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Hurrican Victims are getting 2K debit cards...not good


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Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards By DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writer

31 minutes ago

The federal government plans to begin doling out debit cards worth $2,000 each to adult victims of Hurricane Katrina, The Associated Press has learned.

Homeland Security Department Secretary Michael Chertoff descibed the plan in a conference call with state officials Wednesday morning. The unprecedented cash card program initially will benefit stranded people who have been moved to major rescue centers such as the Houston Astrodome.

"They are going to start issuing debit cards, $2,000 per adult, today (Wednesday) at the Astrodome," said Kathy Walt, a spokeswoman for Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

The cards could be used to buy food, transportation, gas and other essentials, according to a state official who was on the call and requested anonymity because the program has not been publicly announced.

The available money — $13 billion in all — will be distributed from the federal Disaster Relief Fund, said FEMA spokeswoman Natalie Rule. She said FEMA was setting up registration centers in shelters in Houston and Dallas where evacuees could obtain the cards.

FEMA is working to set up similar registration centers in other shelters across the country, Rule said, and evacuees can also get the debit cards by calling 1-800-621-FEMA or going to the agency's web site at http://www.fema.gov.

The cards will be issued on a one-per-household basis, Rule said, and are open only to victims who were forced from their homes during the hurricane and its aftermath. As a safeguard against fraud, FEMA will use aerial photographs of devastated areas to verify that the refugees were, indeed, forced from their homes in cases where they cannot provide documents to prove their losses or identities.

"We've got a huge population of people that have been evacuated with very little by way of possessions and we have to have a way to make sure these people can function," Rule said. "If there are those who are out there to cheat the system, that is going to be very disappointing. But the main goal is to get the aid out."

In Boston, Gov. Mitt Romney said the cards will be offered "to people in shelters as well as people who are not in shelters but who have evacuated the area and need help." He said the hope is the cards will encourage people to leave shelters voluntarily.

It's unclear how much the debit card program will cost the government, but it's likely to run into the hundreds of millions of dollars since hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced.


Associated Press reporters Suzanne Gamboa and Lara Jakes Jordan contributed to this report.

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If the demographics are right, then this would be done in great error. They would have to limit what you can spend it on. I know this might be messed up to say, but if you give people money that never had it before they spend it on dumb things.....

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How much crack will $2,000 buy you???

Great stereotype. I'm sure the vast majority of hurricane victims are crack heads, who happen to know crack dealers that accept government debit cards.

Why is it you right wing nuts never fail to shout out how the majority of the nation agrees with the moral lunacy you preach and the left is out of touch....yet when it comes to helping people you talk about what the extreme minority of aid be used incorrectly. If 90% are helped while the other 10% buy drugs, GOOD. I can live with those odds, instead of screwing everyone to better placate they absurd fears of the always scared of something right wingers.

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Great stereotype. I'm sure the vast majority of hurricane victims are crack heads, who happen to know crack dealers that accept government debit cards.

Why is it you right wing nuts never fail to shout out how the majority of the nation agrees with the moral lunacy you preach and the left is out of touch....yet when it comes to helping people you talk about what the extreme minority of aid be used incorrectly. If 90% are helped while the other 10% buy drugs, GOOD. I can live with those odds, instead of screwing everyone to better placate they absurd fears of the always scared of something right wingers.

You don't understand Destino. These people who got displaced, they're stupid and they're poor. They just aint smart enough to use that money for food.

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I am sure there will be some abuses,just like people scam relief operations,but these people are in need and it is a reasonable idea.

Now excuse me while I go get my fix before they get it all ;)

BTW how many dealers take plastic,we must REALLY be uptown now :D

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Best thing to do is cut this figure in half. I didn't infer that the victims will use the money for crack. What I want is to ficilitate more economic growth. Take half of the money and use it to entice enterprise in the area that can give these guys employment, and maintain their funds so they can get on their feet. The first thousand can be used for provisions.

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BTW how many dealers take plastic,we must REALLY be uptown now :D

I do applaud this effort. The vast majority of these folks certainly could use the assistance.

With that in mind, it seems that many know how to turn food stamps into crack; the credit card doesn't have a chance....they'll find a way.

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Best thing to do is cut this figure in half. I didn't infer that the victims will use the money for crack. What I want is to ficilitate more economic growth. Take half of the money and use it to entice enterprise in the area that can give these guys employment, and maintain their funds so they can get on their feet. The first thousand can be used for provisions.

Why don't we do that with ALL federal assistance,workfare instead of welfare ;)

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Why don't we do that with ALL federal assistance,workfare instead of welfare ;)

Sounds suspiciously like something that happenned during the Clinton years...

...I'm sure plenty of money is also being spent on economic redevelopment. In fact, I'll bet it will be much more than $2k in the end. Saying split in in half is no different than saying to spend $2k on the other side (except the amount, of course).

This is a great way not only to distribute aid but to provide an enticement for people to actually evacuate and to be accounted for. Making everyone check in will certainly help reunite some families.

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Great stereotype. I'm sure the vast majority of hurricane victims are crack heads, who happen to know crack dealers that accept government debit cards.

Why is it you right wing nuts never fail to shout out how the majority of the nation agrees with the moral lunacy you preach and the left is out of touch....yet when it comes to helping people you talk about what the extreme minority of aid be used incorrectly. If 90% are helped while the other 10% buy drugs, GOOD. I can live with those odds, instead of screwing everyone to better placate they absurd fears of the always scared of something right wingers.

I agree Destino... please don't lump us all....

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I'm with boobiemiles on this one. I'm not sure tossing cash around is goign to solve the problem. Its a short term fix, and one that is probably more expensive than providing food and shelter.

At least the government is trying to do the right thing

You guys some of this money is so they can still pay their bills. Just because they have nothing does not mean the collectors won't be calling.

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Great stereotype. I'm sure the vast majority of hurricane victims are crack heads, who happen to know crack dealers that accept government debit cards.

Why is it you right wing nuts never fail to shout out how the majority of the nation agrees with the moral lunacy you preach and the left is out of touch....yet when it comes to helping people you talk about what the extreme minority of aid be used incorrectly. If 90% are helped while the other 10% buy drugs, GOOD. I can live with those odds, instead of screwing everyone to better placate they absurd fears of the always scared of something right wingers.

1) Who exactly am I stereotyping??

2) Ever heard of an ATM machine??

3) How is a $2,000 hand out "helping" people??

I am eagerly awaiting your response.......

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Best thing to do is cut this figure in half. I didn't infer that the victims will use the money for crack. What I want is to ficilitate more economic growth. Take half of the money and use it to entice enterprise in the area that can give these guys employment, and maintain their funds so they can get on their feet. The first thousand can be used for provisions.

Then what exactly DID you infer?

if you give people money that never had it before they spend it on dumb things.

Nothing qualified at all in that statement. Poor people spend money stupidly. OK, instead of crack maybe you meant booze, color TVs or floppy hats, but the principle is the same.

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Man, you have twisted yourself up into ideological machinations so far as to be unable to perceive reality.

If you suddenly discovered that you had inherited $2000, would you reject it and turn it in to the government?

No, I would go buy a T.V.

But thanks for asking. Many others on this site like to put words in my mouth. Including many on this thread.....

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