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Grab a stick & beat a dead horse - The Merged QB Threads


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Originally posted by goskins

Wow, I'm impressed.

Last year it took about 3-4 weeks before the "Bench Brunell" stuff started......only took 1 preseason game and a scrimage this year before "Bench Ramsey."

I'm guessing the "Bench Campbell" lines will start during the OTA's of '06

and the quarterback after campbell should be benched before he's even drafted :laugh:

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Hey guys here is my 2 cents on Ramsey, Like many have said he has been running for his life or gotten clobbered during most of his professional career. Let's all give him 3 more preseason games with a good O-line, like we had last night and see if he doesn't become more comfortable. My guess is that he will. Heck, he was getting sack during the scrimage againt the Ravens last week! All he knows is Chuck and Duck, thanks to Spurrier. After a few games last year he got better and my guess is he will this year too. By the way we have a good preseason schedule because it is againt playoff caliber defenses, except for the Bengals. I am still on the Ramsey bandwagon until Sept.

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Originally posted by AJ_Skins

I really hope that's not it, but if we hadn't taken him, nobody was going to until well into the second round, if not later...

It was published after the draft that Cleveland would have taken him in the 34th pick if he were available.

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There seems to be alot of talk about Ramsey. Should he start, or should we bench him, or trade him?

So i say lets have people from all sides post a fix to the problem.

What options do we have for a trade, a cut? Is there a Qb out there that could step in now? Is Brunell the answer? Lets stay away from hes ok/he sucks and give options on the fix for this year and years to come.

I say: Ramsey just is missing that special 'IT' that can take our team in the future. He lacks mental strength, and after 3years of that problem, sorry, but its too late to get better in a do it right now life of the nfl. If he could stand behind a great Qb for 3 years great, but not in DC. So bench Ramsey, overlook Brunell, and start the rookie JC. I know this is not going to go over well here but for the future its the way to go imho. YOU?

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Did anyone notice the unique qualilty that Brunell has of turning his head? Look for it on TiVo, It's amazing. It's right around his neck area. His head will be facing one way, then it just turns and faces another. He did it the other night a couple times. He would look left, find nothing, and then throw it to the right for McCants to drop it.


It would sure be cool if Ramsey had that ability.

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Originally posted by e-basham

what exactly qualifies Campbell as the future of our organization? He was lucky enough to have a two headed monster in the backfield at Auburn so Defenses had to watch the run - therefore making his passes easier to complete. This guy is a second stringer at best in this league. We made the biggest mistake of the draft by sacrificing picks for this guy.

and what exactly is portis then, hes no basher like ricky is/was, but he poses a legitimate threat in the backfield!!

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Originally posted by whitejimmy

Did anyone notice the unique qualilty that Brunell has of turning his head? Look for it on TiVo, It's amazing. It's right around his neck area. His head will be facing one way, then it just turns and faces another. He did it the other night a couple times. He would look left, find nothing, and then throw it to the right for McCants to drop it.


It would sure be cool if Ramsey had that ability.

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Originally posted by whitejimmy

Did anyone notice the unique qualilty that Brunell has of turning his head? Look for it on TiVo, It's amazing. It's right around his neck area. His head will be facing one way, then it just turns and faces another. He did it the other night a couple times. He would look left, find nothing, and then throw it to the right for McCants to drop it.


It would sure be cool if Ramsey had that ability.



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Originally posted by whitejimmy

Did anyone notice the unique qualilty that Brunell has of turning his head? Look for it on TiVo, It's amazing. It's right around his neck area. His head will be facing one way, then it just turns and faces another. He did it the other night a couple times. He would look left, find nothing, and then throw it to the right for McCants to drop it.


It would sure be cool if Ramsey had that ability.

:cheers: :cheers:

yep, that's a good one alright!!

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Originally posted by AJ_Skins

As much as I don't want to believe it, I have a sinking feeling that maybe, just maybe, Gibbs drafted him because he wears #17 and looks a little like Doug Williams on the field. I really hope that's not it, but if we hadn't taken him, nobody was going to until well into the second round, if not later...

That is the dumbest thing I've ever read on here.

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Originally posted by whitejimmy

Did anyone notice the unique qualilty that Brunell has of turning his head? Look for it on TiVo, It's amazing. It's right around his neck area. His head will be facing one way, then it just turns and faces another. He did it the other night a couple times. He would look left, find nothing, and then throw it to the right for McCants to drop it.


It would sure be cool if Ramsey had that ability.

:cry: :rotflmao:

I'm a Ramsey supporter but thats just hilarious.

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Originally posted by e-basham

It's obvious I'm not fond of Campbell so I am biased, but I am not ignorant - here are some stats to support both sides of the arguments here:

Campbell - 40 time = 4.75

Ramsey = 5.2 (So YES JC is a little faster, but remember I did say he was a little more agile, but it's not like he is Vick)

Campbell - Wonderlic = 14 (on his first test, he did improve after "coaching" to a 28) come on a 14?!?!?!

Ramsey = 32 (first try)

So that test (whether you give it merit or not) is meant to show the mental capability of a player, so clearly Ramsey is the "smarter" QB (and YES I know that test is not taken on the field so save your smart comments)

Campbell 285 bench press

370 squat

Ramsey 350 bench

475 squat (Hmmm who's stronger?)

And before anyone goes to get them, here are the college stats, and yes I know that Tulane is not in the mighty SEC so back off all of you DTC posers.

Campbell 7,299 yards

64.6 completion %

45 TDs 24 Ints (results in 1.875 TDs/Int)

Ramsey 9205 yds

58.9 %

72 TDs 51 Ints (1.411 TDs/Int)

I can see where people WANT this guy to be the savior of the franchise and for all of our sakes I hope he is (we need something) but I just don't think he's the guy.

51 INTs by Ramsey.....hello!!!

does that not stand out to you?

and he wasn't playing in the mighty SEC!

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Oh my god. Here we go again. Stop whining over one pre-season game. Half our startes weren't even playing the whole game. Give Ramsey time. Did Michael Jordan become the greatest of all time in a game?????No. Did Wayne Gretzky earn "The Great One" in a game??? No. Stop judging players on single performance's. Next week if Ramsey throws for 300 yards and 3 TD's you'll be like Ramsey rules then if he throws for 90 yards the next game w/ 2 INT's you'll say oh he sucks get him outta here. Jeese...Be loyal.

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Originally posted by Sticksboi05

Oh my god. Here we go again. Stop whining over one pre-season game. Half our startes weren't even playing the whole game. Give Ramsey time. Did Michael Jordan become the greatest of all time in a game?????No. Did Wayne Gretzky earn "The Great One" in a game??? No. Stop judging players on single performance's. Next week if Ramsey throws for 300 yards and 3 TD's you'll be like Ramsey rules then if he throws for 90 yards the next game w/ 2 INT's you'll say oh he sucks get him outta here. Jeese...Be loyal.

Michael Jordan was rookie of the year. We get your point though.

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Originally posted by Clark84

It is the first preseason game. Come on, lets get into the season before continually bashing Patrick. The guy has been through everything, it is a process just before he gains his confidence back.

that's all I'm saying :cheers:

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Wow. I am just going to assume that this isn't actually 'freaking out,' it's more due to the fact that this boards membership has increased so much.

No, I am wrong, y'all are FREAKING OUT!

Well, I've killed a few thread in my past, but the best thread killers were the ones with the SUPER LONG posts in them so here goes! :laugh:

I have to say any argument for benching Ramsey at this point right now has been sucessfully debunked over and over again. Note Goldenster and Ghosts posts. They may have p*ssed some of you off, but it seems like some of you all just don't want to hear it. It all comes down to one thing that is out of our hands but couldn't be more glorious. We have Joe Gibbs to make that decision for us.

I like Patrick Ramsey. I want him starting for my Redskins. Here are a few reasons, albeit, not entirely all my original thoughts because they deserve to be revisited, why I feel that way:

Originally posted by keithabbott

You know what....Rypien never had "it"...Doug Williams never had "it" but they had enough "it" to win two super bowls between the two of them. Ramsey is just as good as either of those two QBs if he's given time to develop. If his o-line protects for him and his receivers hang onto the ball...you'll see a much better offensive strike.

You can count on that. Mediocre QBs have won 2 Super Bowls for this team. I think Patrick can do well enough to get us to another one.

Now when Keith here says "if he's given time to develop", I would venture to say that I think he means GIVEN A CHANCE TO PLAY, which is what he's getting right now. He doesn't have to win the job, but it is his job to lose.

He stunk in the preseason last year and I think it was prudent of Coach Gibbs to bring an older veteran in to play while Ramsey developed because he was never really given that chance. He was expected to come in and execute an offense he had never worked in before that ultimately failed.


Ramsey played well for a rookie in his first season, and definitely showed improvement in the following season. He made better throws, better decisions yet, most important, took more hits all the while delivering some good throws. He missed an easy toss to Coles against Philly that year, but the fact that he rallied us in that game and against Atlanta, NE, and the Giants proves this point. He was dominated in consecutive weeks by the NFLs best three defenses immediately after those games, took pounding after pounding and still never wavered, never let the hits get to him in terms of his decision making (unlike some other QB's we have had, which scores HUGE points in my opinion) and was a vocal leader that showed a strong desire to succeed. You cannot ignore this fact. It's not a statistic, and the anti-Ramsey people will not allow that to be factored into an argument because it is not statistical and is not concrete.

Originally posted by goldenster95

As a further point, the 3-6 record was simply a reflection of what the team's record was in games he played in. Two of those games, which were losses, were ones he didn't start.

Yet also games in which he got us fairly close to winning and provided some offensive spark. Granted he made some boneheaded plays.

Well what about how sh*tty our defense was in 03? What if we cracked the top 15 that year? Maybe we wouldn't have had to have the kid on the field the whole time getting beat up and succumbing to Murphy's Law?

Enter Joe Gibbs who sees a raw talent that was manhandled in an inept scheme. Let the kid sit, let him earn some confidence by taking everything in from a safe distance while we put this thing together, because frankly, these other guys that coached here really let the train fall off the tracks.


Brunell was done before he got here. It sucks. I personally wanted, and think Joe Gibbs wanted, Brunell to come in here win some games, help us get our team back to at least a .500 record and maybe close to the playoffs and then hand over the reigns to Pat, a few years down the road after Ramsey had the time to absorb the offense from the sidelines and learn from a great QB.

Well what we got was someone who could not carry this team on his own. He was paid more than enough to do that, but the fact of the matter is that many people knew he was damaged goods before he came here. Could he have been so badly injured that it would take up until now for him to be healthy again? I think the answer is a very, very slim maybe. From what I have gathered about his elbow injury, it is an injury that has been a problem for Tom Brady and Joe Montana. It's a bit more complicated than just an elbow injury methinks. :D

No matter what, our choices are limited. We can hand the reigns to a rookie QB whose track record was sketchy until his senior season, but seems to have the talent and body make up for the position, or we can give the ball to a guy who maybe was hurt all last year while he proceeded to have one of the worst seasons for any NFL QB EVER. Personally I'd rather not take either of those chances unless forced too. I think we can let a young guy whose made some mistakes, has familiarity with the players and system now, has the talent, health, arm, mental capactiy, fearlessness and leadership be the quarterback for our beloved Washington Redskins.

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Ramsey is not playing well, end of story. If people want to call the season, so be it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure he'll be the starter, but like I've said, we can't be sure until after game 3. If he stinks it up in game 3, you'll see Brunell start game 4, and take the starting job from him.

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