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Grab a stick & beat a dead horse - The Merged QB Threads


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Originally posted by e-basham

what exactly qualifies Campbell as the future of our organization? He was lucky enough to have a two headed monster in the backfield at Auburn so Defenses had to watch the run - therefore making his passes easier to complete. This guy is a second stringer at best in this league. We made the biggest mistake of the draft by sacrificing picks for this guy.

I love how people like you justify Campbell not being the future. I can see someone defending Ramsey but can you please ask yourself what has Ramsey done to prove HE isnt a second stringer. Also, what qualifies him as the future of the organization is Gibbs picked him to be. Ramsey isnt his type of QB and no matter what anyone says Ramsey isnt that good of a quarterback. Can someone on this board please tell one thing he can do well besides throw the football hard? Is it because he is articulate with the media? good character guy? All that is great but Jason Campbell will be the better quarterback. Why? Because he has poise, a winning background, and the athleticism to avoid pressure. Ramsey was picked SOLELY for his arm strength by Steve Spurrier, that should tell you something. When Gibbs picked Campbell he picked him for his intangibles. Please name one big game Patrick Ramsey has ever played in.

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Originally posted by Monte51Coleman

This may be one of the dumbest comments I have ever read here.

I agree monte, its not the first time he has said it on here. I think its the dumbest thing by FAR I have ever heard on a message board. Gibbs thought to himself, "Hmmmm... he wears the number 17, lets trade some picks to get him so I can be reminded of Williams for the next 5 years."

Aj skins, dont you think it could have had something to do with being 6'4 230? or maybe he completed 70% of his passes? how about his poise? how about the fact he comes from a winning program? Heres a good one, How about maybe because he can elude the rush and make plays? Nah... cant be any of that. Gibbs just wants to stare at Campbell and be reminded of Doug Williams.

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Originally posted by AJ_Skins

They gave up next year's first rounder to take Campbell at spot nobody else was projecting him for. You can't even compare it to the minor move they made to get Cooley.

Who's projections are you going by?

You're not bashing the JC pick just because Ourlads or Mel Kiper didn't have him rated in the 1st round are you?

Have faith in Joe Gibbs. He liked what he saw from Jason Campbell and wanted him enough to acquire a 1st round pick to get him. Besides, no one really knows who is going where, when the draft actually begins. Aaron Rodgers was "projected" to be a top 5 pick but wasn't. Projections and reality are very different. Do you know for a fact that Jason Campbell was not going to be picked in the 1st round if we didn't get him?

So far JC has looked good in camp.

He has now looked good in his first preseason action.

JC has done everything he could possibly do at this point.

There is nothing to indicate that the JC pick is a bad one. If you want to argue we gave up too much for him, maybe you'd have a point but at this point he's a worthy #1 draft pick.

The only reason one would bash the JC pick as being bad because you think he's a marginal talent is if you're so "married" to PR that it blinds you.

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Originally posted by AJ_Skins

He threw one bad pass. I'm worried about the offensive scheme, not Ramsey. We have to get the ball to the WRs, and that has not been happening yet with Coach Gibbs...

If he overthrew Patten twice and threw one pick, then thats 3 off the top of my head. Let's not look at everything with homer glasses. Brunell and Campbell seemed to find recievers all right.

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Originally posted by scruffylookin

Who's projections are you going by?

You're not bashing the JC pick just because Ourlads or Mel Kiper didn't have him rated in the 1st round are you?

Have faith in Joe Gibbs. He liked what he saw from Jason Campbell and wanted him enough to acquire a 1st round pick to get him. Besides, no one really knows who is going where, when the draft actually begins. Aaron Rodgers was "projected" to be a top 5 pick but wasn't. Projections and reality are very different. Do you know for a fact that Jason Campbell was not going to be picked in the 1st round if we didn't get him?

So far JC has looked good in camp.

He has now looked good in his first preseason action.

JC has done everything he could possibly do at this point.

There is nothing to indicate that the JC pick is a bad one. If you want to argue we gave up too much for him, maybe you'd have a point but at this point he's a worthy #1 draft pick.

The only reason one would bash the JC pick as being bad because you think he's a marginal talent is if you're so "married" to PR that it blinds you.

Scruffy, you will never be able to get a hard core Ramsey lover to say anything positive about Campbell even though he is a Redskin. Its the hardcore Ramsey lovers that feel that if you are critical about Ramsey you are a "idiot" or not a "fan". When AJ skins gets hired by the Redskins to draft players then his opinion will hold merit. He has been critical to people on this board all day when he is the genious that said Gibbs picked Campbell because he reminds of him Doug Williams. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by e-basham

what exactly qualifies Campbell as the future of our organization? He was lucky enough to have a two headed monster in the backfield at Auburn so Defenses had to watch the run - therefore making his passes easier to complete. This guy is a second stringer at best in this league. We made the biggest mistake of the draft by sacrificing picks for this guy.

way to be pessimistic. why is everyone starting to lose the whole "in gibbs i trust" motto? maybe this doesn't fall into that category, seeing as this is a FO desicion...

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Originally posted by skins1972

Maybe the Skins should fire JG and everyone else in the FO and hire you since you sure know your S#$#. Give me a break, if you watch JC you can see that he is going to be a great QB in this league. His comfort level in the pocket is much better than PR and he sees the whole field with ease. Just because he had a great RB in the Auburn doesnt mean he was a so so QB, that dont even make sense!! We have a great Running back, but I didnt see our QB's do Jack S#$# last year.

my sentiments exactly

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Originally posted by [[ghost]]

way to be pessimistic. why is everyone starting to lose the whole "in gibbs i trust" motto? maybe this doesn't fall into that category, seeing as this is a FO desicion...

No this was absolutely a Gibbs decision and im happy it was. He drafted a proven winner with the intangibles it takes to be a great NFL quarterback. Why cant people see that Gibbs does not want Ramsey as his QB? He makes too many stupid mistakes and is a turnover machine. If Gibbs had ANY faith in Ramsey, Brunell would have never been signed and Campbell surely would not have been drafted. Campbell, coming from a winning program knows how important it is to be controlled and hold on to the ball. Ramsey, at Tulane, got to throw bombs with no reguard because they were always down by 10-20 points. I really do hope Ramsey plays well this year, because our success depends on him. However, I am happy Campbell is the QB of the future and after this season I want him to start. I believe Ramsey has the potential to be a serviceable QB, but Campbell has the ability to elevate the whole level of play on the offense. He can bail lineman out by evading defenders, he can scramble to find the open reciever, and can kill teams on play action passes.

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Originally posted by scruffylookin

Yeah I read that too.:laugh:

I'm sort of assuming that it's a joke.....it has to be right?:doh1:

Judging from the way hes been talking about Campbell, and the fact he has said it twice in two different threads, I think he is being serious. Serious or not, it is a joke to any knowledgable Skins fan.

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To everyone who says Jason Campbell was a bad draft pick, come talk to me during week 6 when Campbell and Brunell are competing for the starting spot. Ramsey is a joke. With him in, we can't do anything on offense unless we're playing a bottom feeding defense. Give Campbell a shot, he would've looked good last night if it weren't for those amatuers Combs and Forsey.

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Originally posted by skindogger47

To everyone who says Jason Campbell was a bad draft pick, come talk to me during week 6 when Campbell and Brunell are competing for the starting spot. Ramsey is a joke. With him in, we can't do anything on offense unless we're playing a bottom feeding defense. Give Campbell a shot, he would've looked good last night if it weren't for those amatuers Combs and Forsey.

Watch out, your gonna be called an idiot and a "non-fan" for not being a Ramsey lover :laugh:

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Campbell QB'd a team that went undefeated. That's a huge accomplishment especially in the SEC which is the toughest conference in DIV1 football. He knows how to win, it's on his resumé. Campbell was drafted because of his winning record.

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Look, maybe he is trying to develop some chemistry with Patten and Moss, and forcing passes into them, when it would be more appropriate to go somewhere else. Trying to figure out what works, and what doesn't. This is practice, maybe he has some objectives other than trying to win a meaningless game.

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Originally posted by skins1972

Maybe the Skins should fire JG and everyone else in the FO and hire you since you sure know your S#$#. Give me a break, if you watch JC you can see that he is going to be a great QB in this league. His comfort level in the pocket is much better than PR and he sees the whole field with ease. Just because he had a great RB in the Auburn doesnt mean he was a so so QB, that dont even make sense!! We have a great Running back, but I didnt see our QB's do Jack S#$# last year.

Our QB's didn't do jack last year with a "great" running back because this is the NFL. Defenses are more prepared/talented. That's waht I am saying, what about Campbell's history (other than he played for an undefeated team - woop de freakin do) makes him such a better option? And please don't say it's his mobility, I am so sick of people saying that - look at him he is not that much more agile than Ramsey. Just because he is a black QB doesn't automatically mean he can run.

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Originally posted by The Bounty Hunter #21

I dont know how people cant trust Gibbs...LOOK AT HIS TRACK RECORD!!!!!!!

His track record is meaningless at this point. He's said it himself.

That said, the guy who was saying Campbell is no better than a 2nd string QB in this league is full of ****.

He had 2 great RB's yes, but he also completed 70% of his passes last season, has played well in big games, and has undergone 5 different offenses in 5 years.

As far as I'm concerned he's a MUCH better option than Ramsey was coming out of college.

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Originally posted by e-basham

Our QB's didn't do jack last year with a "great" running back because this is the NFL. Defenses are more prepared/talented. That's waht I am saying, what about Campbell's history (other than he played for an undefeated team - woop de freakin do) makes him such a better option? And please don't say it's his mobility, I am so sick of people saying that - look at him he is not that much more agile than Ramsey. Just because he is a black QB doesn't automatically mean he can run.

Whoopty freakin do to going undefeated in the toughest division in college football? You are losing credibility with each post. Maybe it was more impressive to come from a sorry conference and have a losing record like Ramsey had. For you to say Campbell isnt alot more agile then Ramsey is pure stupidity. Just look at the film. Ramsey runs like he has a stomach ache and has never eluded a rush to pick up positive yards. Did you go to training camp or ever see Campbell live in person. He is way faster and quicker then Ramsey.

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All Ramsey showed last season was that he could do a better job than Brunell in running the short yardage offense. People assumed that he would get better in it and would start to find receivers downfield. Unfortunately, he hasn't show that he has progressed. I know it is only preseason week 1, but Gibbs left him in there for almost the entire half and he still produced zip. No points, no big plays, and a turnover on his only try downfield. I don't care who was out there and who he was playing against. Does anyone truly get the feeling that he is going to change overnight and be the guy we all are hoping for?

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Originally posted by AJ_Skins

There should be a federal law passed that anyone living in Maryland must root for the Ravens. It would cut out 99% of the crap in the fan base.

WTF are you talking about?

You don't even come with facts in your argument, you just keep saying Ramsey only threw one bad pass which is COMPLETELY fabricated.

Even the people defending Ramsey will say he threw more than 1 bad pass, in fact 3 AWFUL PASSES

You've honestly brought nothing to the table in your time posting here, which has been albeit short.

Keep spending all your time correcting grammar, because you sure as hell aren't spending it watching the games and reading box scores.

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Originally posted by mookie0720

WTF are you talking about?

You don't even come with facts in your argument, you just keep saying Ramsey only threw one bad pass which is COMPLETELY fabricated.

Even the people defending Ramsey will say he threw more than 1 bad pass, in fact 3 AWFUL PASSES

You've honestly brought nothing to the table in your time posting here, which has been albeit short.

Keep spending all your time correcting grammar, because you sure as hell aren't spending it watching the games and reading box scores.

Dont even worry about it. Ajskins has posted numerous idiotic post today. Apparenly Ramsey is the next coming of Peyton Manning and Campbell was drafted because he reminded Gibbs of Doug Williams. Anyone who makes a stupid comment like this, instantly loses credibility with me.

And the award for most moronic post goes to.........

(drum roll)......

AjSkins!! :1stplace:

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Originally posted by e-basham

Our QB's didn't do jack last year with a "great" running back because this is the NFL. Defenses are more prepared/talented. That's waht I am saying, what about Campbell's history (other than he played for an undefeated team - woop de freakin do) makes him such a better option? And please don't say it's his mobility, I am so sick of people saying that - look at him he is not that much more agile than Ramsey. Just because he is a black QB doesn't automatically mean he can run.

Don't know if you watched the game last night, but at this point, it doesn't matter, because everything that comes out of your posts is absurd. We all have seen Ramsey's lack of mobility and how he curls up everytime someone touches him. Campbell actually had one scramble last night and, although he didn't run for many yards, he still showed his speed, fluidity, and smart sense to avoid the rush and run out of bounds and stop the clock.

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