him. Damn. I wished he'd done this differently.

either way, we eat the cap hit if he's released for traded.

But, if he's traded. He gets to work out a new deal.

I bet they tell him and his agent to find a team to trade with, and get a new contract. He calls Pittsburgh and says "I'll play for less to come home....I already got paid TWICE in D.C."

The Steelers say "Well, will we get as good of a play with a pick at the end of the 1st round? No"

Then something gets done.

Just my guess.

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I just listened to the interview and this is what I take from it.

I really think he doesn't understand what happened. That he is tired of talking about it. Wants a straight up answer of why he's not playing.

I think that after all the years he has been here he deserves a straight up explanation for not playing. I also agree with him that how could he prove he's worth playing if he isn't given a chance.

Not playing him is not justified. He can't be that bad that he doesn't deserve some playing time. We all know what he can do.

Damm I promised not to post anymore this week on this subject but I can't help it. One thing that I said this morning on this board to Art and another and I got this what the hell you talking about are you in practice etc etc. Lavar confirmed today that he is not even used very much at practice. So how the hell does the defensive coaching staff evaluates this guy.

More than ever I think this is not even Gregg Williams thing. It think its Lindsays and Blanches. These two guys have had a love affair with Holdman from the Bears days, it was the OLB they wanted last year and had to "settle" for Marcus Washington and now they are going to ride him for all its worth.

Very telling point that Lavar is telling us man I could do two points. This guy is hungrier than ANY Redskin and if you guys can't see that get some glasses.

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You know at this point...I'm just "meh" about the whole situation. If he sits for the rest of the year so be it. At some point you just throw in the towel and say I'm tired of the drama. I hope, really, he gets with the program, but if not well, we'll make due.

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How?!!? I have never heard 'LC' on the radio complaining about playing time.

At least Coles had enough class not to air his dirty laundry in public during the season.

It is all about being a team and winning games right now. Lavar seems more about feeling like he's being wronged, rather than try to figure out how to get on the field.

Cmon Lavar, you know you want to play special teams...


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How?!!? I have never heard 'LC' on the radio complaining about playing time.

He was on the field and was under performing he and his drinking buddy(Gardner).

Lavar seems to want and help this defense that seems to be slipping week by week statistically.

INMO he could have resigned anywhere and choose to stay with a losing team here in DC.

I hate that it has come to this and we paying fans need to know why our money isnt been used correctly.

how? second guessing the coaches, not buying into the program, putting himself above the team..... and yes LC talked and complained in the media... the Snyder gift of a TV, calling Chad Pennington during the season....etc....

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I'm sure the coaching staff would love to harness the raw talent that Lavar possesses. There's no way any coach sits a guy with LA's talent just to prove a point if he's disciplined and productive. The fact that he's not in the lineup should tell us all something about whether or not LA is able to do that.

Lavar claims he doesn't know why he's not playing. I think that's not a total truth. It seems to me in listening to interviews with teammates, they seem to know why. They hint at being able to play "schemes" and within the "structure" of the defense. If they know what the deal is, do you expect me to believe LA doesn't? This is purely posturing on LA's part. I'm surprised so many folks are buying into it.

If, on the REMOTE chance he truly isn't being told why he's not playing, then I agree, that is unfair.

I just highly, HIGHLY doubt that's the case.

All these jokers calling into the show are falling for it hook, line and sinker also. Unbelievable. And JT is as dumb as they are if they think it's not been communicated to LA repeatedly.

I'm so over this.

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You know Lavar is gone and not team oriented anymore, did you see him Sunday on the bench with his puss. A baller and the Lavar of old would have been cheering from the sideline and going crazy!

Maybe the Skins are doing this because of the Poston's?

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Gregg Williams: "Thanks for seeing me, Lavar. I understand you want a 'straight up' explanation for not playing."

Lavar: "Yes Coach, I deserve one"

Gregg Williams: "Warrick Holdman is better than you in this defense"

Feel better?


Now this...............is funny! :laugh:

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