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Grab a stick & beat a dead horse - The Merged QB Threads


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were all of you RamseyERS watching the same games I have been Saturday and last 3 years?!?! He has always looked mediocre at best or below average!! GIVE ME A FRICKIN BREAK!! He played most of the 1st half last night. The second quarter was against 2nd string Defense. He STILL couldn't do JACK! Brunell with the same defense was able to show something... D-R-I-V-I-N-G the OFFENSE!!

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Originally posted by Lavarleap56

No it doesnt have to look like that. What i would like to see is him setting his feet, scanning the field and progressing through his reads, not throwing to a check down reciever for three yards when it is 3rd and 8, OH and i forgot not overthrowing wide open recievers on third down to kill our drives.

My take on the checkdown thing.

Spurrier told Patrick to look deep ALL THE TIME. His checkdown receivers were 30 yards down the field half the time.

If you remember that stellar 2003 campaign, PR got the living hell beat out of him on a weekly basis. Something tells me he remembers that too. In his mind, he loves the checkdown receiver, cause every dump off is one less ass-kicking he has to take.

He had a year of training to NEVER look. Now he's had a year plus of coaching too use them. He needs to find a happy medium. I think he will eventally find it.

A third & eight in the preseason, in the first quarter (direct me if i'm wrong) isn't a big deal. A 3rd and eight in the first half of a scoreless game in November won't be a big deal. That situation only becomes a big deal when he tries to force a 3rd & 8 completion & ends up throwing a momentum shifting pick....

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Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

I love how you look into your glass ball and say that Campbell would have no chance. Is that being the Redskin fan you are asking everyone else to be? Give me a break. Look there are tons of Redskins fans on this site and around the country for that matter. Most people bleed burgundy and gold, and because a certain number might not think Ramsey is the answer at QB, does not make them any less of a fan then you. Flaming people for having an opinion different from yours, does not make them ANY less of a fan. What kind of "true" fan would say Joe Gibbs just picked Campbell up because he reminds Gibbs of Doug Williams. What kind of fan are you being by bashing a player that is a promising rookie for your beloved team? :rolleyes:

I have no idea how good of a player Campbell could be...I think the PICK (where they took him, what they gave up to get there) was a terrible decision. The reason why I don't think he could take us to the playoffs is because he's a rookie. As far as I know, Dan Marino did it, and then nobody did it again until Rothlisberger last year. Those are not good odds, and throwing Ramsey overboard thinking Campbell will do the trick is insane.

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Originally posted by timdaley73

were all of you RamseyERS watching the same games I have been Saturday and last 3 years?!?! He has always looked mediocre at best or below average!! GIVE ME A FRICKIN BREAK!! He played most of the 1st half last night. The second quarter was against 2nd string Defense. He STILL couldn't do JACK! Brunell with the same defense was able to show something... D-R-I-V-I-N-G the OFFENSE!!

You missed his first game against the Titans? How about his game against the Jets? the Falcons? The Giants last year? Ramsey is a Question mark but last year he was better than Brunell. This year things may change as I will admit Brunell seems to have recived a new arm from god himself.

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Originally posted by Lavarleap56

What i would like to see is him setting his feet

I wonder if this foot shuffling is his new way of being able to slide in the pocket. Usually, his feet are set in stone once he drops back in the pocket - but I was impressed with the way he avoided the rush with his feet unlike any time I've seen him before.

Still, although I'm concerned about his accuracy and some of his decision making, I'm nowhere near ready to have him benched yet.

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Originally posted by AJ_Skins

My point is that the receivers are not consistently getting open. I'm as much of a supporter of Joe Gibbs as anybody else, but I don't think he and the rest of his offensive coaches have yet proved they have their act together for the 21st century. If things don't improve, the answer is not another QB, it's to do what Dick Vermeil did in STL...hire an offensive coordinator and head for the Super Bowl...because Gibbs is still a great leader.

So were you at the game in carolina? Otherwise there is no way to know the recievers werent open. Brunell and Campbell both found open WRs down field for good completions, and so what if it was the second or third panthers D, they were our 2nd and 3rd WRs.

Some of you on here just suprise me with the things you say to backup Ramsey. Cant be his fault, must be the entire coaching staff that has won multiple superbowls, not the QB who has never done a thing.

Stats are overrated. You can complete 67% of your passes, but you may have not completed a single 3rd down pass, or you did but it was to the dump off guy on a 3rd and 8 for 4 yards.

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Nobody (like his abilities or not, think he's a good QB or not) think Ramsey is a coward.....

Let's go back to 2002-2003. Who was the guy that took the beating b/c Spurrier was so F'd up not to have decent pass-blocking schemes or hot routes so the QB got HIT on every lousy play called by Coach Visor?

The same guy that got so hammered by teams, that if it was boxing and not football somebody should have thrown in the towel he was getting so beat up.

Yes, that was Patrick Ramsey.

I think Ramsey hasn't looked very good in the preseason (I wish he did, he's the starter and I support Gibbs decision for him to be starter) and he still struggles with his field vision, accuracy and mechanics.....but he's tough and hopefully improve by the time regular season gets here. This is his last shot in DC, he's got to prove he's the guy----I still don't know if he can do that or not.

Again, I'm really suprised about the 180 turn on Brunell....last year I was in the minority defending Brunell and now everybody is on the Brunell bandwagon......I just don't get it.

Is it the grass is always greener reason (starter is never good enough, but the backup is sooooooo much better)?

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Originally posted by timdaley73

OK, C'MON guys!! Wake up and smell the coffee!! Face REALITY!!

1. Patrick Ramsey is NOT the future of the Redskins.

2. His performaces have been SHAKY AT best (for the last 3 years!!)

3. Mark Brunell was hurt last year.

4. The offensive line was hurt last year.

5. Mark Brunell has the ZIP on his balls this year. Did you see that pass that went right through McCants hands and his hand was in pain?!?!?!

6. Patrick Ramsey does NOT deserve to be our 1st QB this year. His trade/FA values is declining every minute he is on the field because he really looks HORRIBLE!!

7. The most you can ask PR to do is to NOT hurt our chances of winning by T/O...


Mark, is that you?

Who do you like playing better for, the Skins or the Jags?

Which area is better to live in, Jacksonville or DC?

DO you think the year off has rejuvinated your arm?

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"and then the team loses even more because everybody is riding them all the time, and they start believing it when people tell them they suck and they can't win."

No,sir. I will not buy into this crap. I will not take the blame, as a fan, for my team's failure. You know what? They either have the will to focus and win games or they just give up. It hasn't a goddamn thing to do about how much someone rides them. Every week a team is riding them because they want to win just as bad. So, the Redskins as a unit either come to play or they just don't! Period.

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Originally posted by timdaley73

Boxer = QB?!?! Yes, he took a pounding... Most of it Spurrier's fault and some his for holding the ball for 10 minutes!!! But, in NO WAY being tough or taking a lot of pounding a justification to a GOOOOOOOOOD QB!!

Did you even read my post?

Did I say Ramsey was going to make it?

No, I addressed the fact say there are people here who are calling Ramsey a coward and the fact that he had a moron of a coach for 2 years didn't help Ramsey's progression. Ramsey stood in the pocket and took a beating....does that make him a coward?

Hell, if anything Spurrier probably made Ramsey a worse QB than his playing days at Tulane.

Let me ask you something?

Where was your stance on Brunell last year, did you stand by him all last year? Or were you one of the people typing BENCH BRUNELL on this site or somewhere else?

Brunell had 1 good preseason game (I'm glad some Redskin QB did), but before we start calling him MVP, let's see him against 1st stringers.......that's all I have to say on that.

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Originally posted by Potato Sack

"and then the team loses even more because everybody is riding them all the time, and they start believing it when people tell them they suck and they can't win."

No,sir. I will not buy into this crap. I will not take the blame, as a fan, for my team's failure. You know what? They either have the will to focus and win games or they just give up. It hasn't a goddamn thing to do about how much someone rides them. Every week a team is riding them because they want to win just as bad. So, the Redskins as a unit either come to play or they just don't! Period.


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Originally posted by timdaley73

Boxer = QB?!?! Yes, he took a pounding... Most of it Spurrier's fault and some his for holding the ball for 10 minutes!!! But, in NO WAY being tough or taking a lot of pounding a justification to a GOOOOOOOOOD QB!!

I think you're overstating your case. There are a lot of factors that go into good quarterbacking. Protection, understanding the offense, consistency in coaching, ability to avoid nagging injuries, capable wide-recievers, a good running game. Barring the 2nd half of last season (during which I thought he played pretty well for the most part), he's had precious little of any of the above. If he can't lead this team with solid play this season, then it'll be time to move on. But to act as though he's had the reigns and should be solid as a rock by now ignores the obviously less-than-ideal environment he's had to work in up till now.

I'd love to see him have a spectacular pre-season game. But if he does from here on out, it doesn't automatically make him a shoe-in to set the world on fire during the regular season. Just as being less than spectacular over the next few weeks doesn't mean he won't play well during the regular season. Its too early to know, and beating on him seems a little silly at this point in his career. There have been a lot of factors responsible for our lack of success since Ramsey was drafted. It makes no sense to blame Ramsey for our collective frustration.

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Originally posted by timdaley73

OK, C'MON guys!! Wake up and smell the coffee!! Face REALITY!!

1. Patrick Ramsey is NOT the future of the Redskins.

2. His performaces have been SHAKY AT best (for the last 3 years!!)

3. Mark Brunell was hurt last year.

4. The offensive line was hurt last year.

5. Mark Brunell has the ZIP on his balls this year. Did you see that pass that went right through McCants hands and his hand was in pain?!?!?!

6. Patrick Ramsey does NOT deserve to be our 1st QB this year. His trade/FA values is declining every minute he is on the field because he really looks HORRIBLE!!

7. The most you can ask PR to do is to NOT hurt our chances of winning by T/O...


Well im not all for Brunell taking the field again just yet, but I certainly am disappointed in Ramsey, not angry, just disappointed.

Brunell had zip on his throws last night, but McCants had stitches in his hand, thats why he was dropping theball and shakeing his hand.

I honestly dunno what we should do at QB at this time, Id almost say put in Campbell but dont wanna ruin his career. :( screwed

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Originally posted by Zazzaro703

While its def true he played well against 2nd stringers..... all those passes were right on the money, hitting the WR in stride with some zip on it. It would have been difficult for ANY first string Defender to defend those passes. San Diego drafted Rivers last year to take Bree's job, and he rose to the occasion and Rivers still rides the pine..... I/We can only hope Ramsey can do the same. I for one am looking forward to Friday.

I've been saying this since last night. Brunell looks as if his arm has truly healed. Not saying he did anything great against a 1st-line D, but that his passes were money.


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Originally posted by goskins

Did you even read my post?

Did I say Ramsey was going to make it?

No, I addressed the fact say there are people here who are calling Ramsey a coward and the fact that he had a moron of a coach for 2 years didn't help Ramsey's progression. Ramsey stood in the pocket and took a beating....does that make him a coward?

Hell, if anything Spurrier probably made Ramsey a worse QB than his playing days at Tulane.

Let me ask you something?

Where was your stance on Brunell last year, did you stand by him all last year? Or were you one of the people typing BENCH BRUNELL on this site or somewhere else?

Brunell had 1 good preseason game (I'm glad some Redskin QB did), but before we start calling him MVP, let's see him against 1st stringers.......that's all I have to say on that.

Please search my posts from last year. All year long, I stood firm in the stance that Brunell gives us a better chance of winning... PR could HURT us MORE... Brunell was hurt, and the play calling improved to a degree towards the latter part of the season... Brunell could have possibly given us an additional win or 2 that PR gave away... and possibly made the playoffs... But, enough about what could have been... Brunell is better this year... The O-Line is better this year... The coaching staff is better this year from the experience last year... Give Brunell a try and STOP making excuses for Ramsey!!

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